
MTS offices in Moscow: addresses, business hours

In order to be popular among its customers, any mobile operator resorts to various methods of improving the quality of service, tries to be more loyal to subscribers, and increases their level of support. This rule does not bypass one of the largest operators in Russia - MTS. The company is constantly working to provide the highest quality services. We, as ordinary users, see this all the time. And, frankly, sometimes company managers really manage to pleasantly surprise with good service.

National Network

MTS offices in Moscow

In this article we will talk about how and where the MTS offices are located in Moscow. However, we will not give a banal list of addresses and phone numbers, since there are special directories for this. We will try to characterize how the salons are located and how they can be found; and also for what you can turn to specialists in the company MTS store.

So, the company we are describing is the largest in Russia: together with another 2-3 players, it simply divided the mobile market. Therefore, it is not surprising that it has such a wide network, because even in the capital itself there are about 300 salons. This is very convenient for ordinary people, because with a wide network of representative offices one can feel the level of support and assistance. For example, if a subscriber first uses mobile communication services and is not very good at what he should do, representatives at the company’s office will help on the spot.


What can MTS operator (Moscow) offer to ordinary subscribers in its branches? Firstly, here you can purchase any accessory (like the mobile phone itself). A representative office of a company that provides communication services can not only help you activate your mobile number or activate one or another service. This is the standard set, which is the default implied thing. Another thing is that each office is a store in which a showcase with new smartphones, various covers, tablets, memory cards and other electronics is presented. The advantages include the fact that here some categories of goods can be sold much cheaper than in stores of competitive networks. We will discuss this in more detail below.

Secondly, MTS offices in Moscow provide an opportunity to manipulate any character with your number. Let's just say: if you need to connect a new option, or, on the contrary, you would like to refuse a particular package, the best solution for you would be to contact the salon of this company directly. They will help you the fastest.

MTS head office

Thirdly, there is also the head office of MTS. About where it is located, we will tell further. It is clear that for some special issues, subscribers are sent there to find out additional information.

That is, in addition to the fact that the company has a wide network of office-shops, all of them also have a certain list of services, specialization and focus.

The shops

As already noted, MTS offices in Moscow are also mobile accessories stores. You can buy some goods (for example, ordinary smartphones or additions to them) anywhere and, moreover, also at MTS. But there is a category of products that can not be purchased anywhere else. These are devices that are manufactured under the MTS brand (Moscow).

A telephone of this type is called by the name of the operator. The cost of such models is usually very low. The thing is that they are made at Chinese enterprises, which are already busy producing cheap devices.In essence, MTS phones are the same budget “Chinese", only with the logo of this company. That’s why their cost is very low compared to simple phones, and the firmware is configured specifically for the operator’s SIM cards. The quality of their work, of course, varies depending on the model.

In addition to telephones, tablet computers and modems are also released under this brand.

MTS addresses

How to find?

So, we will pass from the description of services provided at the company’s offices, directly to how to find MTS offices in Moscow. At the same time, choosing the closest one is not difficult. Note that there are really a lot of them. As already indicated, the total number of communication units reaches three hundred. We will not list here all addresses related to MTS salons - there simply is no time and place for this article. We will only say that throughout Moscow salons are placed in the form of a ring. Thus, at least one communication salon is present in your area. For more details, see the map on which the numbers are the number of stores in the area.

MTS offices in Moscow where you can change the SIM card

Again, in this format, it is better not to look for MTS offices in Moscow at metro stations (as they often do), but simply to look for the address of the representative office located closest to you. After all, the capital is big enough, but why do you need to go to some station separately? It is better to use a visual display of the city, a map with which you will see how MTS offices are located in Moscow. At metro stations, the search will show that there are almost all branches.

