
How to make money through mediation? Mediation as a business from A to Z

mediationToday, there are a lot of ways to make money, with which you can fully support yourself.

Someone is engaged in the production of food, someone produces metal structures, while others are engaged in earnings on the Internet.

Oddly enough, but few people think that mediation is a very profitable business that can bring huge profits.

The only problem is how to choose for yourself the right niche for doing business, as well as organize it wisely.

How to start making mediation?

To become an intermediary, you must have the following qualities:

  • the ability to quickly find relevant and valuable information that can be resold;
  • ability to negotiate and reach consensus on all parties.

Positive and negative aspects of mediation

The positive aspects include very good earnings, and the work itself cannot be categorized as particularly difficult. In addition, it is not at all necessary to invest any significant funds at the very beginning of its activity.

If we talk about negative aspects, then it is necessary to highlight a fairly frequent disruption of activity for reasons beyond your control. In addition, there are times when one of the parties does not fulfill its payment obligations.

how to become an intermediary of an online clothing store

In general, such incidents can be avoided if you choose the right field of activity that will be of interest to you and where you can be well oriented. Since today business has been divided into two parts, when entrepreneurs can work not only in the "real" world, but also on the Internet, we will consider all areas where mediation may be required.

Property For Sale

It's no secret that the housing issue is a very acute problem in our country, and therefore attracts many entrepreneurs of all stripes. A sustainable seller / buyer chain is created. The intermediary can effectively work with them, getting their part from the transaction. Note that you do not need to confuse the intermediary and the realtor.

You can find a client interested in buying an apartment with certain parameters, and then conduct independent monitoring of the real estate market. Many people simply do not have time for this, and therefore they will gladly take advantage of your services. The same situation is with sellers who do not have time to search for prospective buyers.

What other business ideas of intermediaries still exist?

In the same area includes apartment renovation. Now there are many people who want to professionally repair their housing, but do not have the ability to independently carry out this work. You can earn great money if you offer customers a search for professional finishing teams.

So, before you make money on mediation in this area, it is better to get hold of useful connections in advance. Read the thematic forums, look for people on the newspaper ads. Nobody ever refuses the services of really good intermediaries, since independent customer search is a dreary and costly business for a business, a person loses time on this.

In all these cases, you should not take more than 3-5% of the transaction, as this immediately scares away potential customers.

Online Mediation

On the World Wide Web, the opportunities that mediation provides are much greater.Such activities may well include services for placing links to products provided by the seller, as well as the search for prospective customers. If you perfectly know foreign languages, then the amount of earnings can be even more.

The fact is that today there are a huge number of merchants who are not averse to buying goods in the same China. The problem is that working with Chinese suppliers has a lot of nuances that are not known to everyone. If you can negotiate with them, then the amount of earnings may exceed 10-15% of the final transaction amount.

Partnership programs

In addition, affiliate programs can be very beneficial. In this case, a formal contract is concluded with the product supplier, according to which you receive money for the promotion of its goods on the Internet. In some cases, the amount of earnings can reach 13-15% of each transaction.

How is a partnership agreement made?

This is nothing complicated. First you need to register on any partner resource, enter all your details and get your unique identification link. Place a link on your resource and start receiving a legitimate percentage of each click on it. But! Much more profitable is the scheme in which you get a reward for every real buyer who came from your site.

In general, all advertising on the Internet is a typical intermediary activity. In some cases, the price of advertisements can reach several thousand dollars per post.

Online stores

In no case can not ignore this issue. No, we are not talking about domestic enterprises of this kind (although you can make money here too). Take the popular Taobao resource.

construction intermediaryThere are millions of goods, prices are very attractive, and therefore there are a lot of people who want to buy something there for themselves. The only problem is that the site is Chinese, and it does not work with our country in principle.

So how to become an intermediary of an online store of clothes and other everyday goods?

First you need to create a site. All the same lots are placed on it as on the original resource, but with the price in rubles (which your mark-up is already included in). Your task is to buy these goods, organize their delivery. In this case, the percentage for mediation may exceed 30%.

Official registration

Novice intermediaries usually bypass this item, but in vain. The fact is that all your activity will be based on one thing - on trust. And what will be your attitude if your activity is not registered even as a banal individual entrepreneur?

By the way, what kind of intermediary activity does OKVED have? Alas, our legislation does not provide a separate code for this activity. For mediation in the field of ordinary (not on the Internet) business activities, code 74.87 is suitable. If you intend to offer your services on the network, it is better to use 72.4, code 72.2 or 72.6.

What documents do you need?

mediation business

We have already said that many people prefer to engage in this business without registering their business. Do not think that this is illegal, because if you draw up a contract for an individual, you can legally pay taxes, and the inspection authorities will not have questions for you.

The only problem is what we have already talked about. Not a single large company (and a private trader too) will conclude more or less important agreements with anyone. Therefore, in the first place, you will need to register your own IP. Next, a regular service contract is concluded. But!

The tax office may have questions, as they need real evidence that you really provided these services. And therefore, upon the completion of work, it is necessary to draw up a special act. Its provisions are governed by Art. 9 Federal Law "On Accounting". It should have the following positions:

  • full name of the document;
  • date of its compilation;
  • name of the company on behalf of which the act was drawn up;
  • name and content of the operation;
  • the amount (volume) of services in monetary or economic terms;
  • a list of all persons, as well as all their posts, which are responsible for concluding and fulfilling the contract;
  • signatures of all these persons;
  • the most detailed list of all services provided or goods sold.

Organization Costs

business mediator ideas

In this regard, it all depends solely on the direction of your activity and how to implement it. So, if you plan to sell goods via the Internet, you can not do without your site. Depending on its complexity and the company that will do it, its cost can range from a couple of thousand rubles to several tens of thousands of dollars.

In the case when you are going to sell Chinese goods, there will be even more costs, because we need translators, you need to establish contacts with people who know the specifics of Chinese business well.

Add a waste of money to pay for customs duties, transport, storage of goods in a warehouse. In a word, making an extra charge of less than 30-40% is unreasonable.

If you are an intermediary in construction or repair, then it costs less. We need money for mobile communications, negotiations with representatives of the developer, as well as transport. In a word, you can spend from five thousand rubles to tens of thousands of dollars for mediation. Of course, the mediation business in all these cases will give you different incomes.

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