
The currency of Indonesia, its features, description and historical background

The currency of Indonesia is called the rupee. It is the official monetary unit of the country. Its symbol is the abbreviation Rp, which is applied to each bill. By the way, the Indonesians themselves prefer to call their money Perak, which means silver.


What is the currency in Indonesia in appearance? Residents of the country are already accustomed to their money, but guests and tourists are advised to familiarize themselves with them in order to avoid fraud.

Banknotes are ordinary paper notes, but there was a time when they were made from polymeric materials. However, later it turned out that this does not add durability. Also, such banknotes caused malfunctions in the work of calculating machines in banks, which significantly slowed down their work. Therefore, it was decided to return to the standard type of printing.

indonesian currencyOn front side of banknotes portrayed Suharto (or other famous people of the country) and the local airport, on the back - a take-off plane. The Indonesians believed that this would symbolize the beginning of the development of the state, as well as contribute to the rapid take-off on the world stage.

At the moment, banknotes that were issued before 1997 are considered invalid. They are not suitable for markets or shops. However, they can be exchanged at banks for more recent money.

As for the coins, there are two types of them in circulation: metal and aluminum. Both options are suitable for use.

A bit of history

The national currency of Indonesia has been changing almost continuously for several centuries. There was even a time when coins were minted in some parts of the country depicting local monarchs or owners of relatively small plots of land. But initially Dutch bills came into circulation as a result of colonization. After that, they undergo several changes, but the name and basis of appearance remain the same.

what is the currency in indonesiaDuring the Second World War, the country is occupied by Japan. But it does not make major changes to the currency component of Indonesia. There are plans to print new bills, but they do not come true for the corresponding military reasons.

In 1945, the first national rupee appeared in the form of a paper banknote. Then, in 1951, Indonesia acquired coins. Initially, they were minted from a metal alloy. Later after 2000, the material was changed to a more affordable and lightweight aluminum.

Currency Rates and Exchange Offices

The currency of Indonesia, like any other, has its own course. It depends on how much money a tourist will need, what goods you can buy here most favorably, and which are better to refuse. The course can be viewed on specialized sites.

national currency of indonesiaThe currency of Indonesia is sold at the country's exchange offices. They can exchange the brought dollars, euros or even rubles. Also, such services are provided by large stores, hotels or other similar enterprises. In cases where the tourist uses an official exchange office or bank, he will have to provide a passport.

As in any other country, it is undesirable to buy local currency from me on the street. They can trick or even offer guests fake money.

How much does a tourist need?

Initially, you need to find out which currency is used in Indonesia. Paying for goods or services in the country is possible only through rupees. Therefore, it is recommended to take with you only international currency, such as dollars or euros. There are probably exchangers in Indonesia that can exchange, for example, rubles.But in order not to spend vacation time searching for one, it is advisable to immediately come to the country with dollars.

Thinking about how much money is needed for a normal pastime, you need to familiarize yourself with the terms of the tour. Usually the agency pays for several excursions, hotel accommodation with breakfast. In this case, 800-1000 dollars is enough.

what currency is used in indonesiaWhen a guest plans to diversify his stay with additional excursions, you will need to add a few hundred more.

Meals average $ 10 per meal (lunch or dinner).

Of course, you must also take into account the gifts that every tourist brings from a trip to his friends and relatives. In Indonesia, there are appropriate souvenirs symbolizing various national treasures and attractions.


Almost all bills that have ever been issued by the country's monetary fund are currently in use. An exception is the change coin 1/100 rupees, and this is due to inflation. This does not mean that money is not updated from time to time. This is observed both with coins and with paper notes. The latter, of course, are updated much more often.

In any case, the currency of Indonesia deserved to be regarded as a national treasure. Unlike some other states, at present, the country does not abandon its own banknotes in favor of easy-to-use notes.

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