
Return of good quality goods: statutory refund period

There are cases when the quality of the purchased goods meets all standards, but for some reason does not suit the buyer.

Legislation made sure that the consumer could exercise the right to return goods of good quality. The term for a refund or replacement for a controversial product is stipulated by law protecting consumers' rights.

return of good quality goods

In order to facilitate the bureaucratic path, it is necessary to know some rules.

What is proper product quality?

First you need to know the exact definition of such a product.

The products that meet all standards and regulations have the proper quality. This product is subject to exploitation by the consumer for its intended purpose, in a certain way.

Existing Product Replacement Rights

When buying non-food products, there is a right to return goods of good quality. The refund period and methods established by law are considered in each individual case.

The first thing that the seller will offer is to exchange the goods for the appropriate in form, quality, design and packaging. And only on the condition that on the day of return the seller does not have the opportunity to provide the desired product, the form and deadline for the return of money for goods of good quality are stipulated. By law, it is a certain number of days from the date of purchase.

the deadline for the return of money for goods of good quality by law

Purchased goods subject to exchange must not be used, must have the original appearance, labels and tags. Documents by which you can verify its purchase and payment will not interfere. The inability to present a cashier's check does not give the right to refuse the consumer to return or exchange goods. Confirmation of the acquisition and payment of products may be the testimony of witnesses who were present at the time of purchase, as well as a warranty card or packing list.

You can also negotiate with the seller the conditions for the exchange of the proper product at the time of its receipt. In this case, the selling party is immediately obliged to inform about the receipt of the sale of products for exchange.

Non-refundable goods

There are types of products, the acquisition of which does not imply the return of goods of good quality. The term for a refund or replacement of products does not apply to these categories.

All non-returnable goods are listed in Resolution No. 55 of the Government of the Russian Federation. These include:

  1. Products intended for personal hygiene.
  2. Textile products made from woven and non-woven materials.
  3. Cosmetics and perfumes.
  4. Stockings, socks, underwear and other products of this type.
  5. Disposable products from polymeric materials.
  6. Products from gold, silver, platinum, precious stones.
  7. Sanitary items.
  8. Household products for face and body.

A more detailed list of non-returnable goods can be found directly in the Decree.

Return Terms

One of the conditions for returning a quality product may be the wrong size, dimensions, shape and other properties that became apparent only after the purchase.

The absence of an appropriate replacement product determines the period for returning money for goods of good quality within 14 days. A law protecting consumer rights describes possible ways.

the period of money back for goods of good quality within 14 days is the law of days

Another condition for the return of goods is the complete safety of its original appearance. The selling party has reason to refuse to accept the goods if it is damaged, looks used or labels and tags are cut off from it.

The buyer can challenge the seller’s decision and contact the experts. In this case, the terms for the return of money for goods of good quality by examination are determined after the submission of the report.

In addition, you need to remember that for the return of the purchased goods there is a certain period. The transfer of funds for the returned products takes place from 3 to 10 days.

Return order for lost check

Sometimes it happens that a cash receipt for a purchased item is lost, and in terms and other parameters it is still quite possible to make an exchange or return the purchase to the store.

In this case, you can present another document that confirms the purchase at this outlet.

Almost all equipment and devices have technical and warranty certificates, user manuals. When buying goods of this type, you need to ensure that they are correctly filled by the seller.

Also currently not uncommon - the presence of a waybill, receipt or voucher. Even the packaging can serve as proof of purchase, as it has the appropriate marking.

If there is none of the above confirmations, the testimonies of witnesses who were present at the purchase, including the seller, will help. Many trading floors are equipped with video surveillance, so even if you deny the fact of sale, you can prove the opposite.

Hassle-free return of goods of good quality, the term for a refund in the absence of a check depends on the following steps:

  • It is necessary to provide an application and a copy from it for sighting and registration. The text indicates all the necessary data about yourself, product, date of purchase and price. A prerequisite is a description of the claim for the sold item. There are a limited number of reasons for quality products. The statement must have a signature and a number.
  • At any outlet there is a person who is responsible for such operations. He will accept the application and mark the receipt on the second copy. It is necessary to ensure that all entries (position, last name, date, signature) are legible.
  • The store will have to make another statement - about the loss of a document confirming the purchase, and provide a passport.

The above actions will facilitate the return of goods in the absence of a receipt.

Returns on the day of purchase

The easiest and fastest way is to return the goods on the day of purchase. The legal deadline for returning money for goods of good quality is more than two weeks, but it’s easier to do this as quickly as possible.

period for the return of money for goods of good quality to the card

Before the end of the shift, a refund is made directly from the cash desk where the check was issued. First, it is necessary to coordinate the issue of receiving money with the head or deputy director of the outlet. As a rule, a signature and a number are put on the check. An invoice is issued for the delivered goods, which also serves as the basis for receiving cash.

How to return the goods after the day of purchase?

If it is not possible to exchange products on the day of purchase, still do not forget: the term for a refund for goods of good quality is 14 days.

