
Consumer basket Russian. The cost of a consumer basket in Moscow. What is included in the consumer basket

Consumer basket is a rather important indicator of the economic development of any country. It clearly shows the level of well-being of citizens. Depending on the cost of living and size minimum wage established by the state, the composition of the consumer basket is different. In some countries, even luxury items such as dating on Internet sites are included in the list. In other states, this indicator is very scarce and does not even provide the necessary food. It all depends on how much the country's economy can provide for the basic needs of its population.

What determines the size of the consumer basket

The Constitution of the Russian Federation, the fundamental law of the country, proclaims our state as legal, democratic and socially oriented. This means that the government is trying to provide its citizens with decent living conditions, a guaranteed minimum. consumer basket

For the calculation, certain uniform standards are used, which are guaranteed by law. They allow you to determine the minimum needs of people who are calculated according to a special basic methodology and fixed normatively.

The main indicators in our country are:

  • living wage;
  • minimal salary;
  • consumer basket.

These are the three basic components on which the economy relies. Living wage, Like the consumer basket, different regions of the Russian Federation have different indicators.

Products, goods and services

The cost of living for all residents of Russia is established by the law of the Russian Federation No. 134. It was adopted on October 24, 1997.

Speaking with the letter of the law, the subsistence level of a person is the cost of the consumer basket and the mandatory payments and fees. If a person does not independently provide for himself a living wage fixed by the state, he has the right to receive benefits and benefits, subsidies and other types of guaranteed assistance. Simply put, he is below the poverty line when he cannot provide for his basic needs for various reasons. Then the state comes to his aid.

A Russian consumer basket is a certain set of food products, household goods, clothes and shoes, as well as some necessary services, without which vital activity and normal human life are impossible. Simply put, this is a necessary minimum for every citizen of Russia.

The composition of the consumer basket directly depends on the economic well-being of the country. In different states, it is significantly different. The higher the welfare of the country, the more the consumer basket is filled. So, all calculations are based on how full the state budget is. what is included in the consumer basket

More important

Although all calculations (the amount of certain taxes, fees, payments, administrative fines, etc.) are based on the basic subsistence level, the consumer basket is still a more important economic indicator. It is on its basis that economists calculate the money that is necessary for the existence of each person. It directly affects the formation of the budget.

Calculations are made at two levels:

  1. In the whole Russian Federation, it is determined what the consumer basket in Russia should be in its monetary and commodity equivalent.It is the government of the country and the tripartite commission for the regulation of social and labor relations. Then this norm is fixed by federal law.
  2. Each subject of the Federation separately establishes for himself what is included in the consumer basket and what will be its monetary equivalent. It depends not only on the economic condition of the region. It also takes into account such components as the need of the local population for certain goods, climate, traditions and so on.

How often changes

The cost of living in each region is reviewed every quarter and can change one way or another four times a year. This is normal and legal.

But the minimum consumer basket is determined for the next five years. The last time it was revised was in December 2012 (Federal Law No. 227). Therefore, a revision of this indicator this year is not planned. Although at the end of 2014 some changes and additions were made. It is clear that if the consumer basket was determined three or four years ago, and during this time the products and goods rose in price, then the basket itself increases in price. It becomes more expensive in monetary terms.

The law (in particular, in Article 2) clearly spells out what is included in the consumer basket. It takes into account the main social and demographic subgroups of the population.

Clear ratio

It is worth noting that the products of the consumer basket are defined by a specific clear list. Consumption rates are indicated in kilograms and liters per year. But the products of the consumer basket in the list are indicated as the ratio in price to food, which is expressed as a percentage.consumer basket in Russia

Simply put, the amount of goods and services should be 50 percent of the cost of food.

Thus, to find out the total price of a consumer basket, you need to multiply by two the cost of grocery goods.

It is easier to remember these data using the following formula:

Grocery goods + non-food products (they make up 50 percent of the products) + services (also half of the cost of the grocery basket) = consumer basket.

Even according to this scheme it is clear that half of one's income has to be spent on feeding oneself.

What should be included in the consumer basket

So, with the percentage, everything is clear, now let's move on to filling. The consumer basket is divided into three categories, which include:

  1. Food, namely: cereals, flour products, vegetables, meat, fish, dairy products and others.
  2. Non-food products: clothing, shoes, household appliances, medical supplies.
  3. Utilities and other services: payment for housing, water, heat, electricity, gas, as well as expenses for public transport, trips to cultural places and more.

In 2015, the Russian government, for example, decided to slightly reduce the number of bakery products (up to 127 kg) and potatoes (the norm is 101 kg) per person. But the amount of meat has been increased - the norm is 59 kg per year. Also increased fish performance - up to 19 kg and dairy products. The norm of milk, kefir and sour cream is 293 liters for each resident of Russia.

Another feature - greens are added to the diet. So in the food category, the changes were significant. But the two other categories of the consumer basket are practically unchanged.

What will they feed us?

