
Own business: dry cleaning cars. How to organize dry cleaning

Motorists spend a significant part of their time in the cabin of their car. Sooner or later, this leads to stains and pollution inside. You can remove them yourself, but, as practice shows, it is better to contact a specialized company.

This will allow you to get a better result. According to statistics, a full dry cleaning of the car interior is done by its owner on average two to three times a year. This gives every reason to assume that by creating a competent business plan for auto-dry cleaning and properly organizing its functioning, you can achieve a good income.

Dry Cleaning Need

In our country, such a service is relatively new and has not yet become widespread. At the same time, any owner of the car does not want to see pollution on the upholstery of doors and seats, leather and plastic interior elements and rugs. Moreover, it is unlikely that anyone likes the smell of exhaust gases or absorbed tobacco smoke. Do not forget about the dust, which constantly accumulates inside and harms the health of the driver and his passengers. Dry cleaning of cars will allow you to get rid of all this.

how to organize dry cleaning

Company registration

At present, domestic legislation does not spell out any norms and requirements regarding this type of activity. In this regard, before organizing dry cleaning, it is enough for a novice entrepreneur to register and choose the type of taxation for himself. In our case, it is best to dwell on the payment of taxes according to a simplified scheme. In addition to registration, you must open a bank account. It will be used for cashless payments.

Location selection

A very important factor for organizing a profitable business is the correct choice of location. As practice shows, it is advisable to open the dry cleaning of cars near the sink. The explanation for this is very simple. The fact is that in such places usually only dry cleaning of cars is carried out.

By agreeing with the managers or employees of the car wash, you can provide yourself with a continuous flow of customers interested in removing stains or preparing the machine for sale. In this case, it will be most reliable to pay a symbolic amount for each car sent from there.

What should be the room

The main requirements for the room where the car will be dry cleaned are good lighting and ventilation, as well as the complete absence of extraneous odors and dust in it. It should be remembered that this type of business is based primarily on regular customers. In this regard, it is unacceptable not to notice a speck in the twilight of the upholstery or to allow the cleaned interior to absorb an extraneous smell (for example, from a car service working in the neighborhood).


This area of ​​business looks very attractive from the point of view that there is no need to purchase expensive equipment. All that is required is an air compressor, a vacuum cleaner and accessories. The only significant expense is detergent chemicals. It is best that they be of foreign origin.

Despite the high purchase price, they will be enough for a rather long period (as practice shows, it is about three months at the initial stage of development of the company). It should be noted that it is recommended to use about ten varieties of products. This will allow equally successfully deal with pollution of various types and degrees.

Service staff

At the initial stage of development of a company engaged in dry cleaning cars, it is unlikely to be able to reach a large number of customers. In this regard, at this time, novice businessmen are encouraged to work independently. This applies to both receiving orders and performing work.

With the gradual development of the business, after a while you can hire an employee, which will significantly speed up the process of fulfilling orders. If you have a stable flow of customers, it will make sense in a team of employees who will do everything on their own.

As for the qualifications and experience of employees, there are no special requirements. In order to get acquainted with the technology by which the car is dry-cleaned, as well as to absorb it well, it takes up to three days. In this regard, there will be no problems with their recruitment.


Nowadays, almost no enterprise or company can develop without active advertising. Dry cleaning as a business is no exception and will flourish only if there is a high demand from motorists. To attract them, it is initially recommended to develop a site and place it on a paid hosting. It is advisable to do this before the opening of the company.

The resource should provide detailed information about the process of work (preferably with photographs), the address and contacts of the enterprise. In addition, you can advertise your car dry cleaning by distributing leaflets. As noted above, it is a good idea to attract customers from "friendly" companies - car wash or service station located nearby.

No matter how active the advertising of the services provided, you need to be prepared for the fact that in the first few months after the opening, the presence of one or two orders a week is already a success. As practice shows, dry cleaning cars will begin to bring tangible profits in about six months (as soon as regular customers appear). This means that the entrepreneur must provide for himself a supply of resources, at least for the first two quarters.

Project investment

Compared to many other areas of activity, one of the significant advantages of automotive dry cleaning is considered not to be a very large start-up investment. Taking into account the design of the enterprise, the cost of advertising and the website, a vacuum cleaner with replaceable bags, and a set of chemicals, they will average three and a half thousand US dollars in domestic equivalent.

It should be noted that the lion's share of this money will go to the last two of these positions. The price of a good vacuum cleaner is a little over two thousand dollars. As for the stain remover, its cost ranges from 50 to 70 dollars. Saving on it is not advisable, because this will allow the company to have a good reputation and get regular customers.

Potential income

The cost of dry cleaning a car, first of all, depends on the degree and volume of pollution. Only by evaluating them can we talk about the price for this service. Along with this, it should be noted that by metric standards it is an average of one hundred dollars.

If we take into account that up to 20 percent of this amount will go to the “cleaner” wages and subtract from it the cost of chemical materials required for one cycle, you can get a very attractive potential income of about sixty dollars. Next, from this amount, you should subtract investments that are not constant and may vary - rental of premises, the amount of electricity consumed and others.

dry cleaning cars

In addition, you need to understand that the situation in the regions is completely different. Here, potential customers have much lower consumer ability, therefore - and the price of the service will be less. On average, one dry cleaning car here allows an entrepreneur to earn up to fifteen dollars.


Many motorists do not know the intricacies associated with removing stains in the salons of their "favorites", so they prefer to contact specialized companies.We must not forget that every year the number of cars in our country only increases. All this allows us to safely assume that this type of service will always be in demand.

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Reason for complaint
Cool, of course, is located near a hundred and sinks. But everything happened in my garage. Decided to earn some money. Now full-time dry cleaning. For 8 months I got on my feet. Customers came mainly through Avito, where he posted an ad. I agree that large investments are not required, marketing (favorable conditions) and direct hands are needed.
Three months ago, I discovered a way to earn money like dry cleaning Avito. I did not know that doing this would be so profitable. At first, it was difficult to control everything, find good suppliers of equipment and cleaning fluids, correctly compose ads through message boards, and attract customers. But then everything was sort of sorted out somehow and now I’m working on a trip, if it’s more profitable for me, or in the garage. I have a private house, so the garage is large, and the area near it has to work.
Hello, What equipment and materials are you working on?


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