
Vermouth "Delacy": production and reviews. With what do they drink vermouth "Delacy"

To create a festive mood at a friendly party or celebration, more and more often instead of a standard dry or dessert wine, vermouth created on its basis is used. Delacy is a brand that is actively gaining popularity among lovers of this aromatic alcoholic beverage. It belongs to the Russian company UNIVEY Management, which is in constant partnership with a well-known Spanish winemaking tradition.

vermouth delasi

Brand popularity

Vermouth "Delacy", the price of which varies from 200 to 400 rubles per liter, meets high international standards and satisfies the tastes of most connoisseurs of this drink. High quality Spanish wine materials are used for its manufacture and resort to the help of modern technologies.

The company, which created the Delasi brand in 2005, already in 2006 received high professional awards at a tasting competition held in Moscow. In 2014, the brand received the “Product of the Year” award, which confirms its high popularity. The winner of the award was calculated by interviewing thousands of Russian citizens living in various large cities of the country. But what about the Delacy vermouth?

Production Features

Vermouth "Delacy" is produced at the Stavropol wine and brandy factory. The first stage of production is the production of white or red wine, which serves as the basis for the final product. The whole process of grape harvesting and fermentation takes place in Spain, and wine that is ready for the next stage of production comes to the Russian plant. The second stage is giving the base a specific flavor and adding alcohol and sugar.

vermouth delasi reviews

For flavoring, a specially prepared herbal extract is used. Its basic component is wormwood (this is exactly the way “vermouth” is translated from German), yarrow, mint, cinnamon, cardamom, elderberry, nutmeg are also added. Other herbs or parts of plants can be used to give the drink distinct aromatic shades.

The extract for aromatization is prepared in this way: the crushed plant components are dried, they are poured in a certain proportion with a water-alcohol solution and insisted for three weeks. Wine and extract are combined in the right proportions. Further, alcohol is added to the Delasi vermouth to fix the aroma, and sugar to soften the bitterness of herbs. The complete production process sometimes takes a whole year.

How to make the right choice

There is no single right answer to the question of which is better to choose Delacy vermouth. The price and quality of various types of vermouth of this brand equally satisfy buyers. However, the difference in the bouquet of aromas of each of them allows each person to find what he needs. The assortment is born not only due to the difference in herbal composition, but also due to the different contents of alcohol and sugar.

Judging by the available reviews, lovers of the refreshing citrus aroma will like the white Delasi Bianko. Red vermouth Delasi Rosso has a spicy bitterness and pomegranate flavor. Admirers of floral aromas, of course, will be attracted to Delasi Flowery created on the basis of dry wine. Delasi Extra Dry will leave an indelible impression on those who appreciate the astringent taste of extra dry wine and the aromas of spices.

vermouth delasi Price

Millions of connoisseurs of spicy wines appreciated the Delacy vermouth.Reviews of the most severe critics show that the product produced by this brand is of high quality and delicate taste.

Vermouth culture

Vermouth is usually used before meals, as it promotes good digestion, or after the main meal. Dry is usually served without dilution, slightly chilled or with the addition of ice cubes. And what do they drink vermouth "Delacy" with? Fried nuts, olives, fruits, berries, cheese, crackers, light salads or sandwiches can serve as snacks.

Sweet white or red vermouth is usually diluted with water, juice or lemonade. Its aroma will be revealed more fully if you drink it with the addition of ice and a slice of lemon or orange. Red sommeliers are advised not to drink immediately after opening the bottle - you need to give time to fully open his bouquet. Any vermouth "Delacy", presented in assortment, can serve as an excellent basis for making a cocktail. As a second component, you can use gin, vodka or cognac.

Why vermouth?

Is it worth it to dilute vermouth and with what exactly, with which products its combination is most successful - the decision in these matters largely depends on personal preferences. This unique drink gives room for experimentation in creating new tastes and aromas.

what drink vermouth delasi

It raises the mood, improves appetite, gives a refined aroma, and also strengthens the human body with the help of extracts from herbs contained in its composition. However, do not get carried away with the sweet varieties of vermouth, since an excessive concentration of sugar in the blood creates stress on the digestive organs, can cause nausea and heartburn. Rejoicing in life, it is important to be moderate.

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