If we consider the norms of the consumer basket for Moscow and Muscovites, then this is the picture. Every day, every citizen can consume:composition of the consumer basket

  • 370 grams of bread;
  • 290 grams of potato;
  • 370 grams of vegetables;
  • 180 grams of fruit;
  • 780 grams of dairy and sour milk products;
  • 60 grams of sweets;
  • half an egg;
  • 70 grams of fish;
  • 180 meat.

In addition, the composition of the necessary products include vegetable oil, tea, fats and so on. Such foods are essential in the diet. As you can see, there are no cheeses, seafood, alcohol, sugary drinks, or delicacies.

It is worth noting that the consumer basket in Moscow is designed for three main groups of the population. These are children, the working population and senior citizens. In this case, the cost of living is:

  • per capita - 12,145 rubles;
  • for pensioners - 8 528 rubles;
  • for children - 10 443 rubles ..

Three categories of citizens

In calculating the cost of living for the capital, the specifics of the region are taken into account. For example, if in the whole country services should be 50 percent of food, then in Moscow (for the able-bodied population) they are within 127 percent. For pensioners and children, this ratio is slightly lower - 75 percent.Russian consumer basket

It is worth noting that the consumer basket for the working-age population, pensioners and children has some differences. This is due to basic needs and age. So, for pensioners, the norms of food and, accordingly, goods and services are lower by about 10 percent. As for children, here the norms of vegetables and fruits are higher than for the able-bodied population. This is due to the fact that a growing body requires more vitamins and fiber. This is reflected.

There are features and geographical order. In the Murmansk region, for example, the number of food products that are included in the consumer basket is greater than in central Russia. But the rate of consumption of vegetables is lower than in other regions of Russia.

Each time, before approving the new norms of the consumer basket, a thorough consultation is held with specialists - doctors and nutritionists. Guided by their recommendations, the commission makes a list of products and their quantity.

What needs to be supplemented

Naturally, the consumer basket of any country is a guaranteed minimum set of products, goods and services. Therefore, constantly there are proposals to expand this list, supplement it with the necessary cost items. Indeed, every year more and more services and goods appear, without which everyday life becomes impossible or inferior.

Lawmakers and social activists in Russia propose the inclusion of such important aspects:minimum consumer basket

  • help of a hired nanny (very important due to the lack of places in kindergartens);
  • services for paid medicine;
  • insurance of housing and vehicles;
  • rental housing;
  • computers, laptops, etc.

In general, there are proposals to supplement the consumer basket in nine positions.

Of course, these are things without which the life of a modern person is extremely difficult to imagine today. And naturally, a new standard of living should be reflected in the consumer basket. But behind each position there should be a clear economic justification.

What about them?

Of course, it is always interesting how things are with similar indicators in other countries? What is the size of the consumer basket, for example, in Europe?

Yes, in comparison with European countries, the Russian basket will look a bit poor. It currently has only 156 basic names of products, goods and services. But in the UK there are more than 700, in Germany - 475. In France there are 250 items in the consumer basket, in the USA - 300, in England - 350. At the same time, in the UK the composition of the consumer basket is adjusted annually. And there are such positions that we are still very far from. This, for example, the cost of buying e-books, payment of various mobile applications for dating, as well as payment for the Internet, mobile communications and other "entertainment".

What is the reason for this? Naturally, with the general situation in the country's economy. The richer the state, the more it can afford to include names in this important socio-economic indicator. The lower the economic level of the country, the less in the consumer basket the names of compulsory goods and services.

Pensions and subsidies depend on the basket

You can’t just take and enter those positions that are necessary.Indeed, the law on the consumer basket assumes that on the basis of its value, such an important indicator as inflation is calculated, and the size of pension benefits, social payments and state subsidies is also determined. Therefore, you can’t just add to the list those products and goods that you would like. After all, an increase in the cost of living will lead to additional social burdens on the state. But can it then fulfill its obligations?

Therefore, if you ask a person at least to make up your personal calculation of the consumer basket, then it will differ significantly from the official one.

Some more interesting facts

With the products that are part of the consumer basket, it’s clear. But it’s interesting what else is defined by this norm and for how many years.consumer basket products

Concerning household services then every Russian of working age can spend 285 liters of water per day, both hot and cold. Agree, this is very generous! According to the calculations of the consumer basket per month, it is possible to burn 10 cubic meters of natural gas, as well as consume only 50 kW of electricity. So with electricity you have to be more economical.

But interesting data on outerwear. According to the norms of the consumer basket, an able-bodied person is entitled to three subjects of the “upper coat group”. And not for a year, but for 7 and a half years. But after all, in different weather, appropriate clothing is also needed — a fur coat, jacket, coat, windbreaker, and so on. And then it turns out that you can buy a new jacket once every 8-10 years! Women should very carefully wear a skirt, given that it should last 5 years. But the shoes relied more - two pairs a year. Skeptics will say: is it possible to wear only two pairs for a whole year? The bra is designed for as much as 3 years, a business suit for 5 years, and trousers for 4 years.

But here it is worth recalling once again that the Russian consumer basket determines only the necessary minimum. And remember that with the growth of the country's well-being, the norms of the consumer basket also increase.

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