
Military and civil aircraft manufacturing in Russia

Aircraft industry in Russia began to form as part of the defense complex. That is why at present this industry is considered highly militarized. The military aircraft industry in Russia was formed in accordance with the volume of constant state orders and the possibility of exporting equipment to most of the countries of the world. Aircraft production for regular passenger transportation is not so stable. Let us further consider how the aircraft industry was created in Russia, in which cities the main manufacturing enterprises of this industry existed. aircraft industry in Russia

History reference

In Soviet times, civilian aircraft industry occupied only 20% of the total industrial volume in the industry. At the same time, the country fully provided for the needs of its own air forces and exported cars to different states. At that time, there were two large suppliers of equipment in the world - the Soviet Union and the United States. Since 1961, Soviet aircraft were exported to 60 countries. Until the 90s, the Soviet Union provided 40% of the world's air fleets with equipment.

Years of the USSR

The scientific achievements of the Soviet era ensured the success of the industry. The largest aircraft manufacturing centers began to form in the country. In Russia today, one of the leading is KnAAPO. In Soviet times, the design bureaus of Yakovlev, Ilyushin, Tupolev, which later became world famous, were organized. A diversified industry has formed in the country. She produced aircraft for both civilian transport and the Air Force. In the USSR, in addition, a complex of effective methods and models for organizing production was developed. More than a million workers were employed in the aircraft industry. But within the framework of the Soviet economic school, the development of marketing methods was not carried out, and this despite the fact that there was quite fierce competition on the technology markets. aircraft industry development in Russia

Decline in production

With the collapse of the Soviet Union, several independent and competing enterprises arose. Many of them were outside the borders of Russia. This led to the destruction of previously established on-farm interactions. As a result, the integrity of the industry complex was violated. The process of the country's transition to new economic conditions has significantly limited the ability to directly manage the work of business entities. This, in turn, required the creation of new approaches to the issue of state regulation of the industry. In addition, there were problems associated with corporate governance of enterprises, restructuring, attracting investments in the development of aircraft manufacturing in Russia. Orders for the defense complex and purchases of passenger equipment were significantly reduced. All this led to a decline in production. Meanwhile, the country has created all the conditions for the creation of aircraft that would successfully compete with the products of manufacturers in other countries.

Key industry elements

The foundation on which the aircraft industry in Russia is based is factories and design bureaus. Most of them are combined in JSC UAC. Experimental design bureaus are scientific organizations involved in the development of new technology. The most developed should include KB, which survived after the collapse of the USSR. It is on them that the civil aircraft industry in Russia is actually held. aircraft manufacturing in Russia factories

OKB Ilyushin

This design office is considered one of the leading in the country. The projects of recent years include aircraft such as IL 96-300 / 400, IL-114, IL-62, IL-112. The design bureau is considered the main developer of wide-body aircraft projects. Currently, the Design Bureau as a priority has chosen the development of models of military transport equipment.

KB Tupolev

During the work of this design bureau, more than 300 projects of various types of aircraft, snowmobiles and small aircraft have been created. About 90 of them were sold in metal, and about 40 were mass-produced. According to the projects, 18 thousand aircraft were manufactured. Today, the design bureau is transformed into an open joint-stock company of the Tupolev type. It is included in the KLA. The projects of passenger liners of recent years include the Tu-214, Tu-444, Tu-330, Tu-204-100 / -200, Tu-334. Tupolev OJSC is considered the domestic leader in the production of medium-haul aircraft. To date, the company is developing the latest models of equipment that meets all modern standards. OJSC aims to expand passenger aircraft manufacturing in Russia. aircraft manufacturing centers in Russia

OKB Yakovlev

Over the entire period of its work, the design bureau has created more than 200 modifications and types of aircraft, including more than 100 serial ones. Design Bureau is included in the KLA. Among the projects of recent years, it is worth noting Ms-21, Yak-40, Yak-42. The design bureau is developing short-range aircraft. The OKB receives its main orders from the RF Armed Forces. In this regard, the creation of samples of military equipment is considered a priority. Along with this, in recent years, work has been ongoing on the creation of projects of promising medium-haul liners.

