
Unified All-Russian Classification of Sports: Features, Requirements and Rules

Life is impossible without sports. People invented varieties suitable for group games, individual, extreme. In order to systematize the existing sports entertainment, a single all-Russian classification by sports was introduced.

classification of olympic sports

This is not the only taxonomy of sports varieties known:

  • Olympic
  • worldwide;
  • each country has its own.

Who are we playing with

Sports are classified according to the composition of players: individual, team.

Individual types require the athlete to take responsibility for the course and result. The results are entered in individual classification books. How good the result will be is determined by the skills, abilities, physical form of the speaker at the competitions. In individual sport, everyone competes. Coaches point to the objectivity of such competitions, allowing to identify the most prepared, strong person, whose result clearly demonstrates that he deserves an award.

single all-Russian classification by sports

When a team of several people plays, the classification of sports distinguishes the event among the team. A group can have two or more people. Success depends on the contribution of the participants, the interaction within the team determines the result. There are frequent cases when a strong athlete is in a weak team. By all means, pulling the team to victory, he still will not be able to do much alone, so the team will lose. As a result, this very only talented player does not receive any awards or diplomas for his efforts. Some sports allow the medal "For the desire to win" or "For perseverance." A strong player of a weak team counts only on luck in this nomination.

Psychology in sports

The uniform classification of sports pays considerable attention to individual types. They attract numerous spectators, but athletes who choose these disciplines are under strong psychological pressure. Whatever a person does, it will affect the outcome, there is nowhere to wait for help.

All-Russian classification of sports

If the All-Russian classification of sports defines the game as a team game, that is, two, three, more athletes play, if one participant fails, others hedge him. Of course, a serious blunder negates the efforts of all team members. The ability to work in a group, self-awareness as part of the team - are mandatory requirements for an athlete.

Everything has advantages

Which variety requires psychologically greater stamina is unknown. Long trainings effectively prepare for psychological stress, responsibility, disappointments, however, disruptions are not uncommon among athletes.

Individuals have a chance to try themselves in teamwork: talking about relay races. Maximum return guarantees the success of a person, teamwork leads to the victory of the group in difficult conditions. The relay allows you to shuffle people within the team.

Ambiguous assessment of the all-Russian classification of sports tennis, badminton. These games are simultaneously considered team, individual, as there is a doubles.

unified classification of sports

Sport: so different

As the sports classification suggests, there are hundreds of sports: now there are more than 200 of them. About 150 are common in Russia. Certain varieties combine several disciplines. Each is characterized by special methods of struggle, the composition of actions, rules of conduct.

Olympic definition of a sport: a type of competitive activity that has developed over a long period of time, has become independent and includes one or more disciplines. The classification of Olympic sports is very important at the global level, since the Olympic Games regularly unite all countries, the entire population of the planet.

Russian division into species

The most widely used classification of sports entertainment in Russia, invented in 1977, supplemented in 1999 by L. Matveev. There are 6 groups:

  • Sports with active movement, with the identification of the limits of athletes. The overwhelming percentage of all common species is included here.
  • Competitions on special equipment. This classification of sports considers games related to yachts, motorcycles and other cars.
  • Games using weapons.
  • A sport that evaluates model design skills.
  • Logical, abstract, strategic group (chess, bridge).
  • Motor competitions (pentathlon, biathlon).

sports classification sports

Additional groups

The modern classification of sports, evaluating the physical, technical features of a particular entertainment, distinguishes 6 subgroups:

  • power, high-speed competition;
  • cyclic sport;
  • games;
  • complex coordination group;
  • all-around;
  • martial arts.

Grouping by example

Individual sports games:

  1. Racquetball
  2. Squash.
  3. Croquet.
  4. Go.

Team games:

  1. Floorball.
  2. Rugball.
  3. Paintball.

Loop games

  1. Diving.
  2. Bmx.
  3. Cyclocross.
  4. Scooter.

Complex coordination games:

  1. Surfing.
  2. Windsurfing.
  3. Riding on a board in the sands, mountains.

Extreme sport:

  1. Parkour.
  2. Jumping
  3. Alloys.
  4. Canyoning

Technical games

  1. Crossbow shooting.
  2. Street racing.
  3. Building rocket models.
  4. Karting.

Applied games:

  1. Orienteering under water.
  2. Orienteering.

Aviation Sports:

  1. Kiting.
  2. Parachutes.
  3. Paragliding.
  4. Hang gliders.
  5. Skater surfing.

Other games:

  1. Yo-yo.
  2. Computer games.
  3. Sox.

Sports for yourself: which one to choose

For everyday life, a person does not need Olympic feats, but sport is useful to maintain a good shape. The popularity of motor activity has been growing for the past 10 years. When choosing their type, they pay attention to the availability of inventory, the complexity of organizing the site, and what kind of team is needed.

sports classification

The first place in prevalence in recent years has been taken by Nordic walking. This is the passage of long routes with supporting sticks. The speed is small, a person walks for his pleasure, tired, returns home satisfied. Special equipment is not needed, even trekking poles can be replaced with ski poles.

A simple option for a beginner is to lift dumbbells. The necessary equipment - at least, you can practice at home. Dumbbells should weigh one, maximum one and a half kilograms. No additional weighting is needed. Sport has a positive effect on heart function.

Remember, some workloads are prohibited by health. It depends on human diseases. Varicose veins prohibit squatting, doing press exercises from a standing position. Uterine fibroids prohibits any type of strength exercise, as this puts additional pressure on the pelvis.

If you are interested in sports during treatment, rehabilitation, and having limited opportunities, pay attention to spiritual development. For example, yoga allows you to combine moderate exercise, meditation, calm. An alternative is tai chi. From the equipment a rug or a rag of non-slip material is useful, comfortable clothes that do not constrain movements. Tai chi and yoga focus on developing balance. They start with the simplest: asan yoga.

No less nice to dance. Dances load muscles, help develop sports qualities - the desire to be the best, agility, endurance. Speaking of effective training, sports dances are mentioned at the beginning. They are also relevant in the weight loss program, fashionable among modern women.Incendiary modern dances will bring joy, improve mood, bring the body in order, make the blood run faster through the veins. One has only to try, and the love of dancing will settle in the soul for life.

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