
A voucher is ... Dictionary meaning and usage specifics

A voucher is a written document attesting to the owner’s right to purchase certain goods and services. Surely many came across this term, but to the end do not have a complete idea of ​​the semantic load that it carries in itself.

Voucher is

We turn to the dictionary

So what is a voucher? The meaning of the word (dictionary) hides a document confirming the fact of payment for certain goods and services, as well as obtaining a loan, cash. There are several more meanings, but the most interesting thing is that they were used in Russia in 1992-1994, when the document received mass distribution. It was then that the privatization check personified the voucher. This is a government security paper with a nominal value.

The privatization check was an integral element of the privatization process of organizations and enterprises in the "dashing 90s". All citizens of the Russian Federation were entitled to receive a voucher.

History reference

I would like to note that in the "dashing" 90s a huge fortune was managed to be made by those who were engaged in buying vouchers. A huge part of state enterprises at that time was privatized with the help of schemes, the legality of which raises many doubts. A wave of discontent has reached our time, but it is simply impossible to turn back the clock. Voucher Privatization It brought benefits only to competent and intelligent people who managed to predict the further development of events and get rich on this.

Voucher: value


A voucher is a document. But, speaking about the features, first of all I want to note the lack of a single form. It is compiled in free form by the organization that issues the voucher. Significance in this case are the decals and the available methods for determining the authenticity of the issued document. These include magnetic strips, holograms, brand names and much more. Many modern printing houses provide their professional services for the design and subsequent printing of vouchers. Each document contains a listing of the rights acquired by its owner, as well as information about the validity period.

Voucher: meaning of the word


Who can issue a voucher? The meaning of the word given in the dictionary does not contain such information. So, today organizations of various fields of activity, for example, trade, tourism, real estate, can issue vouchers. Take the tourism sector: if you have ever purchased a tour package, you must have received an organization letterhead, that is, a voucher, as confirmation of payment. It contained the services that the client receives. Moreover, the voucher in this case can be issued for the full range of services provided, as well as for individual ones, for example, accommodation in a hotel with the selected type of food - most travel agencies use this method. Regular customers of the largest companies receive free vouchers that provide the right to attend spa procedures, sightseeing tours as a pleasant complement for cooperation.

Advertising move

A voucher is an effective tool for advertising policy. This is the conclusion that modern marketers have come to. Please note: for sure at least once you received a discount coupon from the company. This is the voucher. In this case, its release is made solely with the aim of attracting the attention of potential customers and increasing sales.

Voucher: meaning of the word (dictionary)

Use in HR

Currently, the technique of using vouchers for employment has become widespread. A vivid example is the issue of vouchers that regulates the relations of three interested parties: an agency, a job seeker and an employer. In this case, the procedure takes place in several stages:

  • the employer's appeal to the agency in order to select an employee who meets all his requirements;
  • the agency’s work to find a suitable option, as a result of which the best candidate receives a voucher, which contains all the information about working conditions;
  • the employee’s appeal to the employer on the basis of the handed voucher;
  • payment by an employee of agency services based on a voucher.

To summarize

To date, the voucher has become a document that has greatly simplified cooperation between different areas.

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