
Qiwi vouchers: earnings (reviews). Is the Qiwi voucher real?

One of the most popular payment systems in Russia is Qiwi. This is a virtual platform that allows you to make transfers, exchange and accept money from different users online. In fact, this service is very convenient and easy to use - it was due to this that it became so famous and in demand.

Everyone has long known that paying with this payment system is very simple. Money stored on your Qiwi-wallets can be transferred to a bank card, to a mobile phone, to a wallet in another system. The same principle applies in the case of a reverse exchange.

However, in addition to the means for settlements, on the Internet, the Kiwi service is also called a way to make money. Like, there are ways to get income from interaction with this system, in particular, if you use "Qiwi" vouchers.

Earnings (reviews about him and other information) in this way we will analyze in this article. We will also try to find out how much you can get if you use this scheme; and also find out if this is legal.

What are vouchers?

Such a term has long been known to all of us - it is a certain allocated ticket (one might even say a coupon), which has a certain nominal value. For example, you may be offered 1-, 5-, and 10-dollar Qiwi vouchers. Earnings (reviews confirm this information) depends on which face value to use: the higher the face value, the higher the income.

In ordinary life, vouchers are used for more comfortable calculations. For example, you can issue such a ticket for a certain amount in order to make it easier to pay for your purchases in the future. You can also give, sell or give vouchers as rewards. If you know how to use Qiwi vouchers, earnings are real in any case, because this is a certain amount of funds that can be used for any purpose.

How to create?

In fact, every user of the Qiwi system can issue a voucher. This is done very simply using an internal office. A special page is provided there, which serves to control the Qiwi “eggs” (the vouchers in the English version of the site are called so). To transfer the amount on the voucher, it is enough to indicate the recipient's wallet number. Actually, the procedure here follows the usual scenario - the account holder must confirm the desire to complete this transaction (via SMS), after which the voucher will be transferred to another.

Qiwi earnings vouchers reviews


There are tons of options that apply to vouchers. For example, they can be exchanged in special exchange services. This is done automatically at the rate set by the site. They can be replenished in the terminals, you can pay them in online stores and various services. This is a universal payment system in Runet.


When working with exchangers of any type, make sure that he accepts Qiwi vouchers. Earnings (we could not find reviews about this type) involves a simple exchange of a voucher for rubles in another payment system (or a bank card). In order to profit from your operations, you must carefully analyze the state of the market and make predictions about what the exchange rate will be. If you can do this at a quality level, be sure that you will earn. Today's ruble surges can be a serious source of income for currency speculators.

True, such earnings at the Qiwi vouchers are the longest and most difficult of all, which will be described later.The fact is that here you need to really understand how the course will change, and do everything in order to be the winner - wait for it to rise or fall again. All this requires not only a mass of professional knowledge in the field of finance (and, in particular, electronic currencies); but also patience.

earnings on

Easy earnings on vouchers through Qiwi

In addition to the above, we were able to find another option for how you can earn income using those same vouchers. Organizing it is even simpler, and the profit from such a technique is even higher (according to information from various sites and forums). Such a way of earning consists in simply transferring your money to someone else's account (more precisely, use the Qiwi vouchers). Earnings, reviews of which are sharply negative, calling this technique fraudulent, and the organizers of the entire system - simple crooks, ends with a simple loss of money from a person who is naive enough to buy it. And this is what they offered him.

Instruction manual

First of all, if you want to earn money, you should have allegedly purchased Qiwi vouchers. Earnings began only after such a voucher appeared in your personal account and you had the opportunity to send it to anyone. Fraudsters initially inclined the victim to part with their money.

earnings on vouchers through

Of course, people who are not well-versed in e-commerce thought that they would really be able to get some kind of benefit from this scheme. According to reviews, some actually bought vouchers for a fairly large amount.

The second step was to transfer money to the specified account. As it was said on the site that served all this scam, in the Qiwi system there are “miracle wallets” that multiply the money transferred to them. Thus, the man thought that in return he would really receive a double amount than he sent. Without thinking twice, users sent their funds from vouchers to these wallets.

The scam trick

It would seem that such a scheme now seems to us somehow absurd. We understand that no one is going to send us their money, much less multiply what we sent earlier. It is also clear that Qiwi vouchers are a simple payment tool. Earnings, the reviews of which, as we have already reported, testify as fraud, are a simple and old “divorce” that used to work in the Webmoney payment system (only there really was a question of wallets). However, for a person without experience, who also sees bright banners on different sites with reviews of those who supposedly managed to get a round sum from such a scheme, the whole story with vouchers seems plausible.

Confidence is added by such tricks of fraudsters, such as, for example, sending double the amount in response. This is done very simply: each person is guided by the "logic of the test." He thinks this way: "First, I will try to send the minimum amount to the specified details (for the test), after which I will make a larger payment (if it works)." When a participant makes a test deposit, the site administration really returns the money. This is credible, and the user “raises the bid”, making an even larger contribution. Depending on its size, the site continues to return or closes all contacts for this particular player.

There are a lot of such tricks. Someone, describing how to organize, using the Qiwi voucher, earnings, reviews wrote on behalf of real people that the scheme works and everyone can make a profit. There are even those who have used wider advertising methods, seeing how the popularity of their “product” is growing.


During the preparation of this article, we reviewed the recommendations that other users left. Some of them have already acquired vouchers and spent on “doubling”, which did not work.

As their comments showed, some did not even realize that they had been deceived.They continue to ask when they will receive an answer to SMS about credited funds from the “doublers”, and think where they will spend their money. Unfortunately, for the most part, they are either schoolchildren or retirees who are already little acquainted with how vouchers are arranged and what it is. Perhaps people were attracted by the idea that everyone could “double” an unlimited number of times and then receive real money. Apparently, such users simply did not think that they could be so easily deceived.

be careful

Qiwi Earnings Vouchers

In fact, those who already have some experience on the Internet know that you shouldn’t trust other people too much here. A network is such a space in which you have no opportunity to additionally influence a stranger, get to know him better and meet in person if you want to. Here is a space in which anonymity and mystery flourish, so some of its participants are very actively using it for their own purposes. The scam, which refers to the “Kiwi” wallet, earnings, vouchers, is also launched by such people. For them, obviously, there are no principles and values ​​- the task is to collect as much money from the gullible and naive people on the Internet as possible.

In order not to become a victim of such users, be more careful.

New cheats

Today, of course, the theme of “Kiwi” vouchers has sunk into history. The story that all this is a hoax has become too widespread; many people just found out that they would be disappointed if they would buy vouchers to send them to someone. A better idea would be to top up your phone and the Internet than just parting with your money for no reason.

Vouchers disappear, but instead a new scam will come. What will it be - time will tell. In order not to experience how it works and on what principle it is structured in its own experience, be careful. Remember that no one will offer you their money "just like that." It is necessary to earn them in a certain way, and this is another story.

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