
Profitable business: pottery workshop. How to equip a pottery workshop in a private house?


Few people can assume that on such trifles as figurines, photo albums, watches, fridge magnets, pots and vases, you can earn quite impressive money.

However, this is true. In Russia, the souvenir trade brings very tangible profits, and the forecasts for the further development of this business are very encouraging. It turns out that your own pottery workshop is quite capable of bringing you a stable and considerable income.

Business organization

If you decide to organize your own business, you should understand that there are certain subtleties. A pottery workshop can be opened with only 10 thousand dollars, which can be considered not such a big investment. You will need to find a room whose area should be 50-80 square meters.

If you are interested in how to equip a pottery workshop in a private house, then it is worthwhile to understand that with such free space this is already quite realistic. You will also need a small warehouse where finished products will be stored. It is necessary to purchase some equipment, namely: scales, with the help of which the clay mass will be accurately dosed, a furnace for burning products, a potter’s wheel, and also a kneading machine. To create frames for photos and fridge magnets, you will need to stock up on a variety of cookie cutters.


If you are interested in a pottery workshop, then you should know that the production technology is not too complicated, as it might seem at first glance. First, clay is kneaded, and for each type of product it can be of different grades - red, white, with impurities of limestone, sand and other things. After mixing, the clay is laid out in a potter's wheel, in molds or on a stucco board. After the product dries, it is sent to the oven.

So, when compiling a business plan for a pottery workshop, it’s worth understanding that organizing a business alone will not work. Qualified workers must work for you. It’s not at all necessary to look for professionals, it is important that everyone has their own responsibilities and work front. It usually takes about two hours to make one pot.

The financial side of the issue

Naturally, the pottery workshop requires certain investments. As already noted, they are necessary for the rental of premises and the acquisition of equipment and tools for work. As the business develops, it will be possible to acquire new molds in order to master the manufacture of other products.

Pottery technology

To make a product from clay, it must first be kneaded. For different products, you can use different types of raw materials, which will affect their quality. Next, the formation process is carried out. For this, molds, potter's wheel and stucco board are used. After completion of the formation, it is required to dry the product, and then subject it to firing. It is important to know the process well. Due to the poor quality of the molding or incorrect determination of the time for initial drying, it may turn out that 20-30% of your products will be defective.

Organization of the production process

So, if you already have the equipment for the ceramic workshop, and it is located in the room, you should know that you should not take up the production process alone.You will need several specialists with the help of whom it will be possible to organize and establish a continuous production process. These should not be super-masters, since it is important for you to develop a business, and not make competitors.

Each of them must take up his own site of work. The first mixes clay, which will also require a clay mixing machine, the second forms future products, and the task of the third will be firing. When each of them achieves proper professionalism in their operation, their joint work will lead to high quality work.

One pot is produced in about 2 hours, while kneading and molding take 10 minutes, and the firing takes the rest of the time.

How to equip a pottery workshop in a private house

Sources of income

So, the pottery workshop should be profitable. And due to what? Molded clay products always find their customers. However, it is not always easy to negotiate with supermarket representatives or souvenir shop owners. A variety of overheads may appear in the form of kickbacks.

In addition, for the supplier, the conditions for the sale of products are not always beneficial. In the event that a batch of goods of the same name exceeds a thousand pieces, you can try to become a supplier for the Russian souvenir network. If the products are sold in a small store, then their volume should be less.

If you have a pottery workshop, then you can open training courses on its basis. A lot of people are willing to pay for such an activity in order to take a break from their daily life. When you can attract people and interest them in pottery, then gradually you can think about organizing continuing education courses.

Next, you will need to conduct a variety of competitions, exhibitions, competitions. However, such a pottery school would require additional costs. Classes should be organized in a room located within easy reach of public transport. Pupils will need additional materials and equipment.

The owner of the pottery workshop may well be interested in another source of income - the manufacture of custom-made clay products. It is possible that you will receive an order for the interior design of the premises, which is considered a great success: it can be the interior of a restaurant, theater, bar, country house.

Pottery workshop business plan

Perfect option

The workshop is working on the production of large batches of pottery products, which are sold to supermarkets and wholesalers. The school is continuously engaged in training and conducts mastery courses. Separately, the production of new goods in small batches. And an entrepreneur always monitors the quality of products and monitors all processes. If a person is busy with his own business, which he loves, all this turns out to be quite possible. This should be the ideal pottery workshop.

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