
The best small business options. Small Business Home Equipment

What are the options for small business "on the shoulder" of an ordinary citizen? The question, of course, is interesting. The type of business depends on what means thissmall business optionscitizen is ready to invest. Those. should be based on the initial capital intensity of the business. It is logical that entrepreneurship with significant initial investments immediately reaches a certain amount of revenue. If a citizen has chosen activities that do not require significant initial investments, then with the development of this business, revenue is initially minimal, but then it gradually increases.

Big business, by the way, is not only a small competitor, it is also one of the sources of its establishment. Large enterprises are often shareholders of small, forming start-up funds to create their authorized capital.

What is a "small business"?

First, let's figure out what business options exist in the current legislative field. The Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On the Development of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises ...” defines small enterprises as commercial organizations, cooperatives, also includes individual entrepreneurs, and peasant farms. At the same time, the legislation provides for the following division of enterprises: microenterprises - with the number of employees - up to 15, small enterprises - up to 100 people, medium - up to 250 employees.

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 101 dated 02/09/2013 determines the following business ranking by revenue: microenterprise - up to 60 million rubles .; small enterprises - up to 400 million rubles; medium-sized enterprises - up to 1 billion rubles.

The economy of the country and small business

big businessIn the economies of various countries, the aforementioned business options occupy a different proportion. In the Russian economy, the leading role is played by big business. Moreover, the share of commodity sectors in GDP is more than 40%. The development of small business is an urgent task for the homeland of Tolstoy and Dostoevsky. After all, an indispensable sign of a harmoniously developed economy today is the level of development of small business.

By the end of 2011, the number of Russian small enterprises exceeded 1.6 million units. Despite this very significant absolute figure, developed countries demonstrate an average number of small enterprises per thousand citizens 4–4.5 times higher.

They produce more than 60% of the GDP of the USA, Britain, Germany, France. Meanwhile, Russian small enterprises produce less than 20% of the country's GDP. What to do? Last year, China showed a hint in the answer to this question by “freezing” VAT and value added tax for its small enterprises from 08/01/2013.

What is it - a small business in Russia?

Which option to choose a small business if you have the prospect of investing? Let's first consider the options, i.e. conjuncture. Her Majesty Statistics will help us with this. According to 2010 data, 38.4% of all small enterprises in Russia were trading. This is a lot, twice as much as in developed countries. The services sector, on the contrary, is twice as “behind”.

Also on the Russian market there are various small business options in the areas of food production, construction, real estate operations, agriculture, manufacturing and mining.

In this article, we will set ourselves the goal of introducing readers to some calculated and conscious ways to enter a small business. But it should be understood that the presented sample is a grain in the sea of ​​possible options.

Consider some specific types of small business.We begin our story with small manufacturing enterprises requiring investment.

Mini bakery

equipment for small business at homeYou may be interested in the prospect of a business based on the production of quality bakery products using a mini-bakery. An investment of 1.5 million rubles will be required for this. The specified sum includes payment of rent, purchase of equipment, payment to employees, purchase of primary products.

If you do not have that kind of money, then you can use a bank loan. The largest creditors of small business in Russia are Sberbank, Uralsibbank, Russian Agricultural Bank.

The return on investment in a mini-bakery is a year and a half (depending on the quality of management). The profitability of this production is 7-8%.


Khinkalnaya (snack bar) may become another small manufacturing enterprise. This is a good alternative to restaurants with their "sky-high" prices, as well as primitive eateries. Khinkalnaya is not included in the small business options for beginners. Here you must have experience in the field of catering. A serving of khinkali or khachapuri for lunch is inexpensive, tasty and healthy.

To implement this idea, you should accept the status of IP or LLC. If you consider the option with IP, then the “plus” here are lower costs, and the “minus” is the ban for you in this case to sell alcohol. “Knowing people” are registered in two ways: a cafe is an IP, and a bar is an LLC. The ideal khinkal room is located in the city center and has an area of ​​120-180 m2. Effective transport interchange is also important. Pay attention to its technical parameters, the right to place a sign and the presence of a nearby parking lot.

Such business options are quite high-tech and require specialization. In the approximate cost estimate there will be the following items: the cost of equipment - about 250 thousand rubles (thermal, electromechanical, refrigeration, baking, weight, etc.), the cost of furniture - 150 thousand rubles. Private business ideas should be based on the ability to work with people.

When selecting personnel "at a minimum", it is necessary to take into account 2 cooks, 3 waiters, an administrator, a dishwasher and a cleaner. If you rent a room for khinkalnoy, then the cost of rent, for example, in Moscow, will be 200-250 thousand rubles. With a maximum profitability of 20% (and this is possible at Moscow prices, where a portion costs 250-300 rubles), the investment will pay off in 1.5-2 years.

Average household goods store

business optionsTo open a small trading enterprise, namely, a household goods store, you need a room of 100 m2, half of which will be under the trading floor. The remaining areas should be reserved for office space.

The staff of such a store should have 2 sellers. The average monthly profit of this trading company is 40 thousand rubles. Investing in such small business options will pay off in the next year and a half.

Production of MDF facades

The production of MDF facades today is in demand by various companies, shops. A production area of ​​approximately 100 m is important for organizing this small business.2. Demanded tools in this case will be, firstly, a format-cutting machine (from 200 thousand rubles), and secondly, a milling machine with a milling table (380 thousand rubles), a grinding machine (about 180 thousand rubles) , spray gun, press, compressor, special vacuum cleaner (all - about 200 thousand rubles).