Moscow map

MTS offices in Moscow at metro stations

You can also see the display of the city by which you can navigate the location of offices on the official website. It’s very simple to figure out where the address page is here - in the “Mobile Communications” section (presented as a drop-down menu) there is an item “Shops Salons”. For your convenience, there are different criteria for selecting items that are suitable for your purpose. For example, here you can find a representative office where you can make an appointment without waiting in line; You can find the address of the office, working until late; You can find a store where you will definitely receive a bank card or get a loan to purchase a phone or accessories. That is, it can be said that the operator carefully made sure that customers were able to confidently choose the address of the most suitable salon for themselves.

Shortest way

You can find those MTS offices in Moscow where you can change a SIM card or buy a specific model of electronic device using a graphic card. It operates on the basis of Yandex.Maps, and those representative offices of the company that interest you are marked with flags on it. Thus, you will see with your own eyes how to get to this or that salon. If several offices are located in one district, the system displays a number on such a flag. That is (and it’s convenient) you can always go where there are more representative offices, which means a greater selection of salons.

MTS Moscow

However, this is true for some specific tasks. For example, you need to buy a gadget model that is not available in all stores. If you are interested in some kind of background information, or you just need to buy the starter pack of this operator, there will be no problems if you choose the first nearest branch.

Main office

It would be advisable to pay special attention to the head office of MTS. It is located in the Tverskoy district, at the address: Petrovsky Boulevard, 12 (Building 3). This building is located about 600 meters from the Kuznetsky Most metro station or 200 meters from Trubnaya. This is the administrative center of the company, so it can be assumed that clients come here to solve some formal issues. It can also be assumed that in the head department you can get the opportunity to convey some information to representatives of the company management.

User reviews

If it is important for you to have high-quality mobile communications, MTS (Moscow, like other cities in Russia, is covered by a dense network of stations) is an excellent solution. True, self-service in the salons of the network can also be different. In particular, at one or another address you can be helped in different ways. Somewhere a more savvy and sensible seller will come across, but somewhere you may be served not so efficiently.

MTS Central

In order for the quality of work of employees to suit you as much as possible, you can search (based on reviews) on the MTS website for the address where the service is at its best. Indeed, for some it may seem strange, but many people are really looking for a salon in which they will be helped.

Customer Comments

If you read what subscribers write about the quality of service, you will seriously think about looking for the address of the MTS office, based on the maximum number of positive reviews about it. After all, somewhere incompetent employees come across, in some salon there are no products that may interest you, somewhere else unnecessary paid options are imposed. All this happens, unfortunately, quite often.

Queues and Waiting

Queues may still be an urgent problem. This is especially true if you are interested in “MTS-Central”. Here (meaning the head office) there are most visitors, so it may happen that you have to wait a bit. To avoid this, you can make an appointment in advance or simply choose a different department, if possible.

Working hours

Another important point worth noting is the uptime. Each of the departments has its own schedule. For example, the salon on the Open Highway, d. 9/4 is open every day from 9 to 22; The store on Zvenigorodskoye Shosse can only receive visitors from 10 a.m. On Pervomaiskaya Street, 104A, the work schedule on weekdays and Saturdays is from 9 to 21, on Sunday from 9 to 20:00. On Suschevsky Val Street (Building 5, Building E11), which is located near the Savyolovskaya metro station, the work schedule is from 10:15 to 19:45. In the salon on Tverskaya street, 6 you can be received any day from 9 to 23.

That is, as we see, in a particular department, the regime may differ significantly. And if you want to come not in the “iron” time, but in the morning or late in the evening - it’s better to really clarify whether this or that department is working.

This can be done in a couple of fairly simple and reliable ways. Call the hotline in Moscow (0890 or 8-800-250-0890), and they will tell you when this or that department is working. You can also look at all relevant information (including the address of the current company offices) on the MTS website. We remind you: you need to move the mouse to the item "Mobile Communications", in which the item "Shops" will be available.

operator MTS Moscow

A complete and unified list of all branches is not even on the official website of the company. All information is available in the form of a search engine - and it is provided only after you begin to indicate which city and area you are interested in and what you would like to do. Further, the interactive mechanism will gradually bring this information together and as a result will give the result you need in the form of specific addresses of several salons (but not all at once).

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