In contrast to the exchange on the day of purchase, the refund after the end of the shift and the withdrawal of the report from the cash register occurs from the main cash desk of the store.

return period for goods of good quality 14 days

To receive money for the returned goods, an application is written and a document is provided proving the personal data of the buyer.

In addition to the passport, you can present another document with a photo, series, number, date and place of receipt.

Cash receipt for goods

Cash is paid from the cash desk of the trading floor or from the main one. It depends on the buyer and how long the refund period is used for goods of good quality. Article 25 return of the goods and payment of money on the day of purchase provides from the cash desk of the trading floor. In all subsequent days - only from the main cash desk.

Money is returned upon presentation of the relevant document.This may be:

  1. Passport.
  2. International passport.
  3. ID card officer.
  4. The ticket of a soldier.
  5. Certificate of exemption.

This rule is stipulated by the Tax Code of the Russian Federation and must be strictly observed.

When issuing money from the main cash desk of the enterprise, the buyer is issued a cash warrant. An entry is also made in the relevant ledgers.

Other ways to get money for a product

period for the return of money for goods of good quality Article 25Other ways to return money include transfers:

  • To a bank card.
  • To the current account.
  • Through the mail.

The time period for returning money for goods of good quality to the buyer's card is ten days after receipt of the delivered product at the storehouse. This method is the fastest.

Postal and bank transfers take more time and are not so beneficial for the buyer.

When preparing the application, it is necessary to indicate how the money will be returned, and if necessary, enter the details.

Stages of registration of goods for return

In order for the deadline for the return of money for goods of good quality (within 14 days) to be met, it is necessary to act in accordance with a certain procedure.

The store manager or chief seller accepts the application from the buyer. It details the reason why the product did not fit.

The passport data and contacts of the buyer, the date of purchase of the goods, the number and amount of the cash receipt are also indicated. A copy of the check is attached to the application.

The representative of the trading institution explains the terms and conditions for considering the application. Then draws up the acceptance of goods intended for return. A bill of lading is issued to the buyer, indicating the delivery of the goods.

examination deadlines for goods of good quality

The entire package of documents is submitted for consideration to the management of the outlet. After making a decision, the buyer is informed about this. The answer can be either positive or negative. It depends on many reasons. If it is impossible to reach an agreement, the disgruntled party has the right to refer the matter for consideration in court.

How to submit a claim?

The most important reason for the refusal is the incorrect preparation and delivery of the statement of claim. Consider this item in more detail.

The first thing to remember: the time limit for the return of money for goods of good quality. Section 25 of the law gives the buyer a certain time period. Therefore, with the return of things that did not fit, it is better not to pull.

examination deadlines for goods of good quality

The application can be submitted in the following ways:

  • Personally. In this case, it is not necessary to hand it to the head of the outlet. In the absence of his duties, the deputy or senior seller assumes. The main thing is to get a resolution on the second copy, confirming that the application has been accepted.
  • By post. In this case, the letter must be registered with delivery confirmation and contain inventory of investments. It must be indicated in it what requirements are contained in the application.
  • By telegram. The text is certified by the mail officer. It is also sent with a receipt confirmation.

Postal documents (receipts for payment, inventory, certified text and delivery confirmation) must be kept until the issue is resolved with the seller or for transfer to court.


If you did everything right, and the seller, however, refused, do not despair. Feel free to bring the case to court. Previously, you can seek help from the district branch of the consumer protection society. They will give competent advice, help write a statement to the court.

With the right approach, the court will make a decision and set a deadline for the return of money for goods of good quality. The article of the law to which the judge will refer defends the rights of the buyer.

period for the return of money for goods of good quality

Properly executed primary documents, in this case - a statement of claim, serve as evidence in court. How to compile it is described in the previous paragraphs. The main thing is that in the text all the requirements are clear.

It is important to record every step in writing. Thus, evidence is collected in the case.

After the refusal in the store you need to get a written document confirming this action.

It should not be forgotten that when applying to the court you can demand from an unscrupulous seller not only the return of money for the goods. Penalty for late payments, legal costs and compensation for non-pecuniary damage would be entirely appropriate.

To correctly write a statement of claim, it is easier to contact a lawyer. If you decide to do it yourself, then take note of a few key points:

  • The defendant in court is the enterprise, and not the individual in the relevant position. This is the first thing to consider. Accurate data must be obtained at the store. Usually they are on the information board in the trading floor.
  • Normative acts and laws should be indicated to satisfy the requirements. A lawyer will provide all possible assistance in this.
  • The statement of claim lists all the documents attached to the case. When accepting and registering a claim, a court officer takes copies of the originals. Only copies of documents are attached to the application.
  • Sometimes it’s more difficult to return money for a quality product than for defective products. But it is possible. A little patience, time and knowledge of certain rules will help to replace the product or return the money.

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which article governs the exact period in days of returning a quality product to the seller if it does not fit


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