
Good reasons for being absent from work: features, requirements and grounds

Today, you and I will learn the good reasons for not being at work. Actually this question is extremely important. Especially if you work for a short time in one place or another, but for some reason you need not to visit your place of work. Unfortunately, not everyone knows good reasons. And sometimes your rights may be violated. In addition, no conscientious employee wants to get absenteeism. Therefore, let's try to understand what are the good reasons for not appearing at work, how to prove them.good reasons for not being at work


The first step is to figure out what truancy is. Maybe it's not so scary? Or is your failure to show up as absenteeism for one reason or another?

According to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, absenteeism is failure to appear at work without good reason. But at the same time, there is one small limitation that can save an employee from punishment. Which one? The thing is that you have the right to punish only when the absence appears for more than 4 hours in a row. Then and only then it will be considered truancy. The rest can not be afraid.

In addition, pay attention to the fact that truancy is not the absence for some time of an employee in the workplace, which is not unique to him. And now it's worth exploring the good reasons for not being at work. When can you not be afraid of punishment from the leadership?


It is worth knowing exactly why you have the right not to come to work. Indeed, very often it turns out that the boss considers what is happening to you an insignificant circumstance. But in a detailed trial, it turns out that you had a really good reason for not being in the workplace. These are quite common cases.

To be safe again, try to warn the management that you will not come to work. And fix it in some way. If you want to be fired for absenteeism, you can use the evidence that you have taken measures to warn the employer about your absence. Moreover, if you have already been fired, please file a complaint with the court. You will be restored (if you had a good reason for not being at work) and paid for this day. Nothing difficult, right? Only few people know under what circumstances truancy will not be considered as such.good reason for not being at work


Being absent from work without a good reason is the basis for your punishment. In fact, it is worthwhile to clearly understand when the employer really has the right to regard your absence as truancy. It has already been said that often the legitimate grounds and opinion of management in this matter do not coincide.

A list of good reasons to be absent from work begins with adverse weather conditions. That is, if it was for this reason that you could not get to the workplace, then you have no right to impose any sanctions on you. Was there a hurricane? Great snowstorm? Blizzard? Traffic jams or thick fog? There is no punishment for all this. Just try to warn your employer in advance of your absence. Often, weather conditions are not, according to management, a really important reason that you are absent from your workplace for more than 4 hours in a row. So your rights are worth knowing.

From vacation

The following scenario is not so common.The thing is that sometimes an employee for one reason or another can not return on time from vacation. Often the weather is to blame. This item is considered a good reason for not being at work. So your superiors will have to consider it.absence from work without good reason

Of course, as in the previous case, try to warn the manager about delays. If this cannot be done, simply stock up with evidence that you really could not return home for reasons beyond your control and get to work. Otherwise, they may try to punish you or dismiss you altogether. And then you have to resort to judicial debate. And they bring few people pleasure.


What else could be a good reason for not being at work? Examples of some scenarios are already known to us. But this, as a rule, does not end the conversation. In general, the Labor Code does not have a clearly defined list. So all responsibility for this issue rests with the employer, not the employee. After all, it will be he who will be punished and called to account if the citizen was fired for absenteeism, which in fact is not such.

Among the possible scenarios, one can also single out the arrest. If you are being arrested for one reason or another, or you were detained by law enforcement officers as a witness, no one has the right to give you absenteeism. And even more so to punish to one degree or another. Often it is possible to warn the employer without any problems that you have been arrested or brought to testify as a witness.considered a good reason for being absent from work


Another scenario is the breakdown of public transport. If you get to work, for example, by bus, then its malfunction can be included in the good reasons for not being at work. In fact, it is this item that requires special attention.

Why? One thing when it comes to public transport, which moves out of town. Or to the city directly, for example from a village or village. That is, long-distance travel. When it is impossible to get to the workplace in any other way or in time to wait for the next transport, so as not to be late. Quite another is urban public transport, which runs at regular intervals.

In order for the breakdown to be considered a good reason, it is worth making all possible efforts to arrive at the employer on time. Of course, try to warn your superiors about the incident. In such circumstances, no one will have the right to punish you and give absenteeism. After all, you are dealing with a good reason, which does not depend on you and your desire.


What else is worth paying attention to? The good reasons for not being at work can be different. And few people know about them, because in reality, the Labor Code of the Russian Federation does not spell out a clear list of these. It is necessary to consider each case separately.good reason for not being at work examples

Thus, another good reason for being absent from work is caring for a needy / sick relative or child. If your help was sharply required, no one has the right to set off absence from the workplace as absenteeism. Indeed, life circumstances may be different. So consider this factor. Often, employers even try to impose certain penalties on him when a citizen cares for a sick and needy relative or child. It's illegal. Most likely, if you go to court, then he will be on your side.

Emergency work

Life is something that is impossible to predict and predict. A variety of incidents and surprises can happen to everyone, no one is safe from this. So you have to constantly think about what good reasons can be for absenteeism. Why will they not dismiss an employee who has not appeared at the workplace?

We have already met with some points.But as already mentioned, there is no exact list anywhere. Each case is considered separately, and the responsibility for punishment rests with the employer. The next scenario is nothing more than emergency repair work in an employee’s house / apartment. If a repairman came, he should provide access to the home. And at the same time, absence from work under such circumstances will not be considered truancy.

Here, too, there is one caveat - all emergency repairs should not be carried out at the request of a truant employee. In other words, we are only talking about forced measures. But if you yourself decided to call, say, the plumbing home, instead of going to work, then your absence will be regarded as absenteeism.list of good reasons for not being at work


It is also worth paying attention to the fact that accidents are good reasons for being absent from the workplace. This is especially true for those who drive a car on their own, and also get to work on their own cars.

Of course, if an accident occurs, you should warn someone about your absence. But you can not do it. Then you will have to obtain evidence that you really did not skip, but could not arrive on time for work. Now it’s not so difficult to do this. So try again to be safe. And if you have a real opportunity to arrive on time, do it. Otherwise, you can be afraid of a certain punishment.


What are good reasons for not appearing at work? There are a lot of them. But a clear list, as already mentioned, is not. And it is unlikely that he will appear. So you have to independently understand this issue.

In addition to the already listed options for the development of events, one can attribute to our list of good reasons the passage of treatment, rehabilitation, or visiting a doctor. Usually they are asked to do this from work. But if you have not done this, it will be enough to present a referral to a doctor or sick leave sheet / outpatient card to prove his innocence. Sometimes a doctor can just write you a certificate stating that you really visited him or underwent this or that treatment. In this case, no one has the right to dismiss or somehow punish you. It’s illegal.what are the good reasons for not appearing at work

As you can see, there are many reasons. The issue of absenteeism and good reason for being absent from work, as a rule, has always been very acute. Indeed, in the current legislation of the Russian Federation there is no clearly defined list of possible reasons why an employee is able to go unpunished if he is not at work for more than 4 hours in a row.

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