
Natural and climatic zones of Russia: table, description and features

Russia is a country that occupies a huge area. Many nations and ethnic groups live on its territory. But, in addition to this, it is also subdivided into various climatic zones. Depending on this, different flora and fauna settle in different territories of the country. What are the climatic zones of Russia, what are the criteria for separation, and what are the features of these zones - read about all this in the article.

climatic zones of Russia

The total number of climatic zones

Initially, you need to understand how many climatic zones exist in general. So, in nature there are four of them (the count goes from the equator line):

  • Tropical.
  • Subtropical.
  • Moderate.
  • Polar

Generally speaking, the division into climatic zones occurs in accordance with the average temperature of surface heating by sunlight. It should be noted that such zoning occurred on the basis of long-term observations and conclusions drawn from analytical data.

About the climatic zones of Russia

What are the climatic zones of Russia? The territory of the country is very large, which allowed it to be located in three of them. So, if we talk about belts, then in Russia there are three of them - moderate, arctic and subarctic. However, the climatic zones of Russia are divided by meridians, of which there are 4 in the state, relating to the 20th, 40th, 60th and 80th meridians. That is, there are four climatic zones, the fifth is called special.

climatic zones of Russia table

Table of climatic zones

There are 4 climatic zones of Russia. The table is presented for easier perception of information:

Climate zone Territories Features
1st zone South of the country (Astrakhan Region, Krasnodar Territory, Stavropol Territory, Rostov Region, Republic of Dagestan, Ingushetia, etc.) Warm areas of the country, winter temperature is in the region of -9.5 ° С, in summer it can rise to +30 ° С (the maximum recorded in the last century is +45.5 ° С)
2nd zone This is the Primorsky Territory, as well as areas located in the west and north-west of the country. The zone is very similar to the 1st. There is also an average winter temperature in the region of -10 ° С, summer - approximately +25 ... + 30 ° С
3rd zone Regions of Siberia and the Far East that are not included in the 4th zone Winter temperature is much colder, on average it reaches -20 ...- 18 ° С. In summer, temperature indicators fluctuate in the range of +16 ... + 20 ° С. Windiness is low, wind speed rarely exceeds 4 m / s
4th zone Northern Siberia, Far East, Yakutia These areas are below the Arctic Circle. Winter temperature is around -41 ° С, summer temperature is close to 0 ° С. Windiness - no more than 1,5m / s
Special zone Here are located the territories that are beyond the Arctic Circle, as well as Chukotka The winter temperature here is in the region of -25 ° C, the wind speed in winter can reach 6.5 m / s

Considering the climatic zones of Russia, it should be noted that most of the country is located in the Arctic and subarctic zones. Also, quite a lot of territories occupy a moderate strip. There are not so many subtropics, it is less than 5% of the entire territory of Russia.

1 climatic zone of Russia

Arctic climate

Consider the climatic zones of Russia need to start with the Arctic climate. It is characteristic of a special, as well as partially 4th zone. Mostly arctic deserts, as well as tundra, are located here. The soil hardly warms up, the sun's rays just glide over the surface, which does not allow the flora to grow and develop. The fauna is also scarce, the reason for everything is lack of food.Winter takes most of the time, which is about 10 months. During the summer period, the soil does not have time to warm up, since the heat in the region of 0- + 3 ° C does not last more than a couple of weeks. During polar night, the temperature can drop to -60 ° C. Precipitation is practically absent, can only be in the form of snow.

2 climatic zone of Russia

Subarctic climate

Widely distributed in Russia. So, it includes the 4th zone, as well as partially special and third. Winter is also long, cold, but less severe. Summer is short, but the average temperature is 5 degrees higher. Arctic cyclones cause strong winds, cloudiness, and there are precipitation, but not much.

Temperate climate

The 3rd, as well as the 2nd climatic zone of Russia belong to the temperate climate. Covers most of the country. The seasons here are pronounced, there are spring, summer, autumn and winter. The temperature can range from +30 ° C in the summer and to -30 ° C in the winter. For convenience, scientists subdivide this zone of Russia into another 4:

  • Moderately continental. Summer is hot, winter is cold. Natural zones can succeed each other from steppes to taiga. Atlantic air masses prevail.
  • Continental. The temperature ranges from -25 ° C in the winter to +25 ° C in the summer. Heavy rainfall. The zone is formed mainly by western air masses.
  • Dramatically continental. Partly cloudy with little rainfall. In summer, the soil warms up well, in winter it deeply freezes.
  • Marine as well as monsoon climates. Strong winds called monsoons are characteristic. Heavy rainfall, there may be flooding. Summer is not hot, the average air temperature is +15 ... + 20 ° С. Winters are very cold, air temperature can drop to -40 ° C. In coastal areas, winter and summer are smoother.

natural climatic zones of Russia

Subtropical climate

Climate zone 1 of Russia partially covers a small territory of the country in the Caucasus Mountains. Summer is long, but not hot. In winter, the temperature does not fall below 0 ° C. Due to the proximity of the mountains, there are quite a lot of precipitation, they are plentiful.

There are no tropics and equatorial zones in Russia.

Road climatic zones

Few people know, but there are also road and climatic zones of Russia. They are divided according to the peculiarities of the construction of roads for a certain territory (depending on temperatures, precipitation and other climatic indicators). In this section you can find 5 zones.

Zone Feature
1 These are cold tundra, permafrost zone. The road passes through the following settlements: De Kastri - Birobidzhan - Kansk - Nes - Monchegorsk
2 This zone is characterized by forests, where the soil is very abundantly moist. Tomsk-Ustinov-Tula
3 Forest-steppe, soils are also very moist. Turan - Omsk - Kuibyshev - Belgorod - Chisinau
4 Soils are not so wet. The road passes through the cities of Volgograd - Buinaksk - Julfa
5 These are desert roads, arid soils, which are also characterized by increased salinity.

The benefits of dividing into climatic zones

Why highlight the climatic zones of Russia? Table 1 and table 2 indicate that there are many of them. All this exists for convenience. So, this separation is important for many areas of activity and knowledge. Most often, such zoning is important:

  • For the tourism business, resort planning.
  • In the construction of buildings, roads (including railways), the design of communications.
  • When assessing the possibility of living in this area of ​​people.
  • When planning the extraction of minerals, natural resources.
  • When organizing farming, farming.

 climatic zones of Russia

Well, speaking generally, knowledge of climatic zones helps many people to improve their lives in various parts of the country. This knowledge helps many to optimize and master this or that territory for living. For example, cold areas are expensive, in temperate climates it is best to breed livestock and grow useful vegetation.

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