The total cost of launching this business will amount to 1.5 million rubles.

Such a small enterprise can produce about 100 m in a week of work2 MDF facades, if you work with the equipment will be one person. With an increase in the number of employees to 3, we get optimal labor productivity.

Given the price of a square meter of the facade of 1000 rubles, we get a fairly high profitability - 28%, which, with proper organization of production, will allow it to fully recoup in six months.

Social media trading - a business with minimal investment

In this type of business, an ordinary home personal computer turns into equipment for small businesses at home. Growing popularity is gaining business on the world wide web. Small capital-intensive small businesses are on the rise today, not least because of the power of the Internet. For example, trading in a social network is available for almost all segments of the population: for pensioners and young mothers.

The technique of such trading today is represented by numerous sites. Initially, the demand for goods is investigated. In the event that you were able to find the target audience, the corresponding group opens with a presentation of the goods being sold on the social network. If you have orders, buy goods at a wholesale price and sell at retail. Trade margin is your revenue.

Such home-based business options require a minimum of technological means: a personal computer or tablet for communication connected to the Internet, and a car for the delivery of goods (the latter is not always necessary, for example, with proper public transportation).

Copywriting Services

small business enterprisesThis type of entrepreneurship is now especially popular. The demand for creative texts tends to grow steadily. Texts in demand are encouraging consumers to increase purchases.

Written speeches are valued - well-reasoned and pointed, bearing clear messages. Customers - site owners - are interested in periodically updating published articles. Here are some ideas for private business in this creative field.

First, the copywriter must go through an individual writing school. A wide market for such work is provided by copywriting exchanges. Then, having felt his qualifications and earned money, as well as having “earned” regular customers, the copywriter types himself a team and then already works as an editor of texts created by his colleagues. Payment for thousands of characters written by colleagues is listed, naturally, he is the organizer of such a team.

The entrepreneur is online in touch with collaborating copywriters, as well as with customers found. His revenue is the difference between the order price and the salaries of copywriters. With such copywriting, it is desirable not only equipment for small businesses at home, but also mobile Internet. After all, a long-awaited customer can get in touch with an urgent order when you are traveling in transport.

Farm - meat production

small business options for beginnersIn the presence of agreements with catering enterprises on regular receipt food waste At reasonable prices, a small-scale pig farming business is becoming relevant. The most promising period is summer, because the grassy green mass is also food for these animals.

Of course, such a business in a private house requires a specific facility for keeping these animals. The price of a pig is up to 50 rubles. Let's say we bought 20 pigs. The cost of the purchase will be 40-50 thousand rubles. After 3-4 months, each of them will add approximately 100 kg of live weight.

We will get “at the exit” 2 tons of meat at a price of 60 rubles / kilogram, as well as 20 pork skins at 500 rubles per unit. Twenty raw skins will provide you with revenue of 10 thousand rubles. Thus, the total revenue will be 130 thousand rubles.

More cost-effective - growing sheep. Purchased lambs need only grazing. Small businesses in agriculture become truly profitable under such a state economic policy, when their products are guaranteed to be purchased.

Beekeeping is the most profitable agricultural business.

It will require the purchase of 40 hives and the same number of swarms. Investments will amount to 70-80 thousand rubles.Preliminarily, it is highly desirable to undergo training to acquire the necessary skills for practical examination of the hive, selection of honey, protection of the hive from extraneous insect thieves, etc. You will also need a specific inventory of the beekeeper: a smoker, a protective net, a chisel, a bathrobe, a box of the beekeeper.

Practical skills in handling bees are also fundamentally necessary. Recall some of them. Lack of pronounced odors. Before “communication” with bees, it is recommended to take a shower. Fume, the smell of a dog, the smell of alcohol, garlic, onions - all these flavors of the bee really do not like. For the same reason, if your apiary is guarded by dogs, you should keep them away from the hives. Bees do not like dark color and hairiness, as well as sharp movements. Running away from them is useless - they react to movement. If they are aroused, it is wiser to lie down on the ground.

Based on the average yield of honey from one hive per season - 40 kg and the cost of one kilogram of honey - 100 rubles, we get the amount of planned income - 80 thousand rubles.


home business optionsIt is obvious that now the system of comprehensive support for small business in the country is in the initial stage of development. To give it dynamics, it is important to develop the most lightweight concessional lending mechanisms. Moreover, for a high-tech small business, a part of the borrower's interest burden should be borne by the state. Why do you have to do this? The civic impulse of entrepreneurs seeking to bring the country to the frontiers of scientific and technological progress should be appreciated.

The dynamics of the state with the growth potential of industries and reliable social protection is impossible without the development of small business. An indicator, as already mentioned, is its share in GDP. A powerful and diversified small business with a GDP of about 60% is a prerequisite for the self-sufficiency of the country's domestic market and the availability of reliable reserves in its economy.

What is the main brake on its development? This question is clearly rhetorical, because everyone knows the answer to it. The reason for the lag in its growth is the existing tax system, which remained transitional in nature. Its tough, clearly subjective and exaggerated demands put pressure on vulnerable and fragile small business systems. Of course, this area of ​​state regulation has been in need of reform for ten years now.

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