
TCP recovery: action algorithm

Passport technical equipment (TCP) - almost the most important document that is necessary for the operation of the vehicle. In the absence of this paper, it is impossible for the car owner to use the car, put or deregister it, and, naturally, sell it or transfer it to another person.

In which case is a technical passport required?

Based on the current legislative acts in the Russian Federation, a TCP is issued for any motor vehicle with the following characteristics:TCP recovery

  1. Purpose - operation on public roads.
  2. The maximum speed exceeds 25 km per hour.
  3. The presence of the chassis.
  4. Not subject to change design.
  5. The presence of individual special distinctive signs (body number, chassis, etc.).

Thus, in the event of the loss of such paper, it is urgently necessary to obtain it again, having collected all the necessary documents for the restoration of the TCP.

List of documents

The first and necessary step will be to contact the traffic police, and the next step will be to run through the authorities to collect what is needed to restore the TCP. It:

  1. A document confirming the identity of the car owner (civil passport).
  2. Vehicle purchase and sale document.
  3. General power of attorney (in case of car operation by proxy).
  4. Certificate of registration of a vehicle.
  5. CTP policy.
  6. A financial document that confirms the payment of state fees.
  7. Application for the restoration of TCP according to the established model.
  8. Written explanation.

TCP recovery in case of loss

There are cases when one of the documents is missing for quite serious reasons. Here, indeed, the owner is faced with difficulties, how will this very restoration of the TCP take place (in case of loss or some other reason) if it is impossible to collect the above list of documents?

In this case, proceed as follows:

  1. In case of loss of a civil passport, it is necessary at the beginning to obtain a temporary identity card in the police department.
  2. A copy of the contract of sale can be found at the seller of the car, while it is notarized.
  3. General power of attorney - at notarial authorities. You can get a duplicate or a new power of attorney.
  4. Certificate of registration of TCP through submission of a duplicate to the state traffic inspectorate.
  5. The CTP policy can be obtained quickly and easily enough at the insurance company, the services of which were used earlier.
  6. Payment document for state duty - when applying to the bank branch where the contribution is made. But only when identification passport information was indicated in the initial receipt.
  7. The explanatory and application for the restoration of the TCP is re-issued.

application for the restoration of TCP

Action algorithm

The restoration of TCP will, of course, entail some financial expenses:

  • payment of notarization of securities;
  • obligatory state duty: 500 rubles (new title) and 300 rubles (new certificate of car registration).

The next step in the procedure called “TCP recovery” will be such actions as:

  1. Payment of state duty.
  2. Application to the traffic police about the loss of a passport for a vehicle.
  3. Explanatory in the prescribed form, which should detail the conditions for the loss of title.
  4. Inspection of the car with the subsequent signing of the relevant act by the inspector.
  5. Documents at the additional request of the traffic police.documents to restore TCP

Within 7 days (terms vary) from the moment of submission of a package of documents, you can get a duplicate TCP.

Speeding up the recovery process, or how to avoid errors?

The owner of the car should not rush and get ahead of events, while making a number of mistakes:

1. The provision of excess securities is premature. The extra documentary load extends the period of reconciliation with existing information databases, because the traffic inspector is obliged to check the entire package, as required by current regulatory documents.

2. Indication in the application of the theft of TCP. In this case, in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs No. 59, a duplicate of the TCP is not executed until the criminal proceedings are completed. But life experience shows that this process can last for years.

Actions in case of refusal to issue a duplicate of a vehicle passport

In the event of a refusal, a written decision must be requested from the traffic police employee. And if they also refuse to provide a written decision, then you can safely contact the police with a statement about the provocation of a bribe.

If you receive a written response indicating the specific reason, you should file a complaint with the head of the department of the state traffic inspectorate, in which you must justify your innocence and the fallacy of the refusal. In this case, the owner of the car will not be able to deceive, and, accordingly, he will receive the long-awaited duplicate of the TCP.

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