
Which bank is better to take a mortgage? How to get a mortgage for an apartment

Buying an apartment in a mortgage is an urgent issue for many Russians. Banks operating in the housing lending market in the Russian Federation cannot yet offer citizens of our country conditions comparable to those in Europe (4-5% per annum, no down payment, etc.).

However, as experts say, a certain level of competition in the Russian mortgage market is still observed. There are a lot of offers from banks. There are also various state programs that ease the burden of mortgages for certain categories of citizens. In which the jar is better take a mortgage? How to choose a profitable home loan? How to optimize loan repayments?

Mortgage from Sberbank

What will be offered to a person who has decided to apply for a mortgage loan, banks? Consider the options from the largest financial and credit institutions.

Several specialized mortgage programs are offered by Sberbank. Among the most noteworthy is the Young Family loan. The main thing that distinguishes this program from similar banking offers is the reduced down payment. The standard market is an indicator of 15-20%. According to the "Young Family" - from 10%. Among other attractive components of the program, experts see an interest rate of 11.5%. The maximum loan term (30 years) can also be attributed to the advantages of this banking offer.

Which bank is better to take a mortgage with maternity capital

If the borrower of the Security Council of the Russian Federation does not meet the criteria of the Young Family program, but is thinking about where to get a cheaper mortgage, then it makes sense to pay attention to another proposal: a “discount” in the form of a reduction of 0.5% of the interest rate relative to standard loan programs ( specific binding depends on region). Another option offered by Sberbank is the option 13-13-30.

In accordance with it, the borrower can apply for a loan at 13% by paying an initial contribution of 13% as well. In this case, the loan term, as well as in the case of the “Young Family”, is up to 30 years. Moreover, in some regions the rule applies: if the amount of the loan is greater than a certain amount (for example, 2 million 100 thousand rubles), then the borrower is guaranteed a reduced interest rate (usually the same 0.5%).

Mortgage from VTB24

The mortgage offers from VTB24 are seen by experts as an attempt by the bank to minimize various kinds of formalities inherent in the rather complicated and time-consuming procedure of collecting documents for obtaining a loan. Actually, one of the products offered by this financial institution fully reflects this priority. The sentence "Victory over formalities" is called.

Which bank is better to take a mortgage

This product will certainly seem useful to borrowers who decide on the issue of how to get a mortgage for an apartment as quickly as possible. In addition to the fact that the bank has minimized the number of documents that the client must provide, quite comfortable loan terms are also offered. In particular, the interest rate is from 13.05% (this is higher than at Sberbank, but still slightly lower than the market average), the loan term is up to 20 years, the down payment is from 20%. Under the Housing Under Construction program, VTB24 is ready to give a loan with even more favorable terms - from 12.45% per annum, down payment - from 10%. The loan term is also longer - up to 30 years.

Terms from Gazprombank

Excellent, according to many experts, offers Gazprombank. Within the framework of some mortgage programs of this financial institution, the borrower can apply for a loan for an apartment with 10% as a down payment, and at the same time count on a rate of 11.5%.The loan term is up to 30 years. It is likely that the borrower, deciding on which bank is better to take a mortgage, will pay attention to the proposal of this financial institution.

Siberian privileges

Banking products from some regional credit organizations are seen as quite profitable by expert financiers. In particular, according to one of the programs of the Khanty-Mansiysk Bank, the borrower can count on a mortgage of 12% per annum and an initial payment of 10%. Zapsibkombank offers similar interest conditions, but the down payment from this financial institution is higher - from 20%.

At the same time, the borrowers of this Siberian bank have a unique opportunity, which is quite rare on the market. The fact is that in this organization you can take a mortgage without a down payment. True, the only understanding is that the client may not have its own funds. A contribution is needed, but it can be borrowed at the expense of another loan at Zapsibkombank. The main thing is that the borrower should have a sufficient amount of confirmed income.

How to decide in which bank to take a mortgage? Experts recommend approaching the matter with a certain degree of pragmatism: as an option, apply to several financial institutions. And already upon the fact of the decisions made by each of them to “narrow” the circle of further search for the optimal credit program.

Of course, it will be useful in real time to monitor stocks and special offers from financiers. It is quite possible that there is an interesting option that could allow you to decide which bank is better to take a mortgage without down payment.

"Young Family": from banks or from the state?

Many borrowers, hearing somewhere the phrase "young family" (in relation to the mortgage theme), ask themselves: is this program state or banking? Answer: both. But its specific content can vary greatly depending on the “departmental” or banking interpretation.