OKB Sukhoi

This company is today considered one of the leading in the country. For many decades, about 100 types and modifications of aircraft were created in the design bureau. Of these, more than 60 were sent to serial production. The total number of aircraft produced is more than 10 thousand. Over 2 thousand aircraft were exported to 30 countries. More than 50 world records were set on aircraft manufactured under OKB projects. In the early 2000s. Civil Aviation CJSC enterprises were formed to separate passenger and defense programs. Recent projects include the Sukhoi Superjet 100.  aircraft industry in Russia in which cities

Aircraft industry in Russia: placement factors

The most important conditions for the existence of the industry are the availability of qualified specialists, the need for products, own production or the possibility of obtaining design materials. The production of sophisticated equipment that meets modern requirements is concentrated in areas characterized by a highly developed research base. Of particular importance is the proximity to metallurgical enterprises, companies engaged in the production of high-precision equipment. Aircraft manufacturing in Russia is one of the most labor-intensive industries. Highly qualified specialists work in it. Aircraft manufacturing enterprises are located mainly in regions with a high population density, especially where there is no shortage of engineering personnel.

Production sites

They are specialized aircraft manufacturing plants. The largest manufacturing enterprises include:

  1. VASO (Voronezh city). This plant is considered one of the most stable in the country. He produces wide-body aircraft An148, IL-96/300 / -400, SSJ.
  2. KAPO (Kazan). This enterprise was founded in 1927. During the entire period of operation, 34 modifications in the amount of more than 18 thousand units were produced from the factory. The company produces Tu-214, IL-62M, Tu-334.
  3. Aviakor. In Soviet times, this plant was one of the five largest in the country. For more than 50 years, planes have been assembled here according to the designs of the design bureaus of Ilyushin, Antonov, Tupolev. Since 2010, the company has been included in UAC. The plant produces Tu-154 and An-140 aircraft. aircraft industry in Russia placement factors
  4. KnAAPO. This enterprise is considered the leading one in the Sukhoi holding. Today, the plant is participating in the company's priority programs. This, in particular, is the development and production of the Su-35 multi-functional fighter, the 5th generation combat aircraft complex and the SSJ 100 regional passenger liner.
  5. CJSC Aviastar-SP (g.Ulyanovsk). This company specializes in the production of modern passenger cars Tu-204, transport liners An-124-100 and Il-476.

Prerequisites for business combinations

The crisis of the 90s. affected all economic sectors, including the aircraft industry. In Russia, many design bureaus and production sites were in an extremely difficult situation. A new era began in the country's economy, according to the laws of which enterprises only had to learn how to work. The consequences of the crisis quickly affected the state of the industry. A significant reduction in government orders led to a decrease in output, an increase in the cost of technology and a decrease in profits. Factories had to look for ways to reduce costs. This has led to aging and a reduction in workforce, depreciation of equipment, lower R&D costs, and so on. Today, aircraft manufacturing in Russia is considered one of the most obsolete industries. More than 100 aircraft are written off every year.

Replenishment of the park is practically not carried out. Since the 90s. only 36 liners of 1-3 classes were produced by the industry. Domestic enterprises operate today under conditions of reduced capacity load (about 30%). With such a volume of production, it is very problematic to ensure even simple reproduction of our own technical base. The overall decline in the quality of life of the population was negatively reflected in the state of the industry. As citizens' incomes decreased, they began to use cheaper rail and road transport. As a result, the industry was fragmented and could no longer compete with Western manufacturers. The program to unite all design bureaus and factories should contribute to the restoration of aircraft manufacturing in Russia.  military aircraft industry in Russia


It should be recognized that currently the aircraft industry in Russia is going through far from its best times. In many respects this was influenced by the collapse of the USSR, and then the transition to market economic conditions. The passenger aircraft fleet is very outdated today. At the same time, very few new equipment is produced. At the same time, the military aircraft industry continues to develop. This is due to constant state orders, strengthening the defense capability of the state. Nevertheless, the enterprises created back in Soviet times continue to function, although they do not work at full capacity. Design bureaus are developing new projects, creating samples of modern technology. I would like to believe that such a large industry will be able to recover and Russia will again be one of the leaders in aircraft manufacturing in the world. To do this, it is necessary to develop an appropriate program, update the equipment of design bureaus and production sites, and attract investment.

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