
Silence at Night: Interpretation of the Law

Often there is a situation where, after a hard day's work, a person dreams of just getting enough sleep in order to be at least in relative order in the morning. But this is far from always possible. Loud sounds of music, singing, the roar of young people walking, the rumble at a nearby construction site and many other similar sounds may simply not allow you to sleep normally, no matter how great the fatigue. To combat such manifestations of unfair neighborhood (both private and legal entities) and to ensure that the peace of citizens at night is guaranteed, the current legislation is used.

Silence legislation

As already mentioned above, in each region the silence at night is regulated by a certain, as it is called, law on night time. Thanks to it, you can affect the high-profile neighbors, manufacturing enterprises located in the district, citizens who park their cars under windows with faulty alarms, and many other factors that produce loud noises that interfere with restful sleep. However, it should be noted that, depending on the region, the legislative norms for this element are quite different from each other, starting from the time at which silence should be maintained, and ending with the degree of punishment for violating it at night.

night time

Short moment of calm

Least of all to enjoy the silence at night will have to residents of Mordovia and the Lipetsk region. In these regions, it should be observed only from 11 am to 6 am, which is only 7 hours. And if in Buryatia there are clearly applicable rules about what can be understood as a violation of silence: loud music, playing musical instruments, loud screams, whistles, repair work, car alarms not turned off, etc., then in the Lipetsk region they were limited to simple and capacious "Any actions that entailed a violation of silence." In addition, fines in these regions also differ.

So, for individuals, the minimum amount is 500 rubles, but the maximum in Mordovia reaches 1,500 rubles, in the Lipetsk region - up to 2,500 rubles. In addition, a fine for officials in Mordovia is not provided at all, and in the Lipetsk region it ranges from 2 to 5 thousand rubles. The maximum threshold for such a payment for enterprises in the same regions is 10,000 rubles, and the minimum is 1 and 3 thousand, respectively.

at night, the peace of citizens

A long, quiet night. And day

Tomsk region is the record holder for silence. It must be observed here practically around the clock, however, during the daytime, repair and construction work is allowed in apartment buildings. Silence at night here is defined as poorly as in the Lipetsk region, and time is clearly specified - at night from 23 to 7, and during the day from 7 to 23 hours. That is around the clock. For violation of this rule a fine is provided. Its size starts from 500, 1000 and 2000 rubles and ends with 1000, 1500 and 5000, respectively.

providing silence at night

Several periods

For most regions, the period considered to be night time is indicated without intervals and has no reservations, but for some it is not. For example, in the Chuvash Republic, silence must be maintained on weekdays from 23 to 7 in the morning, and on weekends and during holidays - from 22 to 8, there is even a special ban on construction work from 21 to 23 hours.

The situation is similar in the Arkhangelsk region, but here the general ban applies from 22 to 6, and for work related to construction or repair - from 20 to 22. In the Krasnoyarsk Territory, the ban is in force from 22 to 9, but on Sunday for construction or repair work is prohibited from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m., which, together with the obligatory observance of silence at night, makes repairs on Sunday completely impossible.

The situation is similar in the Moscow region, where from Monday to Friday it is forbidden to make noise from 21 to 8, and on weekends from 22 to 10. In addition, there is a ban on repair or construction work from 13 to 15 hours.

silence at night

Unusual definitions

The strangest notions of disturbing silence in the Republic of Buryatia and the Stavropol Territory. First of all, the light signals of cars fall under them, and the second - dances. Moreover, it does not matter that the light signals do not emit sounds, and dances are very different, including those that do not produce noise. For violation of these prohibitions fines are provided, but it is not always clear how all this can be proved or even determined.

Do not touch the furniture

In St. Petersburg, the provision of silence at night is also regulated by law, but there are some specific features. So, from 23 to 7 in the morning virtually all loud sounds are forbidden, but from 7 to 12 hours in apartment buildings and only on non-working and public holidays it is forbidden to move furniture. At the same time, nothing is indicated about repair work or construction. For an attempt to move the closet over the weekend, you can get a fine both for a private or official person, or for a legal entity. Moreover, its size is not so small. It starts from 500, 5000 and 25000 rubles, respectively, and ends with 5000 for private individuals, with 50 thousand for legal entities and a space sum of 1 million rubles for legal entities.

night time law

Don't bark

In the Arkhangelsk region already described above, among other things, during the period defined as night time, loud noises made by animals are prohibited, and more precisely, failure to take measures to stop the noise made by pets. The situation is exactly the same in the Samara region, but here the period of silence also depends on the time of year. So, in winter it is forbidden to make noise from 22 to 8 hours, and in summer you can rattle a little longer, since the ban is tightened - from 23 to 8 hours. Penalties in the Samara region for individuals violating this law are from 500 to 1000 rubles, for officials - from 1000 to 1500, and for legal entities - from 2000 to 5000 thousand rubles, which, you see, is quite a lot.

Clear and fuzzy definitions are loud sounds

Depending on the region, the concept of what violates silence differs, if not dramatically, then quite strongly. This is clearly and completely described in the law of the Samara region. There, loud sounds include sound-producing or sound-reinforcing devices, singing, screaming, whistling, loud speech or abuse, repair and construction work, car alarms, fireworks, sounds made by pets, and in general anything that may fall into the category of what breaks the silence.

The situation is similar in the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic, but the law also applies to sound signals repeatedly emitted by vehicles, for some reason animals are not taken into account. The most vague wording in the Tomsk, Novosibirsk and Lipetsk regions. There, it is simply believed that any loud sounds violate the silence without any explanation of what is meant by this, and without gradation of which sounds will be punished and for which not.

night time clock

The smallest and biggest punishment

In the Chuvash Republic described above, a fine for private individuals starts from just 100 rubles and ends with a mark of 1000 rubles. In the Chechen Republic, the minimum threshold is 200 rubles, but the maximum is only 500 rubles. In contrast, they all have to pay from 500 rubles and up to 5000 rubles in the same St. Petersburg or Omsk region.

For example, in the Moscow region the maximum threshold is only 3,000 rubles. By the way, in the Omsk region, the ban has another interesting feature - it is forbidden to make noise not only from 22 to 8 in the morning, but also during rest and sleep hours in medical institutions. It is not entirely clear only whether this applies to those who are adjacent to such institutions, or even to all.

what is night time


Such laws, which ensure silence at night, are very useful for ordinary people who suffer very much from the fact that their neighbors do not understand that they live not alone, that others may want to sleep, that there can be small children behind the wall who cannot fall asleep to loud noises.

There are several not quite logical points and norms that hardly anyone complies with, but in general these laws are only for the benefit of people. Of course, it is far from always the first thing you need to contact the law enforcement agencies, because the situations are different, but if attempts to solve the matter by the world do not lead to success, these laws will come to the aid.

It should be noted that in some cases there are exceptions that allow you to break the silence. These include situations in which the prevention of an offense, the elimination of various accidents, the implementation of work aimed at ensuring the safety of citizens, religious rituals, cultural events and so on.

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