
The currency of Bulgaria: appearance and protection. Payment and exchange systems of the country.

Going on vacation to Bulgaria, each of us asks the question: what kind of money is used in everyday life in this country? Many experienced travelers say that despite the fact that the state is a member of the European Union, local money is still used here. Of course, you can agree with a private merchant by paying him dollars or euros, but in shops and restaurants you really have to give leva. Therefore, right now we will learn about the features that are endowed with the currency in Bulgaria: the rate to the ruble of local money, the mode of operation of exchange and payment systems, as well as interesting facts about leva and how much they will have to spend on vacation.

Local money

If you have ever been to this sea resort country, you probably know that the lion is the currency of Bulgaria. In addition to banknotes, here are in use coins called stotinki. The ratio between them is the same as in Russia for the ruble and cents. That is, in one left - 100 stotinki. Prices are indicated in local money: they are indicated by the abbreviation LV. Currently in wide circulation are paper money face value of 1, 2, 5, 10, 20 and 50 leva, as well as coins with the same digital designation.

currency of bulgariaThe currency of Bulgaria is well protected: there is a watermark - the heraldic lion, the abbreviation of the Bulgarian National Bank - BNB. There are also holographic elements, various diagonal stripes and a large polymer tape with a transparent window, where the number 20 stands. When printing levs, usually three colors usually dominate: violet, purple and pink. The first lion was introduced into use in 1885, at that time it was called zloty. Later, the rest was issued a monetary unit of 100 leva - in 2003.

A bit of history

Coins in Bulgaria appeared in the 19th century. At first, they were all very different in appearance, until the government normalized their appearance - it became standard and universal. When the same money began to “walk” on the territory of the country, it became clear that the economy was on the start of development. Unlike modern levs, the currency of Bulgaria in those days was not protected: it was vulnerable, it could be easily faked quite easily. Banknotes and unpresentable appearance differed. It is clear that counterfeiters who minted “fake” banknotes at every step actively took up the work. As a result, the economy began to decline again.

what is the currency in bulgariaTo protect the lion, it was decided to take the issue of money more seriously and responsibly. The government developed a new system that provided for multiple protection of national bills. The currency immediately gained popularity among local residents, in addition, the law took their side and prohibited the use of other monetary units in Bulgaria. In general, banknotes and coins are now interesting in appearance and, most importantly, are reliably protected.

Currency exchange

It is recommended not to take rubles, but dollars or euros, to take with you on vacation. They are much easier and more profitable to exchange at any local bank or exchange office. British pounds and Swiss francs are also accepted at these points. The Bulgarian currency will easily be in the hands of the exchange, but do not rush to do this operation at the airport - here the rate will not be in your favor. It is worthwhile to be careful when carrying out such actions in exchange offices - they are indicated by the English word Change. The fact is that with a financial “transaction” a commission is withdrawn at such points. When you find out about this, it will be impossible to cancel the operation. Therefore, first check with the cashier exactly how much money you will get on hand.

It is clear that it is best to change money in banks.The country has such financial institutions as OTP, ProCredit Bank, UniCredit, Raiffeisenbank and the United Bank of Bulgaria - the most common in the state. They work, as a rule, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. local time; weekends are Saturday, Sunday, and holidays. With what ratio can the currency in Bulgaria be exchanged? The exchange rate to the ruble is 35.6; to Belarusian money - 0.98; to the Ukrainian hryvnia - 1.30; to the American dollar - 0.54; to the euro - 0.51. It turns out that you will be able to buy one lion for 35 Russian rubles.

Payment systems

This is a good alternative to sharing. You can use payment cards of such popular systems as Maestro, Visa, Master Card. The ATM network is well developed: they are represented in large numbers both on the Black Sea coast and in the region of the country's ski resorts. Now you know not only what currency in Bulgaria is, but also where it is profitable to exchange, what needs to be done for this. Also do not forget that you can even withdraw the required amount in local currency from the card: many stores accept them for payment. Just before leaving, ask your bank if the card will be blocked in this state.

currency in bulgariaGoing on vacation, specify what type of payment system is most profitable for you to use, and also get information about banks where the transaction fee will be the minimum. Typically, the percentage for exchange actions ranges from 0.3% to 1.5%. If you accidentally fell victim to a thief who stole your cash and card, relatives can send you a certain amount of money through MoneyGram or Western Union.


What is the currency in Bulgaria? What can you buy for it? Experienced travelers know: the country is quite cheap, so it is so popular with Russian tourists. For little money you can get a quality and comfortable stay. You can have dinner at a restaurant for a maximum of 13 leva: ribs cost 12, pork tenderloin - 8, homemade sausages - 6, sushi - 6, seafood - about 12. Inexpensive wine can be tasted for 5 leva, elite - for 17. The price of orange juice - 3 left, refreshing mojito - 7, coffee - 6. When going to Bulgaria in your own car, do not forget that gasoline is expensive here. Therefore, it is better to fill a full tank in Russia. The cost of the tour starts from 8 leva, a ticket in a city bus will cost you 1 lev.

lev currency bulgariaHere it is, the currency of Bulgaria. The most interesting thing is that a coin with a face value of one lion in weight and size is very similar to a metro token in St. Petersburg. Using it on a turnstile, you can freely enter the subway. If you do not want to cheat, just throw this money in the piggy bank - until the next trip. And it will certainly take place.

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