
Retirement age for women in Russia. Retirement age for women in Russia in the North

How much is the retirement age for women currently? Under the retirement age, according to the norms of the law, it is understood the age limit, upon reaching which the person has the right to apply for financial security - a pension. Until the 1st of January of the month of 2015, the retirement age limit for men was 60 years old, for women - 55, but amendments to the law were adopted from the indicated date, according to which the retirement age plan changed when it is planned to increase it by 2021 specifically for women under 60 , level in this regard.

Preferential pension accrual in Russia

retirement age for women in Russia

Nevertheless, today retirement ahead of schedule is also practiced, in particular, it is worth saying that, 5 years earlier than the set bar, certain categories of citizens prescribed by law who fall under a certain classification in accordance with the existing criteria will retire. Among the list of persons enjoying this benefit, a special place is occupied by persons working and living in the Far North and in places equivalent to this territory. The retirement age of women in the Russian Federation is regulated by the relevant regulatory documents. A separate issue is the retirement age of women soldiers.

Description of Northern Pension

retirement age for women in the Russian Federation

Persons living and working in the Far North and in adjacent areas practice preferential pension benefits, in which the main, basic share of the insurance pension is directly increased. This right also applies to persons with the so-called northern experience, regardless of place of residence at the time of reaching retirement age. So 1 year of experience in the regions equated to the Far North corresponds to 9 months of actual work in the North, and as a result, after 6 years and 7 months of work in the northern territory, each subsequent special full year worked reduces the pension age limit by 4 months. Also, the norm of the law prescribes that the duration of the northern experience should be 15 years.

Retirement age for women in Russia in the North. Early accrual of pensions

increase retirement age for women

Persons working in the regions of the Far North, abbreviated as RKS, or in equivalent localities, abbreviated as ISS, according to the norms of the law, are charged early retirement pension. In this case, individuals who claim to retirement benefits must reach a certain age limit - men - 55 years old, and for women - 50 years of age limit. In this case, the law also provides for the existence of a specific work experience in these places - for the regions of the Far North, this figure is equal to 15 full calendar years of work, and if we talk about places equated to the Far North - 20 years. And here he is length of service It is prescribed for both sexes equally and is installed on bars such as 25 and 20 years.

About work experience for preferential pension provision

retirement age for women in rk

If we talk about how the pension is calculated for all persons who not only work, but also live in the Far North, equivalent territories, then the experience is counted precisely in calendar years. Also, as noted earlier, each full worked special year in the regions equated to the Far North is equal to 9 months of work directly on it.

Specialty for accrual of pensions to individuals working in the Far North

retirement age of women

The norms of the law prescribe in their provisions that the experience for persons of both sexes is the same - it is 15 years, but if we are talking about insurance experience, then there are some differences. In particular, for men, this insurance period is at least 25 years, but for women it is slightly reduced and equal to 20. Recall that the topic of this article is the retirement age for women in Russia, so we will consider further more subtle points.

Pension special experience for persons in connection with labor activity in regions equated to the Far North

If we talk about such regions, then the northern experience for persons of both sexes is unified and equated to 20 years of work, at the same time, the age limit for reaching this pension for men is 55 years, while for women it is set at 50 years old.

Special experience for a woman with children

retirement age for women in Russia in the North

In particular, the legislation provides for the accrual of northern pensions and individuals working in the Far North, which are inherent in the presence of specific factors. At the birth of 2 or more children, a woman who has worked in the regions of the Far North, with a northern experience of at least 12 years, having an insurance experience of 20 years, has the right to apply for a pension of 50 years.

In the case of the birth of 2 or more children and when working in regions equated to the Far North, northern experience of 17 years, insurance - at least 20 persons receive the right to retirement benefits at the age of 50.

Features of pension provision in other cases

work for women of retirement age

Along with these persons who are endowed with certain characteristics and conditions, the law also prescribes other clauses giving the right to preferential security. In particular, for persons who have worked for 15 or more years in the regions of the Far North, or for 20 or more years in the territory equivalent to the Far North, and after who have worked in a factory with harmful working conditions, having the necessary insurance period of service, they have the right for early reduction of the retirement age level. So if a person meets the criteria described above, then her age-related pension qualification is automatically reduced by 5 years. It is precisely because of these points that the question of what is the retirement age for women in Russia becomes quite relevant.

At the same time, it is worth saying that this “harmful” work does not have to be on the territory of the Far North or equivalent regions - work can be in any harmful sphere of production and activity, in any region of the country. If you give an example, in particular for a woman, then if the latter has 20 years of insurance experience and has worked for 15 years in the Far North, of which 5 are in hazardous work, with the appropriate working conditions, she eventually moved to St. Petersburg and at least another 5 years worked in similar conditions, then taking into account the long work in the Far North, this age qualification of pension provision is reduced by 5 years, a person can apply for cash allowance at 45 years old. It is also necessary to consider the issue of work for women of retirement age.

The size and calculation of the northern pension

If we talk about the accrual of pensions to all those working in the Far North and equivalent regions, then it is worth saying that each region and district in this respect has its own coefficient and it is from its size that the cash benefit is calculated. It is worth noting that this is able to guaranteedly increase the basic limit fixed at the legislative level, both old-age pensions, but also in case of disability or in case of loss of the bread-winner.

Pension accrual to North workers

Regarding the calculation of seniority and, accordingly, the northern pension provision, it is worth remembering that the calendar period of seniority is taken into account, but the grace period corresponding to it is not taken into account. So, speaking of general work experience then they include the period of service in the army, studies and so on.

In particular, the largest northern pension limit does not exceed 3 minimum pension. In the case of a person who is already retired from the territory of the Far North to regions with normal climatic conditions, the pension is calculated differently. This algorithm has the opposite effect - when a person moves to the Far North and equivalent regions, her pension is recounted, but the person’s northern experience remains unchanged and cannot decrease or increase when recounted.

Labor pension and its basic part

When a person has a minimum of 15 full years of work in the Far North region or at least 20 working years in regions equated to him, the required insurance period of 25 and 20 years is for men and women, then the size of the main part of the old-age pension is calculated at a higher rate. In the end, such amounts come out quite impressive compared to labor pensions earned in normal climatic conditions.


So, in the course of this article we found out what is currently the retirement age for women. It was told about the rules in the relevant sector of law that apply in the North. Talk is currently underway to increase the retirement age for women in Russia. However, recent events have shown unpreparedness for the development of this direction in our country. For better or worse, it’s clearly not for us to judge. We did not pass by the topic of how much the retirement age of women in Kazakhstan is.

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