
The inflation rate in Russia: dynamics and forecast

The inflation rate in Russia represents a gradual increase in the cost of services and goods. This process is characterized by a spasmodic or gradual decrease in the purchasing power of both the domestic currency and other countries. In other words, after some time (sometimes quite short) for the same amount, consumers will acquire less than they could before.

Over the past 25 years, the increase in levels has been uneven. In recent years, there has been another increase. Inflation in 2014 exceeded expectations and reached 11.4%. The first quarter of last year was characterized by a value of 11.5% and a subsequent decrease. According to the forecast of Rosstat, the planned level of 4% will be achieved only in the last quarter of 2017.

inflation rate in Russia

Dynamics calculation

Measurement of inflation is possible by several methods, the most common is the use of the index. The country is determined consumer basket services and goods used by all average citizens to maintain a satisfactory existence. Present there are the most necessary products, services that cannot be dispensed with, rent (rent), clothing.

When accounting, a comparison is made of the costs of products and services with respect to the earlier stage, set as the main. The level of inflation in Russia over the years is determined by Rosstat, it is also engaged in the compilation and publication of forecasts for the coming period. Actual quantity consumed and composition changes are also taken into account in the calculation process.

inflation rate in Russia by years

Consumption index

Thanks to the consumption index, it is possible to accurately determine the inflation rate in Russia, which is detected by the fluctuation of the total price of the consumer basket in each time period that follows the base one. An example is the basket price for July 2011, which amounted to 3149 rubles. In the role of the main indicator of the index, this value is recorded for subsequent periods. The size of the consumer index at the time of determining the base value is 100%. The prices for the goods and services present in the basket are determined by weekly consumption.

It should be borne in mind that in establishing inflation, a rather detailed basket is used. It includes an extensive list of food and household goods, medicines, tolls, fuel, utilities, news publications and more, without which it is difficult to imagine a decent human being.

high inflation in Russia

What are forecasts for?

The cheapening of currencies is an objective process that affects not only the economy, but also all aspects of life that are associated with money. In order to preserve the consumer ability of citizens and prevent a decline in the quality of life, the inflation rate in Russia is closely monitored by the Central Bank and government agencies.

Thanks to the forecast, in some situations it is possible to use state regulation for a less noticeable and smooth passage of the process. For example, the state of the food market is affected by grain interventions from the country's reserves.

The correct preparation of the state budget and its implementation is impossible without a competent forecast of financial changes. In the social sphere, one of the tasks is the timely indexation of salaries and pensions, which will soon begin to depreciate without it.The high inflation rate in Russia negatively affects the banking system and the state economy, which is why the country's main task is to make it regulated, predictable and keep it under control.

Depreciation of currency

The inflation rate in Russia is significantly affected by the state of the economy of the whole world. In financial terms, the country, unfortunately, is not self-sufficient due to the fact that the main emphasis is on the export of goods. Changes in the oil and gas market also affect the ruble, which leads to an appropriate response in the form of increased prices for goods.

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