
We draw up an act of absence from the workplace. Sample order of disciplinary action

An employee performing a labor function by concluding an employment contract bears certain rights and obligations. His main duty is to adhere to the rules of the work schedule, stay in place for a certain period of time and fulfill the duties entrusted to the manager. And if the working day is in full swing, and the employee never showed up?

Act of absence of an employee in the workplace

The act of absence from the workplace, the model of which is given in the article, is the first thing that the employer must do to fix such a deplorable fact.

What is truancy?

Labor legislation defines truancy as follows: absence of an employee in the place where he is obliged to perform his work for four or more hours in a row. Moreover, for a correct understanding of the fact, the absence should be for a disrespectful reason and occur during a shift or working day. It is considered a gross violation of discipline, for the commission of which penalties are applied. Sample order of disciplinary action for absenteeism is also given below. The type of penalty in each case is selected individually.

how to draw absenteeism

Identification of truancy. How to make absenteeism?

As a rule, the absence of an employee on the spot is revealed by his immediate supervisor, who, using a memo, informs the person who has the right to receive, dismiss and apply punishments for violations. Moreover, you should not get excited and immediately draw up a recovery order, first you need to correctly register the act of absence of an employee in the workplace. The need to draw up a document is dictated by the fact that subsequently, after making a decision on recovery, it will be the basis for the issuance of the relevant order.

Act of absence from the workplace sample

The employee’s non-appearance on the time sheet is made out by putting the IU code, then, depending on the reasons for the absence, it can be replaced by letter B - incapacity for work or PR - absenteeism with clarified reasons.

Identification of reasons for absenteeism

An important step in the enforcement chain. The reason for the absence may be respectful. Courts say disrespectful reasons include:

  • the use of leave and time off without agreement with the head;
  • refusal to work out the due date after submitting an application for termination of the employment contract;
  • leaving work before the expiration of the contract.

Absence Act: Model

The document in question from the point of view of the basics of office work refers to reference documents. It confirms the fact that the employee did not appear for work without a good reason, absenteeism, lateness.

I must say that there is no single unified form of the document, each enterprise independently develops on its form an act of absence from the workplace, a sample of which is on the desktop of each specialist in the personnel department. It contains the following items:

  • title and title of the document;
  • Name of the drafters of the act, job title and list of witnesses;
  • a brief description of the violation itself, the name of the violator, the place and date of absence;
  • signatures of officials who drew up the act;
  • signature of the violator, which thus confirms the fact of familiarization with the document.

Below you can see what the act of absence from the workplace should look like (sample).

LLC “Flight to the Stars”

Absence Act

“June 31”, 2030, Samyylashchinsk

I, the senior inspector for repair and locksmith work, Bezdumtsev I.P. in the presence of technician A.G. about a workplace (absent) in the workshop No. 3 for assembling wings for rockets, located on the territory of the Polet cosmodrome for about 5 hours. I did not warn about valid excuses for the absence.

The content of the act is confirmed by signatures

Signed I.P. Bezdumtsev

Signed A. S. Garinov

Signed V.K. Samodelkin

Familiarized with the act, the copy was signed by I. S. Durashkin

General procedure for applying penalties

After drawing up the act and ascertaining the reasons for the failure to appear, the head makes a decision on the disciplinary sanction of the negligent employee. Collection can follow in the form of a reprimand, remark or dismissal. It should be remembered that the legislation determines the terms of penalties: it can be applied no later than six months from the date of the misconduct and within 30 days from the date of its identification. Before each application of penalties, the employee requires explanations, which must be in writing. Lack of explanation may lead to the cancellation of the order, which imposed a penalty on the employee for violation of discipline, in court.

For absenteeism, a penalty of dismissal, reprimand, or reprimand may be applied.

Making absenteeism without dismissal

Making a worker absenteeism without dismissal by reprimanding is the most common form of punishment for this violation of labor discipline. Nevertheless, neglecting reprimands is not recommended for employees, since subsequently reprimands can entail dismissal for systematic non-fulfillment of a labor function.

Sample order

A sample order for disciplinary action for absenteeism may be as follows:

LLC “Flight to the Stars”

Order No. 0000024

July 15, 2010 Samyyloshchinsk

“On disciplinary action”

For violation of labor duties and labor regulations (absenteeism), in accordance with Art. 192-193 of the Labor Code

I order

reprimand locksmith Durashkin I. S.

base: Memo, deed of absence, explanatory.

Director General Signature I.K. Samodurov

I got acquainted with the order. Signed I. S. Durashkin

Sample order for disciplinary action for absenteeism

Here is an algorithm for applying punitive measures to a negligent employee who is not at work.

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