
Promising areas of small business. New lines of business in Russia

Have you finally decided to break out of office slavery and are looking for suitable ideas? Then you just need to learn about the most promising areas of small business!


Why is it so important to choose the right direction?

Of course, with enough effort, you can succeed in almost any field. However, it is necessary to keep up to date, to find new areas of business that are relevant and in demand in the modern market.

According to the results of sociological studies published by American scientists, only 26% of new business projects have a chance of success. In our country, the situation is no better, if not worse. After all, besides everything else, the fact that the development of small business as such began much later than in Western countries - only about 15 years ago, is also important here.

What to consider when choosing?

To make the right choice, you should analyze the different directions of small business development and be sure to pay attention to such factors as:

  • niche of a new enterprise;
  • the level of influence of large enterprises of competitors;
  • options for expanding the core business;
  • demand and sales in the selected direction;
  • growth opportunities.

Having thought through all these points, you will be able to choose a truly promising business direction that will appeal to you and bring tangible income.

And we, in turn, will help you analyze several options and submit a worthy idea.

So, the first option ...


Internet commerce is a special type of activity that includes all trading and financial transactions that are carried out using the global Internet, as well as business processes associated with these actions. This option rightfully leads promising areas of small business, because high technology has already become an integral part of every person’s life.

There are different types of e-commerce:

  • exchange of information on the network;
  • internet trading;
  • electronic marketing;
  • Internet banking;
  • Internet insurance
  • electronic movement of capital, etc.

However, no matter which direction you are interested in, it is very important that you can offer consumers original or revolutionary ideas that will


in high demand.

In addition, to start such a project you will need the services of different specialists and at least the minimum starting capital (the more it is, the stronger the “breakthrough” will be and the greater return you will receive).

The main advantages that new areas of small business related to e-commerce have are global, continuous 24/7, cost reduction, automation, quick launch of the product on the market, as well as personalization.

However, it should be understood that the e-commerce market is growing every year. Therefore, in order to “join in,” one must have either innovative ideas or impressive capital.


Roughly speaking, people always eat. Neither revolution, nor economic shocks affect this, because food is vital for a person. There will be no productions and shops - everyone will be armed with spears and will go to kill the mammoth. Or not a mammoth. And then the most influential person will be the best hunter.

But, fortunately, now everything is not so deplorable. And the activities associated with the manufacture and sale of food products - the most profitable business in a crisis.

Ecologically clean products are really in demand - against the background of the total occupation of store shelves by “chemistry”, low-quality products with dangerous dyes, preservatives and GMOs, many people dream of eating healthy, tasty, natural food. Therefore, the most promising lines of business in this area are:

  • greenhouse management;
  • growing snails (Why are you surprised? French delicacies are simply unrealistic in demand and are very expensive!);
  • mushroom cultivation;
  • growing greenery;
  • ostrich and quail farms.

Demand for such products is growing steadily, and the initial investment is very small. In addition, these are new areas of business that do not yet have much competition. In fact, there is a high probability that there will simply be no one to intercept your income in your city.


Educational projects

Are you a born teacher? Or, perhaps, just an erudite person who knows a huge amount of interesting information on various topics and always learns something new, without stopping for a second in development? Then this option is for you!

No, this is not about standard tutoring and classes with schoolchildren according to the program approved by the state - our teachers are calmly doing this without obtaining the status of an individual entrepreneur or registering a legal entity. Now we are talking about the organization of mass education - the opening of studios, circles, courses, etc.


Agritourism Organization

It is good for those who have their own country house or cottage, even if it is small. The remaining residents of cities spend 365 days a year in captivity of brick and concrete walls, noisy avenues, the noise of thousands of passing cars.

Do you think they will abandon the prospect of spending a few days close to picturesque forests, melodiously murmuring rivers, loudly singing birds and exhaling dizzying aromas of flowers?

Speaking about promising topics for business, the option of renting rural housing or part of it must be mentioned.

Entrepreneurs who master agritourism should:

  • create a database of houses for rent;
  • check the condition of buildings, if necessary, help the owners organize and carry out repair work;
  • conduct an advertising campaign, cover your proposal on the Internet and print media;
  • think over pricing policy (come up with weekend tours, leisure options for families with small children).

Excellent accompanying ideas for working in this industry will be the sale of handicrafts or, for example, the organization of corporate leisure.


Hand-made products

Do you think the work of talented embroiderers, sculptors, painters, joiners, potters and other representatives of the hand-made “hangouts” is of no interest to anyone now? You can’t even imagine how much mistaken you are!

Firstly, if you really have a flair and good taste, you can sell the results of your work. Many people don’t dwell on interior items, jewelry and handmade clothes - original and bright, “not like everyone else”.

Another option is to conduct paid classes and teach your favorite hobby to other people. By organizing master classes and whole courses, you will be able to secure for yourself not a one-time, as in the manufacture of products to order or sale of finished products, but a steady income.

Subsequently, having gathered a whole group of artisans under your leadership, you can increase profits at least several times.


Vending business

Vending is the sale of various goods and services using special machines. They are now found almost everywhere. Why don't you start your small business in this segment? Promising directions of the past, which clearly show that such ideas take root well in society, are automatic machines for replenishing a mobile phone account, coffee machines. Now we can hardly imagine life without them.But once someone guessed that this can really make money!

In general, in terms of a vending business, the main thing is to have an unusual idea. Indeed, only those ideas that will allow consumers to get everything they need in a convenient place and at the right time will find wide application. In this case, both technological, logistic and psychological factors should be taken into account and “keep your nose in the wind.”

Creation of call centers



In many areas of business, without the help of a call center, there can be no talk of successful activities. Having picked up good staff, trained people to communicate with customers and customers, you can open

Various companies will give you orders for conducting telephone surveys, receiving orders, advertising certain goods and services, as well as organizing consultations on the hotline during the campaign period. For attracting new customers to the customer’s company, you, in turn, will receive a certain income. your call center.

Work in the service sector

Nobody likes communication with the faceless “qualified specialists” who say the same learned words to dozens, or even hundreds of clients a day. That is why many people, when they need certain services, prefer to turn to private specialists. This option guarantees them an individual approach, a detailed analysis of the problem and the search for the optimal solution.

The most promising areas of small business in this regard are:

  • domestic services;
  • legal services;
  • cleaning agencies;
  • brokerage services;
  • accounting services.

A huge advantage of this choice is that in order to start successfully promoting your business and making good money, an entrepreneur does not need to generate innovative ideas. It’s enough to competently approach advertising issues (in this case, self-promotion) and show that you are a real pro in your field.

Moreover, the more clients you successfully serve, the more people will contact you - the principle will work Word of mouth.

In a word, having a desire, a good grip and (ideally) a small starting capital, you can literally reach a decent level of earnings in a couple of years without hunching your back in the office for 9-10 hours every day and doing things that you really like!

And what are the promising areas of small business that interest you?

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