
Who is the reseller? Mediation in other areas

In most cases, goods from production warehouses reach consumers not directly, but through intermediaries. Why it happens? After all, nothing prevents the manufacturer from selling their products. It turns out that the intermediary does it better, since he manages to profit from such operations. It turns out that making a product (product, service) is only half the battle.The mediator is

Mediator: meaning of the word

If we consider the category in general, then the definition can fit any person who in one way or another contributes to the solution of any issue. In the field of trade, an intermediary is a link between a consumer and a supplier. It is present in almost any scheme for promoting a product of a certain company to a specific consumer.

In the relationship between two entities in a state of dispute, a mediator is a structure that helps to resolve the current situation. In this case, his position in relation to the subject of the proceedings should be neutral. Moreover, in some cases, mediators provide only representation of the parties to the arbitrator. In others, they themselves can act as arbitrators or become the guarantor of the fulfillment of obligations.Synonym for the word intermediary

Synonym for the word intermediary

In almost any sphere of public relations there are controversial situations. It’s normal practice to invite an outside observer for their decision. At the international level, the guarantor country can act as an intermediary. Negotiators or regulators are involved in resolving disputes between conflicting (warring) parties. Military referees, command representatives who evaluate disputed maneuvers or other actions of the warring parties may be involved.

In civil disputes, these functions are performed by arbitrators or chairpersons of assemblies. Conflicts at the household level are often resolved by intercessors, mediators, or intercessors. For the relations of official government officials, authorities, large corporations and companies with the public, their authorized representatives or press secretaries act as intermediaries.

When conducting trade transactions between interested parties, intermediaries are sales agents who fulfill their obligations in accordance with the terms of the concluded agreements. In the finance market, dealers, brokers or brokers act as a connecting link. In sports, referees or judges control the implementation of the rules. To some extent, in card games, these are the dealers.Mediator in other words


What is a unifying feature for all possible categories of such relationships? In other words, a mediator is an intermediate side (often neutral) that helps to conduct a dialogue to achieve a positive result when concluding a transaction (resolving a dispute).

Matchmakers are still involved in the relationship between the two families of the future husband and wife in preparation for the wedding. Marriage agencies are intermediaries that promote the familiarity of the parties. Unofficially, these services are provided by procurers (pimps).

When concluding trade transactions, the result for the parties involved should be mutual benefit. In some cases, this may be a financial gain from the sale of a product or service. In others, a profitable investment. The main task in resolving international conflicts is to maintain peace and tranquility in the region.At the household level, as a result of mediation services, family disputes are resolved, financial and other claims are removed without the participation of official judicial bodies.

Risks and Benefits

What do intermediaries get for their activities? Obviously, the result of the work of a sales agent, broker or dealer is financial gain. The implementation of a larger volume of goods is beneficial for the manufacturer. It also benefits consumers if they buy it.

There is a benefit for the intermediary - he receives income from the price difference during the purchase and sale. In another case, this may be a percentage of sales, a reward for fulfilling volumes, or a guaranteed premium from their increase. The relations of all categories of resellers are governed by the norms and rules laid down in the terms of the agreements under which they carry out their activities.

On the other hand, a commercial or financial intermediary is a subject of relations, taking upon itself a number of obligations. In some cases, it can only be a search. interested parties and the provision of information services. In others, the reception of goods at the manufacturer’s warehouse and its delivery to the consumer.

There are other, more complex options, including, for example, after-sales service or warranty repairs, return of goods of inadequate quality and other things. Be that as it may, the presence of conditions for the activities of intermediaries is a sure sign of civilized market relations. They bear responsibility and guarantee it at the expense of their finances or the funds of persons authorized by them to do so.

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