
Types of products, classification category. Examples

Classification groups that combine products of the same name and with similar characteristics are types of products. Their standard characteristics, depending on the purpose of application, the method of manufacture and production, form various species concepts. But this is not the whole classification. In addition to types of products, distinguish its main types.

types of products

Group by type

The grouping of goods by similarity of purpose, operating principle, design and technical parameters reflected in the brand of products is called the type of product. Things, means and products intended for sale are called commercial products. A specific type includes products with the indicated technological characteristics and design solutions, operating principles, specific functions. The company's new products combine specific products with the highest requirements, reliability, the required level of quality and economically justified changes.

Renaming is applied to products whose technical and consumer characteristics no longer satisfy modern users. In industrial production with established technology, a developed type of product is produced. If its production is transferred to another manufacturer, then a period of time is required for development. The finished product readiness cycle, the formed value of the products, compliance with all standard requirements, the batch documentation transfer products to the finished product category.

Product classification

It is used to process data on products in various production areas, quality indicators, study the needs of customers and related industries, production planning and distribution accounting. Classification into certain types of products helps to certify goods, conduct economic and marketing research market.

Product Classification Requirements

Classification in a modern market meets certain requirements:

  • Objectively expresses reliable information on the study of commodity properties.
  • It complies with accepted product codes.
  • Includes newly created consumer goods using flexible classification in the familiar list. It does not change the principles of accepted standardization.

agricultural products

Trade and commodity qualification system

Products used for production are defined as technical goods. The division is based on an industry principle, a sign of source material, use. Types of products intended for use by the population are consumer goods. Products for the country's defense needs constitute a type of military purpose. The goods of an industrial group combine products used in future production as raw materials and technological equipment.

Division of goods of industrial category

Depending on the type of production and its characteristic features, industrial goods are divided into basic equipment and auxiliary. The first variety is intended directly for production. The auxiliary group is used in service divisions, tool workshops, boiler houses, power plants, and automatic production control systems.

Consumer Product Division

There are three classes in this product group:

  • food, food products;
  • non-food group;
  • medical products.

Within these classes, there is a division into homogeneous groups. They differ in similar production technologies that use similar components as a basis. These products are not completely identical, but perform the same functions. And can be replaced in operation.

Common consumption goods

Food classification example

A food group is a product of the food industry, which includes ready-made or in-kind foods for consumption. In addition, such products include bottled drinking water, alcohol, chewing gums, non-alcoholic products, additives, spices. The class of food products is divided into subclasses:

  1. Auxiliary products. These are spices, food additives, spices and seasonings, thickeners and others.
  2. Plant products: pasta, fruits and vegetables, alcohol, tea, coffee, sugar, starch, flour and confectionery products, vegetable oil, margarine.
  3. Products of animal origin. These are dairy products and sour-milk food, meat and semi-finished products from it, sausages, fish, seafood, eggs.
  4. Combined products. These are baby food and concentrated food products.

In addition to classification, food products are divided into gastronomy and groceries. The first group includes products that are sold ready-to-eat. For example, sausages, smoked meats, deli meats, cheeses, canned goods, milk, alcohol, agricultural products. The grocery group contains goods intended for subsequent cooking. These are flour, cereals, pasta, sugar, tea, spices, etc.

food industry products

An example of subclassing non-food items

This class includes products obtained in production to meet the economic needs of the population, organizations, production associations. For food consumption by humans or animals, such output is not used:

  1. Clothing and footwear and textiles. These are all kinds of outfits, hats, underwear, stockings and socks. These include fur products, shoes, fabric and non-woven materials, threads, sewing and needlework, haberdashery.
  2. Hygiene products. This subclass includes perfumes, cosmetics, sanitary equipment and personal hygiene items. For example, razors, toothbrushes, perfumes, eau de toilette, shampoos, decorative cosmetics.
  3. Products for decoration: jewelry, items of decorative and applied art.
  4. Cultural and household goods. This includes electronic appliances and devices, office electrical office equipment, communications, photo and video equipment, sports equipment, products for intellectual and mental creativity.
  5. Vehicles. The group combines all types of land and water transport, lubricants, fuel for engines, spare parts for cars and mechanisms.
  6. Household goods. This includes furniture, utensils, household appliances, building materials and products. In addition, chemical products, household equipment, agricultural tools.

