
Age of sexual consent in various countries

The age of sexual consent is an indicator indicating the age at which a person can give his consent to a coital relationship with another person. This age is indicated in criminal law. Want to know when the age of sexual consent in the Russian Federation, Japan and other countries? Read this article.

Age of sexual consent in Russia

VZS is designated in Art. 134 and 135 of the Criminal Code. In accordance with them, responsibility only occurs if a person who has reached the age of 18 performs acts with sexual subtext (without violence) with a person who has not reached the age of 16. This means that the shipyard under the laws of Russia begins with 16 years. Having reached this age, a citizen has the right to give his consent to sexual intercourse or other actions of a sexual nature.

It is also worth noting that coital relationships between underage people are not punishable. Indeed, in accordance with the above laws, liability comes only with 18.

For violent acts of a sexual nature (rape), persons who have reached the age of 14 begin to bear responsibility. Interestingly, responsibility comes regardless of the age of the victim.

Age of sexual consent

As for punishment, then everything is pretty arbitrary. In accordance with the law, acts with sexual overtones (without violence) committed by a person who has reached the age of 18, with a person who has not reached the age of sexual consent, shall be punishable by deprivation of liberty up to 4 years. But at the same time, a lot of factors influence the final verdict. These include the difference in age, the relationship between the object and subject of the crime, etc.

Age of sexual consent in the United States of America (USA)

Although the VZS in the United States depends on the region, but it varies, as a rule, from 16 to 18 years. So, in the District of Columbia and 29 states, a VZS starts with 16, in the other 9 territories - with 17, and in another 12 states - with 18. In addition, in many states the VZS is significantly reduced if the object and subject of the crime are in a legally certified marriage.

Age of sexual consent in Russia

Well, perhaps, now we turn to the specifics and consider the most interesting laws relating to the VZZ in some US states. For example, as it was written above, a VZS in California is 18 years old. At the same time, two minors who, by mutual consent, committed acts of a sexual nature, may be punished with criminal penalties.

Also quite interesting laws in the states of Colorado and Ohio. In Colorado, a VZS starts at 17, but it can be reduced to 15 if the difference between partners is no more than 10 years. As for Ohio, then the age of sexual consent begins at 16 years. But he can again be reduced to 13 if the partner has not reached the age of majority.

As for the punishment for non-compliance with such laws, then in the US this is all strict. Most states have significant judicial penalties. As a rule, this is a long time in prison (about 10 years, depending on conditions).

Age of sexual consent in Europe

Age of sexual consent in Japan

Since Europe includes quite a lot of motley countries, the laws here are relevant. On the territory of this region there is no specific VZV: in each country it is different. Thus, the lowest VZV is in Spain (13 years), and the highest in Turkey and Malta (18 years). In addition, in some countries certain laws have been approved that allow certain types of sex, reduce VZS under certain conditions, etc.

Age of sexual consent in Japan

A SCV in Japan is only 13 years old. But at the same time, in some regions it was raised to 17-18.Similar restrictions were introduced in order to prevent the development of prostitution, sex tourism, etc. in Japan. In general, such a low VZV is due to Japanese culture, traditions that are significantly different from European foundations. The inhabitants of Japan are quite liberated, and their laws are appropriate.


Age of sexual consent in the Russian Federation

We can say that the VZZ is a unique indicator for each country, which is regulated by criminal law. For each country, the VZZ is different. As a rule, it is determined by the local culture, developmental peculiarities and other factors. So, a gas station in Russia is 16 years old, in the USA - from 16 to 18 (depending on the state), in Europe - from 13 to 18 (depending on the country), in Japan - 13 (with the exception of certain regions).

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