
Business on services: top 10 services. How to make money on services to the population

Currently, a service business is rightfully considered to be a type of entrepreneurial activity that does not require significant upfront investments. To start it, it's enough to use your home PC and mobile phone (preferably with two SIM cards). If we evaluate the matter regarding these insignificant costs, then mathematically we get a significant profitability. With all this, mind you, you do not need to rent an office, pay for advertising.

business on services

The main mission of such a business is to effectively bring the seller with the buyer, the customer with the specialist, performing repair, construction, plumbing, etc. work that is in demand in everyday life. Thus, the basis of its creation are professional services to the population provided by specialists. The accumulated percentage of the intermediary is the income from such a business.

However, on the other hand, if absolute numbers are taken into account, that is, counted in rubles, the start of such an enterprise is not associated with high revenue, it grows gradually, not as fast as in investment.

It is based on a business idea, the relevance of which is proved by an entrepreneur if his work yields a result: the sprout of a business planted by him gains strength and becomes a dynamic enterprise with its own market and creating jobs.

Top 10 Ideas

What business services to choose an entrepreneur? The question is clearly rhetorical, since it does not imply a universal answer. Around us there is an invisible market for popular consumer services, on which money can and should be earned.

How to define it? Take a look at the ads - offers household services. Among the most sought after are: repair and installation of plumbing, electrician services, tutoring, courier services, professional cleaning, tailoring, gardening services, babysitting services, caring for pets, installation of windows, doors.

What should the future entrepreneur do with this list further? You should choose only one, but often enough demanded service, and concentrate on it as much as possible. The market for this service will become your service sector; on its basis you will have to create your own business. In it you have to become a professional.

How to develop a business on the services of an electrician

We give one of thousands of possible examples. In the city, for example, there is a consistently high demand for the services of private electricians. However, in addition to successful days, many of them have periods of downtime when their professional skills remain unclaimed. It is in such circumstances, when information from customers does not reach the performers, that just shows its potential business services.

The business idea is universal: first you form a base of specialists, and then carry out an operational search and provide them with orders.

In order for a pure intermediary to become successful, he should become a recognized dock in the study of demand, find clients by an order of magnitude more efficient than the specialist himself can do. This is the know-how of a business in services.

Entrepreneurship on services as an information service

As mentioned above, it is possible to make money on the services of specialists with their high-quality information support. To do this, with them at this stage is a gentleman's agreement on the transfer of the percentage of the intermediary. In this case, you must evaluate the qualifications of specialists, as well as stipulate the terms of cooperation. For each of them follows:

  • individually determine the percentage of profit that they agree to pay you (preferably 30%, but for starters you can 20%);
  • compile a range of services and prices;
  • specify the methods of operational communication.

At the first stage (we will describe it later), having published several announcements in the press, you yourself take customer orders on a mobile phone and transfer them to professionals. It is recommended for the same purpose to periodically put up ads like "electrician services" in the city.

Professional Rates - Entrepreneur's Handbook

Collaborating with specialists (in our case, with electricians), the entrepreneur sets average market rates for services. With the help of such a pricing mechanism, one of the levels of organization of the future business is built: tariffs for servicing the population.

Here is a valid example of such charging:

  1. Shtroblenie in concrete for electrical wiring - 300 rubles / m.
  2. Strobing in a brick for electrical wiring - 250 rubles / m.
  3. Cable installation with cross-section up to 3.0 mm2 - 50 rubles / m.
  4. Mounting a cable with a cross section of 3.0-10.0 mm2 - 100 rubles / m.
  5. Installation of the box - 100 rubles / m.
  6. Corrugation staging - 50 rubles / m.
  7. Outdoor email point - 230 rubles.
  8. Internal email point in concrete - 600 rubles.
  9. Internal email a point in a brick - 500 rubles.
  10. Replacement of the socket, switch - 350 rubles.
  11. Installation of a chandelier - from 500 rubles.
  12. Installation of household electrical appliances - from 500 rubles.
  13. Installation (assembly) email. shield - from 3500 rubles.
  14. Change of circuit breaker - from 350 rubles.
  15. Installation of the counter - from 760 rubles.

When talking with a client, it is advisable to clarify the approximate cost of the order and, passing it on to the electrician, indicate the customer’s contact phone number, a list of work to be completed, and a list of consumables for purchase.

Business development stages

The business activity we are considering has two clearly defined stages of development: amateur and professional. The first should be taken as a test for the maturity of the future business. The criterion is a profit made up of a monthly fee.

OKVED intermediary services

At the amateur stage, you register completed orders in a convenient universal program, for example, Excel. There should be so many orders to provide specialists with a full-time job. The best - give more profitable tasks.

If extra orders drop out, that is, which your electricians physically cannot service, try moving them to another day. If this is not possible, look for yourself in the directory of strangers electricians, offer them a job, and at the same time recruit specialists under your flag.

By the way, at the first stage, the service business eliminates more than 90% of the planned projects. Quite often, while developing their own strategy, enthusiasts are faced with force majeure circumstances.

First stage. This is not a business yet ...

Suppose an individual successfully and consistently develops his business. When, at what stage does a businessman have the moral right to call himself an entrepreneur and undergo appropriate state registration?

As practice shows, IP registration usually occurs when the average monthly income is $ 350-400. At this stage, people intuitively understand that they have finally passed the test of strength of their business idea of ​​an intermediary.

Second phase. check in

The business of services at the next stage requires the state and tax registration of individual entrepreneurs. You should familiarize yourself with the Federal Law “On Registration of Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs”, based on the specialization of “intermediary services” - OKVED 74.50 - hiring of labor, as well as personnel selection, as well as OKVED code 74.8 - providing various services.

To register you will need an application (form P21001), a passport, a certificate of receipt of an identification code, payment of state duty (800 rubles).

The most demanded in this business is tax registration according to a simplified system. Documents submitted: the aforementioned registration package, as well as the application (form 26.2-1).

Development features

Now that the business intermediary has reached a new level, he will need a phone dedicated to the business.It is desirable that it be multi-channel (so as not to lose customer numbers), with a memorable number, as well as a specialized site for registering customers. This number should be advertised in various ways in the city. Such advertising is the most important task for the founder.

business intermediary

You can’t rent an office for now. Inexpensive rental in a residential area will make sense if the monthly profit reaches $ 1.5-2 thousand. Then you can start hiring dispatchers, shifting the emphasis of your work from maintaining to attracting specialists. With them you will now conclude an agreement on information support. The document must necessarily show how much the services of an intermediary cost.

It will require the purchase of office equipment, the purchase and configuration of dispatch software (for example, from a 1C manufacturer). Thus, a complete history of your income and work will be kept.


Business services is labor intensive. Having made the choice of "your" service among the most popular in your region, you will have to study its features and tariffs. To succeed is not enough to spend 8 hours a day. Only through the creative search for their personal know-how can enthusiasts manage, like a frog from a well-known parable, to “whip butter from sour cream” and jump into the realm of this information business.

Relations with specialists should be built from the very beginning on an official basis, without familiarity. It is advisable to know their marital status, date of birth, place of residence, contact information. A clear production and financial accounting should be provided in the context of each specialist. Collaboration is the key to business success on services.

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Reason for complaint
what to do if the town is small. there are many competitors. and in the fall there were a lot of orders. and by winter there are very few. what to do in this situation ???
Vlad Klinkov
In general, I have long come to the conclusion that it is better to sell something (to provide a servant) to companies, since they order a lot and for a long time :)

Sincerely, Vlad Klinkov!


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