Classification of consumer goods

The group of everyday goods includes products that people often buy for everyday use. The buyer does not think about how to compare such products and does not spend tangible efforts on this. This group of products includes bread, dairy products, washing powder, garbage bags, toothpaste. Also included here are items and foods of the so-called impulse purchase, unplanned acquisition: bars, drinks, chewing gums, newspapers, magazines. The same group contains items, the need for which arises as a result of an unforeseen situation. For example, the acquisition of an umbrella in rainy weather.

The group of pre-selection goods includes products, before which a person makes a comparative analysis with other similar products, calculates the economic benefit. And he chooses the alternative he likes. There are products that have small differential differences, depending on the brand of the manufacturer. This group includes refrigerators, washing units, microwave ovens, mixers, etc. Products with great distinctive features also belong here. This clothing, underwear, shoes, hats, furniture, wallpaper and more.

cost of production

A group of goods with special demand are items with unique features that are of great value on consumer market. These include prestigious jewelry, artwork, and light industry products. The bulk are fashionable, collectibles.

The next group is represented by products of passive demand, which are characterized by the fact that buyers do not know anything about it or have never thought about purchasing products. An example is various household indicators, waste recycling devices, insurance policies, smart papers, etc.

Light Industry Division

The light industry industry includes many divisions and complexes. Their total number is 25. A little less than 600 types of organizations and production enterprises work in the field of industry. The main classification structures of light industry include silk, knitwear, linen, wool, fur, footwear and other industries. The main industrial complexes operate in the textile industry. Help on the material is agricultural products in the form of plant materials for the needs of light industry.


Chemical Classifier

Chemical products are divided into 7 classes. Each of them is divided into 52 subclasses. Classes include:

  • Chemical minerals of mining, products of their primary processing, inorganic origin.
  • Polymer materials: synthetically obtained rubber, plastics, chemical and plastic fibers.
  • Paints, varnishes, solvents.
  • Synthetic, organic materials and dyes.
  • Organically Synthesized Products oil refining Coke, materials for chemical processes.
  • Chemical reagents, pure substances for high-precision production.
  • Medicines, medicines for the pharmaceutical industry.

Tangible and intangible products

Raw materials are products that are used for processing. The result is material. It is intended for the manufacture of products or materials of a different quality. A product is called a product unit. It is determined in separate copies and pieces. The product is a consequence of the work performed, but relates to products. It is simultaneously used for consumption and does not serve the purpose of further exploitation. Products manufactured in easily damaged packaging, after which they cannot be consumed, are called consumables.

Products appear as a result of human activity. It is designed to meet needs. This category is divided into products of tangible and intangible activities. The first, intended for trade exchange, belongs to the category of goods. These are food products, household appliances, chemical materials, products, etc. The non-material category includes insurance services, legal nature, etc.

enterprise products

Key Product Features

For production items to belong to the product category, they must meet certain characteristics:

  • the product is the result of an activity;
  • It serves to meet the needs of society and individual citizens.

By the method of production, products are divided into industrial, agricultural, natural. In the area of ​​sales, trade is distinguished, which includes retail. It consists in the sale, loading and delivery of heavy large items, professional advice to sellers on how to use new products and their demonstration in action.

In conclusion, it should be said that the classification of goods is a necessary gradation for determining operational characteristics, processing data on productivity in various industries, and studying the demand for categories and groups. Despite the large variety of products, thanks to the classification, it passes system standardization and is subject to certification within the established framework.

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