
How to apply for a Sberbank card and which one to choose?

Among the huge variety of banks in our country, Sberbank holds the lead. Every Russian is his client, because every person at least once in his life went into his walls in order to receive any state allowance or pay utility bills, receive or transfer money.

By the number of issued bank cards, the first place also belongs to him, because what else can be a stronger guarantee of reliability, if not folk love and recognition? Let's talk about how to draw up a Sberbank card.

how to draw up a sberbank card

Which card to choose?

First you need to decide for what purpose you want to get a bank card. To use a credit card exclusively as a wallet, placing personal funds on its account, you will need a debit card. If you want a card that allows you to take money from a bank on credit, then choose from a variety of credit cards.

Money allocated by the bank as a loan can be used more than once (within the available amount). In addition, a credit card, like a debit card, allows you to store your own funds on it. In all other respects, there is no difference between the two types of cards. And one and the other allows you to pay in stores and on the Internet, as well as cash out the funds available on the card.

Visa or MasterCard?

Another difference between bank cards is the payment systems to which they belong. Before you learn how to apply for a Sberbank card, you need to decide on this choice. The most popular are Visa and MasterCard cards, which for the average ordinary user do not have significant differences. Both of these systems are international.

Sberbank offers Visa Classic and Visa Gold, as well as MasterCard Standart and MasterCard Gold. Cards with the prefix "Gold" have more favorable terms of use, it is possible to receive large amounts on credit with a lower interest rate, but the service charge for such cards is much higher. In addition, the bank offers some types of cards for which there are special conditions. For example, “Visa give life,” which allows you to participate in a charity program, or “Visa Aeroflot,” thanks to which you can save on plane tickets.

Now, having decided on the types of credit cards, we turn to the question of how to apply for a Sberbank Visa or MasterCard card. The registration process for these cards of different payment systems is no different.

How to apply for a Sberbank card?

In order to become the owner of a bank card, no matter which card you choose, you must apply for a credit card in person at the bank or online.

Debit card

If you want to issue debit card it is enough to provide a passport of a Russian citizen. The only condition is that the age of the card recipient must not be less than 14 years. After completing the application, a few days later, you will receive a card, having come to the bank. There is an opportunity to order an individual design. To do this, you need to order a card on the website of Sberbank. Upon receipt, you will be signed all the necessary documents and paid a certain amount of money charged for the issuance of the card and its maintenance.

Credit card

How to apply for a Sberbank card - "MasterCard" or "Visa" - in order to withdraw from it the funds provided by the bank on credit? A bit more complicated than debit! To issue such a card to you, the bank must make sure of your solvency. By filling out the form, you must attach the necessary package of documents. Sberbank allows you to receive loans both in a simplified scheme and in a complete list of documents.

A simplified scheme implies a higher interest rate on the loan, but significantly simplifies its receipt. In order to request a credit card without providing documents from your place of work, you need to give the bank employee who is filling out your application, a civil passport and some other document, for example, a foreign passport, driver's license, and SNILS.

To make the loan interest rate lower, you need to bring to the bank a certificate of employment and a copy of the work book. An important condition: the time of work at the last workplace should be at least six months, and the work experience over the past five years - at least one year. A bank employee will accept documents and an application from you and inform you of the bank’s decision within two days after you fill out the application.

How to draw up a Sberbank Momentum card

Map "Momentum"

That's all about how to draw up a Sberbank card. Finally, it is worth saying that if you order a debit bank card, then there is the opportunity to order a "Momentum" card. It differs from the usual one in that it is released not within a few days, but instantly, within a few minutes.

This card is called Visa Elektron or MasterCard Maestro. Its external difference lies in the fact that the name of the card holder is not knocked out on it. This is what limits its effect - not every store or bank serves such cards. But for them there is no charge. How to apply for a Sberbank Instant card? Just like a regular card! Do not forget to inform the operator about your desire to get a card today.

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