
The currency of Cyprus. What is the currency in Cyprus?

The currency of Cyprus is the euro. Only in the north of the country can one pay with the Turkish lira. Not so long ago, Cyprus pounds remained in use here. However, since 2008, the country officially switched to settlement in the European currency.

It is noteworthy that Euros issued in Cyprus have inscriptions in Greek and Turkish. The explanation for this is the opening of borders between the Turkish northern and Greek southern parts of the country. The currency of Cyprus is used by southerners who travel north to play casinos and target a rich assortment of local shops and supermarkets.

How much money to take on a trip?

What is the currency in Cyprus and how much money is enough to organize a trip? There is an opinion that a vacation for foreign tourists can be quite an expensive pleasure here. However, not everyone agrees with this statement. If you spend your budget wisely, do not eat in expensive restaurants, avoid luxury hotels, you can also get quite positive impressions from the trip.

currency of cyprus

If we talk about food, then most supermarkets located near places of accumulation of foreign tourists, have an increased pricing policy. To reduce costs allows a trip for groceries to several remote places, which can be reached by rented car or by bicycle.

In general, when comparing food prices with traveling to Western European countries, the currency of Cyprus will not be spent so rapidly. However, with respect to prices in the Middle East, everything will be quite expensive.

The cost of cash for food for one person during the day will be:

  • with modest needs - from 3 to 10 euros;
  • with an average scope - from 10 to 20 euros;
  • expensive food - 20-30 euros and above.

Housing costs

Local hotels differ in stardom from 1 to 5. Therefore, for any tourist it will not be difficult to find a suitable place to stay affordable. Moreover, the service in most hotels corresponds to the international level.

what is the currency in cyprus

Which currency in Cyprus is suitable for paying for accommodation? It is most advantageous to book rooms in local hotels in advance from the beginning of May to October, paying for accommodation in euros. You can find inexpensive hotels and hotels, based on the recommendations of tourists who are already lucky enough to visit certain regions.

If we talk about the approximate cost of housing for one person per day, then we can note the following:

  • a modest level - from 10 to 12 euros;
  • the average level is 15-30 euros;
  • expensive housing - 35-60 euros.

Currency exchange

How to organize a trip to Cyprus? Currency - which one to take with you? It is best to stock up in advance with European monetary units. However, with a strong desire to exchange the ruble for the euro, it is possible at airports, with intermediaries, as well as in some hotels, subject to an advance agreement.

Credit cards

Cyprus what currency to take

What currency should go to Cyprus? It is more convenient to avoid cash settlement After all, you can pay for food, housing and even rent a car here with a credit card. Most banks in Cyprus serve customers who have Visa cards. However, in the northern part of the country they do not work with them.

If we talk about Maestro credit cards, as in other tourist countries, they are accepted by ATMs and supermarkets. However, before you go on a trip, it would be nice to ask about the level of interest that is charged when paying with credit cards.

Rest in the northern region

currency in cyprus for tourists

How to plan your budget by organizing a trip to northern Cyprus? Currency - what to take with you, heading to this region?

Despite some political differences with the rest of the country, the population of northern Cyprus is fully aware of the value of tourism development. In fact, this type of income is one of the main ones for the local population. Therefore, the official currency of Cyprus is also used in this part of the country. The level of service is not too different here. With regard to friendliness, the northern Cypriots in the majority are more welcoming than southerners.

Seaside cities offer vacationers hotels to suit every taste and thickness of the wallet. Here you can easily rent a car, which will allow you to go around almost the whole country during the day.


Turkish Lira is the official currency of northern Cyprus. However, as noted above, the local population does not disdain banknotes in the form of euros and dollars. On this basis, it is not recommended to puzzle yourself with unnecessary problems, exchanging money for local lira.

Many cities in northern Cyprus accept checks and credit cards. Moreover, ATMs for receiving cash can be seen here at almost every step. The only drawback is the presence of a rather impressive commission when withdrawing money in the amount of about 100 rubles.

In general, the most preferred currency in Cyprus for tourists, regardless of region, is the euro. Therefore, it is better to bring European banknotes here.


currency of northern cyprus

As in other countries, the currency in Cyprus for tourists can be exchanged with hands. However, resorting to this method should only be in exceptional cases, because fraudsters are mainly engaged in such fishing, who do not miss the chance to get additional profit from a gullible tourist.

The best way to carry out foreign exchange transactions is to work with local banks. At the same time, everything will go smoothly, safely, with the issuance of appropriate receipts, which are recommended to be kept until departure from the country. A document may be required for the reverse exchange of local currency, which is a prerequisite when leaving some countries.

To avoid misunderstandings, before conducting financial transactions, it is worthwhile to check with the cashier in advance the specific amount in local currency that can be obtained as a result of the exchange. Some local banks charge an impressive commission for such services to foreign citizens, which also requires clarification.

Useful Tips

with what currency go to cyprus

  1. If you need maximum savings during the trip, it is not recommended to order food and drinks in hotels too often. You can catch up in the evening during the "publication".
  2. Numerous local cafes and restaurants offer vacationers the so-called discount hours. Such services concern not only food, but also drinks. Therefore, it is worth once again to ask for the availability of such a service.
  3. In Cyprus there are plenty of small, inexpensive restaurants with good local cuisine. Sometimes it’s enough just to move a little distance from the hotel. You can ask about the budget options for food from local or pay attention to the institutions in which the Cypriots eat.
  4. Renting a car or ordering a taxi is better for a whole group of people or for several families at the same time.
  5. Ultimately, buying essentials is recommended at home.

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