How to get a mortgage for an apartment

It is difficult to establish who the authorship of the term "young family" belongs to in relation to housing programs. According to a number of experts, it was the government agencies that were involved in the development of various assistance programs for citizens whose age, in general, corresponds to the “young” in generally accepted figures (18-35 years), that put this phrase into circulation. acquisition of apartments on preferential terms. There is another opinion on this matter: that the term in question is a typical banking invention, which reflects discounts and preferences in the design of mortgage programs provided in relation to certain categories of citizens.

Young - everywhere is the road

One way or another, today there are two groups of mortgage programs "Young Family" - and from the state (or from the municipality - the local government of the city, region, etc.) and from banks. Most interesting, they may well intersect with each other.

Consider an example. In some regions of the Russian Federation there are state support programs "Young Family", under which young couples with children (or single parents) under the age of 35-40 are provided with subsidies for the purchase of housing. As a rule, their size is equal to the average market down payment - 15% of the price of the apartment.

Sberbank branches can operate in the same regions, offering borrowers their Young Family program - we talked about it above. In turn, spouses or parents who have issued a subsidy under the support program of the same name from the state can freely participate in it. It does not matter for the bank from which sources the down payment is paid - whether it is the borrower's personal funds, or help from the state budget.

Support for young families from AHML

An alternative to resolving the issue of which bank is better to take a mortgage with can be an appeal to a mortgage lending agency, which is also AHML.This is a state structure, the immediate function of which is to help citizens in buying apartments. On the example of some proposals from this department, we can observe a certain “hybrid version” of programs that are very close in purpose to the banking product “Young Family”.

Which bank is better to take a mortgage for a young family

That is, on the one hand, AHML acts as a full-fledged financial institution issuing loans for the purchase of an apartment, and on the other hand, through interaction with budgetary resources, gives young families preferences comparable to the amount of assistance provided by government agencies. Many borrowers who left after solving the issue of which bank is better to take a mortgage in, reviews on the Internet, believe that the "departmental" option of lending, in fact, in many aspects is more comfortable than the "bank".

Preferences from AHML

Consider an example. Some regional branches of AHML offer mortgage programs called Standard. In accordance with them, the borrower can rely on conditions comparable to banking (and sometimes slightly more profitable): 10-12% per annum, 25-30 years of payments, 10-15% of the down payment.

However, for young families, in accordance with departmental programs of AHML, significant discounts and preferences may be provided. Depending on the specific region, this may be:

- reduction of the interest rate depending on the number of children (as a rule, it is 0.25-0.5% per child);

- a discount on the purchase of housing in a new building (about 1-2% per annum);

- preferential conditions for loan repayments (grace period of 6-12 months, etc.).

Where is it more profitable to get a mortgage - at a bank or at AHML, if the borrower has no reason to apply for benefits under the Young Family type of programs? It all depends on the policies of regional branches - both departments and commercial credit and financial organizations. It also makes sense to pay attention to the advice of experts that we have already voiced above: to submit several applications to different banks, to the regional office of AHML, and then study the answers given by both. After - to work with specific proposals, which will reflect the final figures on interest, terms of payment, the size of the down payment and other aspects of the loan. Knowing the actual (and not declared in advertising leaflets) loan conditions, it is much easier to decide which bank is better to take a mortgage for a young family.

Mortgage Programs and Maternity Capital

As we said above, it does not matter for banks what sources the borrower pays the loan from (or provides an initial payment). One of such resources may be the amount guaranteed by the state within the framework of "maternal capital". Women who have a second, third child and more children have the right to receive it. The size of the payment, as of 2014, is about 429 thousand rubles.

Where to invest maternity capital?

Maternity capital in relation to mortgage programs can be spent:

- for down payment;

- for partial early repayment of a loan;

- for a full settlement with the bank (loan closure);

The main types of real estate transactions within which maternity capital can be used:

- purchase of a house or apartment in the secondary market;

- housing construction with an appeal to the contracting organization;

- building a house without the help of third-party firms;

- share building.

Thus, the Russian lawmaker practically does not set latitude restrictions use of maternity capital in relation to improving the living conditions of families in which children are born. There are no problems with how to take a mortgage for an apartment and use this widespread type of state support.

It is worth noting that the fact of the existence of this kind of subsidy, as a rule, does not affect the initial conditions of lending. Matcapital is just a sum of money, not some kind of preference.At the same time, experts give advice on which bank is better to take a mortgage with maternity capital (reviews of many borrowers published on the Internet confirm this): find out how much the percentage of per annum will decrease when a subsidy is made to a credit account, and whether it will decrease at all. After that, it will become clear which financial institutions are more loyal to borrowers using matcapital.

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