
In what cases is it necessary to draw up a confirmation letter?

Among the huge number of business correspondence options, a confirmation letter deserves special attention. What is it and in what cases should a similar document be drawn up?

the main goal

Business ethics always provides for mutual respect between the parties. This is a prerequisite for the normal conduct of business. Without it, it is impossible to imagine any long and fruitful cooperation. A confirmation letter is sometimes just necessary.

confirmation letter

In itself, it is not so important. This is just a gesture of politeness. He makes it clear that what the partners agreed the day before happened. That is, a confirmation letter states the fulfillment of some fact or action. In this case, there are two options:

  1. Confirmation of receipt of goods, letters or other documents that are sent by prior request. Here, one of the parties notifies the other that the action has been completed.
  2. Confirmation of consent with something specific (price or quantity of goods, date of upcoming negotiations, conditions for sending goods, and others). Here, companions express their approval for certain points of agreement.

From this it is clear that the confirmation letter is an optional document. But sending it once again shows the partner with which attention and respect they are treated.

Spelling rules

To understand how to write a confirmation letter, you need to know the basic rules for processing business papers. You should not take up work until the meaning of such an appeal is fully understood. In fact, there is nothing complicated.

how to write a confirmation letter

Such a letter, like all other business correspondence, should consist of three parts: heading, text and conclusion. Each of them carries its own semantic load:

  1. The title first of all contains details in the form of the date of departure and outgoing registration number.
  2. The content is usually divided into two parts: introduction and body text. Such a letter, as a rule, begins with an appeal to the addressee. These are the usual rules of good form. In most cases, it is written in the name of the head of the partner company, but sometimes it is advisable to address such official paper to a specialist who is directly involved in solving this issue. For example, an order confirmation for work can be sent to the sales director or production deputy.
  3. In conclusion, it is customary to express gratitude. You can also add a few words about the desire to continue cooperation.

Such messages allow partners to be confident in each other.

Writing a letter

Some people confuse such a document with a notice. But there is a huge difference between the two letters. One of them simply reports a fact or event, and the other confirms the completion of a specific action on the basis of a preliminary agreement. In order to avoid mistakes, you need to know what a confirmation letter should look like. The sample can be prepared independently, since there is no specially approved form for such a business letter.

confirmation letter sample

It should be issued on the letterhead of the sending organization. If the company does not have one, then a corner stamp can be used. Information should be placed sequentially:

  1. First, in the left corner in special columns indicate the number and date in accordance with the entry in the registration journal.
  2. Then on the right indicate the full details of the addressee (company name and address, position and full name of the recipient).
  3. A key phrase is written below, which contains the essence of this message.
  4. The main part begins with an appeal to the addressee. It is better to do this by name and patronymic, and at the very beginning add the word "respected".
  5. Further, in clear words, it is necessary to inform that the terms of the agreement are met.
  6. After that, there should be words of appreciation.
  7. You can end the text with the phrase "Regards."

The document is signed by the head, which must be confirmed by the seal of the organization.

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