
What is the age limit for military service?

The army is the rear and defense of the country, ensuring peace of mind and confidence in the future. The state shows increased interest in the defenders of the motherland, regulating with the help of legislation all aspects of the existence of the modern army. Military affairs has a strong legal basis, providing for everything, down to the smallest detail. What is the age limit for military service? This article is dedicated to this important issue for each contractor.

The concept of age limits

The longer the servicemen serve, the more opportunities and benefits are given to them.

  • The length of service affects wages - the longer the military experience, the higher the salary.
  • Many titles are available only after crossing a certain age limit.
  • The longer the service life, the higher the pension.

age limit for military service

Legislation provides for age limits for retirement and for a certain position. The concept of such limits is applied to military personnel, as well as to leaders engaged in political and scientific activities. This refers to the extreme age, before which it is possible to continue the service. At the end of this period, the soldier must retire or, in case of disagreement, be subject to dismissal.

Age limit value

The bill on age limits for the military was formed almost simultaneously with military legislation. The limit plays an important role in shaping the composition of the modern army. Physical fitness and good health are of great importance to the military. However, with age, no matter how hard the defender of the Fatherland tries, these valuable qualities noticeably decrease, not affecting the duties performed in the best way.

reaching the age limit for military service

Usually, older contract soldiers are promoted to high ranks - colonels, commanders, generals, and so on. Leading positions involve high responsibility and are especially important for the formation of the army. Therefore, it is unacceptable that such duties lie on a soldier who is unable to perform them due to poor health or poor physical fitness. To control the timely departure of pensioners, the government introduced a law that provides for a maximum age for military service.

The reasons for this restriction

The main reason that prompted the government to decide on the official introduction of restrictions was the physiological characteristics of the human body. The experience accumulated over the years, the high theoretical training, the tactics of warfare are the undeniable advantages of high ranks. However, old age takes away the strength and energy of the strongest warrior, and after all, poor physical shape is unacceptable for the defender of the Motherland.

what is the age limit for military service

The strength of character and perseverance that are inherent in every high-ranking military serve as another reason to strictly limit the age limit for military service. Not everyone is ready to leave their personnel, put up with age, and recognize the inevitable old age. If there was no law, the owners of epaulettes would not leave their posts in a timely manner.

Age limit for military service

In 2014, the Federal Law on the Service of Contractors was amended. In accordance with the new rules, reaching the age limit for military service for senior ranks comes at 65. These include:

  • Marshal of the Russian Federation;
  • Admiral
  • the general;
  • Colonel General

Representatives of middle management ranks can hold their positions up to 60 years:

  • lieutenant general;
  • major general;
  • vice admiral;
  • rear admiral.

Colonels, as well as captains of the first rank, have the right to remain in service for up to 55 years, servicemen of the remaining military ranks - only up to 50 years. Other age restrictions may be imposed on contractors who serve in the authorities.

Changes in military law

Prior to the entry into force of amendments to the Federal Law on Military Service, the age limit was five years lower, that is, the highest ranks could not hold office after reaching the age of sixty.

age limit of stay in the FSB military service

However, the changes did not affect all the defenders of the homeland. For example, the age limit for military service in the FSB and the SVR is still 45 years old, as before. Extension of restrictions to 50 years is only discussed. Women soldiers were also not affected by the change, and the age at the end of the service remained the same - 45 years.

Reasons for amendments to the law

First of all, legislative amendments are connected with a somewhat distorted idea of ​​modern reality. Previously, the average age of men was calculated by a much lower indicator than now, in the days of developed and affordable medicine. It is hard to believe that a fifty-year-old commander is incapable of fulfilling his duties.

Equally important is the fact that older military personnel have a rich store of invaluable knowledge and experience. Well-trained shoulder strap holders not only fulfill their direct duties, but also train the younger generation, increasing the level of theoretical and practical readiness of the army.

Service life extension

The federal law has introduced another important amendment. After the contractor has crossed the age limit specified in the legislation, he has the right to serve for some more time. A possible extension of the age limit for military service is five years. Such a privilege is granted only to the highest ranking officials. However, one desire is not enough - to sign a new contract, certain requirements must be observed:

  • coordination with the responsible public service bodies;
  • successful certification;
  • the highest rank of his unit.

age limit for military service is

During certification, the level of physical and theoretical training is revealed. As a rule, the first paragraph causes difficulty in the elderly military. If the test is not passed, then the extension of the contract is not possible.

Female military

The fairer sex today is a healthy competitor to men in many military specialties. Their stress resistance, high efficiency, discipline and responsibility allow us to recognize that a modern army is impossible without women. From the point of view of legislation, ladies are a full-fledged subject of military affairs and have equal rights with male contractors. The exception is the woman's family obligations related to the birth and upbringing of children, as well as work with high risk and heavy physical exertion.

age limit for women

Nevertheless, despite the formal absence of gender-based discrimination, there is one more difference - the age limit for women in military service. Article 49.2 of the Federal Law on Military Service says that the fair sex can serve up to forty-five years. The new revision does not say anything about increasing age restrictions for women, and the previous law remains unchanged for them.

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