
Drunk driving: punishment and consequences

Recently, the number of accidents caused by drunk drivers has increased. The consequences of accidents are different, and the worst thing is the loss of life. That is why laws are now being passed that provide for rather severe penalties for drunk driving. Although no fine and even a criminal term will not return to the family of a person who died in an accident.

drunk driving law

In Russia, the introduction of criminal liability for driving while drunk is still under development. And what about the situation in other countries of the world? What responsibility currently exists in Russia for drunk driving?

Permissible ppm of alcohol

Many drivers believe that by law a certain minimum alcohol content in the blood is permissible, and you can drink a glass of beer or a glass of wine. However, it is not. According to Article 12.8 of the Code of Administrative Liability of the Russian Federation (CAO RF), the content of 0.16 ppm is permissible, which is written off to the possible measurement error.

drunk driving

Breathalyzers determine the content of ppm by approximately the following formula: 1 ppm = 1 gram of pure alcohol in one liter of blood. If the meter shows this data, then the driver is already facing a fine. Drunk driving is by no means unacceptable. It is worth remembering the possible tragic consequences. Therefore, if you decide to relax after work, having drunk a glass of cold beer, then do not rush to drive. Better walk to the house on foot.

What threatens to be driving while intoxicated?

Every driver is required to know the possible consequences for drunk driving. The punishment may be in the form of deprivation of rights or a fine in cash.

drunk driving punishment

From July 1, 2015, Russia plans to adopt a law according to which the driver will face criminal liability in the form of imprisonment for driving while intoxicated.

What does the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation say?

So far, all types of punishments for drunk driving can be found in the administrative code of the Russian Federation, and specifically in article 12 (paragraph 8). According to the text of the article, the minimum fine for driving a vehicle while intoxicated is thirty thousand rubles.

fine drunk driving

The rights of an unlawful driver can be deprived for a period of 1.5 to 2 years. Also, an administrative punishment in the form of arrest for up to 15 days can be applied to the culprit. Moreover, both drivers who are really drunk and those who refused to undergo a medical examination are held liable.

Medical Examination Procedure

Absolutely all drivers should know how to properly and legally carry out the inspection procedure. In addition, you need to understand how a routine examination differs from a medical examination, and which one can be discarded.

First, in order to record the fact of detection blood alcohol the presence of at least two persons acting as witnesses is necessary. This is considered a routine survey; the driver has the right to refuse it. In case of refusal, he will be asked to undergo a medical examination.

drunk driving

Secondly, the traffic police officer must deliver the driver to the place of medical examination (usually a drug treatment hospital), and if no alcohol or drugs are found in the driver’s blood, the officer must deliver him to the place where his vehicle is located. This item is usually violated. A competent driver must know this law.

Drunk driving entails a lot of negative consequences, so if you are confident in your innocence, then you should not refuse a medical examination. Otherwise, they will have to prove innocence in court.

Re-drunk driving

If the driver has been repeatedly held accountable under this article, then more severe penalties are applied to him. Thus, the amount of the fine increases to fifty thousand rubles, while the person who committed the offense is deprived of a driver’s license for a period of three years.

You should be aware of how long the driver must be held administratively liable for this article in order to apply more severe penalties to him. This period is one year from the date of return of the driver’s license.

Criminal liability

Are there any articles in the Criminal Code under which drivers can be involved in drunk driving? 2014 in this regard did not bring anything new to Russia. But already in 2015, many deputies of the State Duma supported the project, according to which the driver would face a real prison term for re-driving while intoxicated.

drunk driving 2014

Some drivers believe that such measures are designed to put everyone in jail. But, of course, this is not so, all these measures are established so that every driver who has consumed alcohol, thinks about the consequences before getting behind the wheel of his car. And if he is not afraid of the death of other people or his own, then maybe imprisonment will prevail.

Punishment for driving while intoxicated in other countries

Russia is distinguished by a loyal attitude to drunk drivers. In other countries, the situation is much more serious, and the punishment for drunk driving is much more severe. For example, under Japanese law, a driver who became the culprit of a traffic accident while intoxicated, faces a millionth fine. At the moment, the maximum amount of the fine was two and a half million dollars.

In the USA, for driving while intoxicated, a life-time deprivation of driving license, a fine of twenty-five thousand dollars, and imprisonment of up to three years are provided.

drunk driving

The article provides examples of the most severe punishments, but, of course, in every country, in every region, there is an almost continuous struggle against such offenders. After all, the price of these violations is human life, in some cases its own, and in others it is a stranger.

Drunk driving is very dangerous. Despite the fact that many drivers understand this, there are still individuals who naively believe that they will be able to cope with the emergency. Yes, situations are different, and not always (but in most cases it is) a drunk driver becomes the culprit of the accident. But if he were in a sober mind, then perhaps he could have avoided a collision and solved the emergency situation that arose on the road.

In Russia, mass actions are being held which, as the traffic police hope, will help get rid of sad statistics involving drunk drivers.

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