
Which bank is better to take a loan: expert advice

The fragile financial situation of Russia, and indeed of a number of European and Asian countries, makes a person stop at the choice in which the jar is better take a loan, because in a crisis every ruble counts. Undoubtedly, the concept of “better” is the one with the most favorable interest rate.which bank is better to take a loan

Credit situation in the country

According to statistics, every fourth Russian at least once in his life took a loan for one or another need or took advantage of car loans. At the beginning of 2015, every second resident of the country, using credit services, issued a new loan in order to repay the loan taken earlier. The present share of the borrowed population, which is on the verge of "survival", does not raise the question of which bank is better to take a consumer loan, content with being approved at least some credit, at least at any interest to close the old, and thereby " cornering yourself. " Rates on loans during the crisis do not cover rates on loans taken outside the crisis. This option is only “on hand” to banks.

After the Central Bank announced that it would raise the key rate to maintain the ruble, almost all banks raised interest rates on loans twice. Therefore, it is not profitable to get a loan this year, and even that will cost you more.

which bank is better to take a cash loan reviews

Loan conditions

Tighter credit conditions will force the population to "run" at additional levels. Do not be surprised if you are asked to provide data not only about your income, but also about your relatives, and in particular those with whom you live. Banks are now interested in everything about you, and they are increasingly delving into the analysis of your documents. Now you may even be denied that you once had at least one credit history loan overdue, although earlier specialists had turned a blind eye to this. Confirmation is required not only of the “white” salary, but also of the “black” one. The question of which bank is better to take a cash loan without an income statement will be relevant only for credit cards with a short grace period and a small loan amount.

Certain banks do not issue loans without guarantee and collateral. One bank may stipulate the availability of several guarantors. And, as a rule, the value of the collateral should not be lower than 70% of the market. Here is an example: a man decided to take consumer credit in the amount of 300 thousand rubles. He owns a car with a market value of 210 thousand rubles, which he decided to put as collateral. Comparing all the data, the applicant will be denied a loan, because the bank will evaluate the car at 147 thousand rubles, which is less than the declared amount. Or the bank will offer to take out a loan for a smaller amount, 100 per thousand.which bank is better to take a consumer loan

If you wondered which bank is better to take a cash loan from, reviews of people who have repeatedly used the services of banks will always help you find your way.

Which bank is better to take a loan

The list below of the five largest and most influential banks will provide the most favorable credit conditions.


One of the most famous banks in Russia, the services of which are used by a large part of the population.

  • Unsecured consumer credit. The maximum limit is 1,499,000 for a period of up to 5 years with a current rate of 19%.
  • Consumer loan with guarantors. The maximum limit is 3,999,000 for up to 5 years with a current rate of 18%.
  • Consumer credit for military personnel. The maximum limit is up to 999,000 for a period of up to 5 years with a current rate of 21%.

Special conditions are provided to payroll card holders.

VTB 24

The largest commercial bank, specializing mainly in mortgage lending. To date, the bank provides three packages of cash loans for individuals:

  • Fast. Up to 1,400,000 rubles are provided for a period of up to 3 years with a fixed rate of 20%.
  • Large. Up to 1,500,000 rubles are provided for a period of up to 5 years with an interest rate of 20%.
  • Convenient. Up to 599,000 rubles are provided for a period of up to 5 years with an interest rate of 23%.

Privileged conditions for the population, previously credited in this bank and successfully fulfilled the contractual clauses.

Bank of Moscow

Provides favorable conditions with quick decision making.

  • Consumer loan. The amount of the loan issued can reach 2,000,000 rubles up to 5 years from 20% per annum.

Priority is given to civil servants, doctors and teachers.

Russian Standard Bank"

Priority areas of the bank are loans for urgent needs and credit cards.

  • Consumer loan. The amount is calculated up to 200,000 rubles for a period of up to 3 years, with an annual rate of 37%.
  • Credit for the purchase of goods. The amount is calculated up to 1,000,000 for a period of up to 3 years, with an interest rate of up to 40% depending on the program.

Advantages of purchasing goods:

  1. Bank response within 15 minutes.
  2. Credit insurance by employee banks.

which bank is better to take a car loan


It provides loans mainly to pensioners and couples.

  • Cash loan "Express plus". A maximum of 40,000 rubles is allocated for issuance, for a period of up to one and a half years, interest rate from 47.7% per annum.
  • Cash loan "Standard Plus". Up to 200,000 rubles are allocated for issuance, for a period of up to 3 years, the interest rate is from 34.9% per annum.
  • Cash loan "Pension plus". Up to 300,000 rubles are allocated for issuance, for a period of up to 3 years, the interest rate is from 29.9% per annum.

The main feature of the bank is an increase in the retirement age for issuing a loan up to 85 years.

Against the backdrop of a decline in car sales over the past year, many manufacturers are leaving the Russian auto industry, and those who remain make “pleasant” offers to their customers: lower interest rates on loans, increase the loan term, etc. And, accordingly, the question arises: Is it better for a bank to get a car loan? Against the backdrop of such changes, several banks can be distinguished: Transcapitalbank offers leasing from 11.5%, Ak Bars Bank - 11.9%, VTB 24 offers a rate of 18%. Before choosing which bank services you would like to use, always pay attention to the loan rate and loan conditions.which bank is better to take a cash loan without income statement

As can be seen from the analysis, all banks provide a rich loan program. But it happens that you need to get a loan as soon as possible, and it can be difficult to do so. It will definitely fail to give an answer to the question in which bank it is better to take a loan, since each bank has its own pitfalls: commission for obtaining a loan, commission for issuing a loan, compulsory insurance of the borrower's life and health. All of this will add up to the entire cost of the loan, which you can only voice to the bank.

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