
Profitable business: how to open a baguette workshop. Business plan framing workshop. List of equipment and its price

framing workshop business planRecently, people have been paying great attention to decorating their homes. The traditional way to make your home brighter is to place picturesque paintings, embroideries, appliqués, as well as various other works of art on the walls.

Picture framing services can be offered for any, even the most original fantasy of the client. In this review, you should consider the business plan of the baguette workshop.

Start of business

Any business can start a business in the form of opening a baguette manufacturing company. This type of business does not require a license, since it does not have any production facilities. A similar direction is considered to be artistic restoration work. Therefore, it remains only to draw up a high-quality business plan for a baguette workshop and begin to implement it.

The customer base will be quite extensive.

Currently, the baguette business is in its infancy, so there will simply be no shortage of clients. About half of the customers framing the paintings are government agencies and large corporations. In addition, many need a framework that will be used as the design of certificates and diplomas.

Even the simplest advertising of a baguette workshop can attract attention. But in order for the customer base to increase all the time, you will need to spend money on active advertising. Announcements on radio and television, in newspapers, word of mouth - all this can help to increase revenue.

baguette for pictures

Baguette workshops are also visited by artists, collectors and seamstresses. The magnificent design results of their work will delight every creative person.

Some companies working in this field also specialize in restoration work (this must be taken into account if you decide to draw up a business plan for a framing workshop).

These include work with darkened icons that are in private collections and families that are careful about their heritage.

The use of baguettes

Baguettes are used for decoration. Currently, they are very popular in interior design, as they allow you to give the room a new unrivaled look, and also set original and bright accents. In a baguette style, not only paintings can be made, but also mirrors, embroidery, awards and much more. Almost any item can become an expressive detail of the interior.

Why is a workshop necessary?

A baguette workshop is an organization for designing an object (paintings, posters, mirrors, etc.) into a baguette with the goal of forming a beautiful and bright frame. As a result of the work done, a real work of art can be obtained.

In order to draw up and implement a business plan for a baguette workshop, it is necessary to have not only the makings of a businessman, but also an artistic taste. Many competent craftsmen work in baguette companies not only because of a love of art, but also because of the ability to produce final products in a beautiful and elegant form in accordance with the wishes of the client. It is especially pleasant, according to the masters, to work with such original paintings that fall into the hands of customers through inheritance or gift.

What is required to start a business?

What is necessary for opening your own business in this field of activity? In order to open a company, you need to select equipment for a baguette workshop, hire workers (for the first time, 2-3 specialists are enough) and rent a room. A business in the form of a baguette workshop in the enterprise market has already taken root. Therefore, you can always find an experienced entrepreneur who will help beginners organize their own enterprise.

What equipment will be required?

Equipment for a baguette workshop includes: a cutting machine, a mechanical seaming machine, a guillotine, and a mechanical type gun for flat nails. Guillotine - a machine for cutting baguette profiles of the required size.

For the manufacture of cast and molded frames need special saws. The cost of one blade is approximately 90 thousand rubles. You will also need to purchase a machine for a baguette workshop, which has a relief roller. Using it, you can apply the image to the frame through the use of paste or using the hot method.

If you decide to open your own workshop, you will need to take into account one negative point. Equipment in Russia to buy in full will not work. Therefore, it will be necessary to purchase some machines abroad under the order.

Certain knowledge needed!

A special requirement for entrepreneurs who want to open their own business is to have certain knowledge and understand the styles inherent in different eras. It is equally important to understand the history of art, as many clients are well acquainted with this topic.

In order to make a composition that will complement a certain housing, you need to evaluate the interior. This is necessary in order to understand which materials are more in it and in what style the design should be done. Otherwise, disharmony will appear due to the displacement of various eras.

The desired baguette for paintings, mirrors and photographs is almost impossible to create without knowledge of the specifics of the interior. Problems can, of course, arise among the most competent masters, especially if the client does not want to listen to the master and wants to get that design that does not fit the interior. Usually in this case you have to completely redo the work.

Specialization of masters is an important condition for successful work

Each master of a baguette workshop should have a specialization: one of them is engaged in the technique of oil painting, the other in icons and embroidery, etc. Some baguette workshops work in several directions, but most of them choose something specific. This is useful for professionals: they deepen their skills and gain valuable experience.

Premises for rent

An important component in the success of a baguette workshop business is played by the correctly selected location of the premises. It is most advantageous to open such a workshop in the city center, in close proximity to galleries and museums. In addition, if it is located in the city center, you can get a job from potential clients involved in expensive works of art. In the workshop you need to find a place not only for work, but for receiving customers and storing products.

To open your own studio, first of all, you need to choose a room whose area should be at least twenty-five to thirty square meters. When searching for an office, you need to consider that the production is quite noisy. Therefore, it is worth thinking about sound insulation.

Features baguette workshop

Residues from baguette production can lead to unnecessary expenses. This should be taken into account in their activities. In addition, supplies can also lead to an increase in initial capital. Therefore, we must choose those suppliers who are located close to the workshop.

The prevailing clientele of the baguette workshop is artists who sell inexpensive paintings, embroidery, owners of cafes and other establishments that decorate the walls with posters and photographs of large sizes. The best clients are private owners and design companies decorating apartments.

What should be the initial capital?

machine for a baguette workshop

In order to start your own entrepreneurial business in this area, an amount approximately equal to 400 thousand rubles will be required. These funds should be enough to ensure that you can purchase all the necessary tools for a baguette workshop and to register a business as an individual entrepreneur.

The equipment will require approximately 120 thousand rubles. About a thousand rubles will be required to register a business. The remaining amount will be spent on the purchase of raw materials, hiring personnel and rental premises.

How to succeed?

It must be remembered that for a successful business in the form of a baguette workshop, it is required: staff consisting of specialists in their field, good location of the workshop to attract more potential customers, and successful advertising.

The average income from a baguette workshop will be about 60 thousand rubles a month with vigorous activity. You can reduce staff costs by organizing a kind of family business. We hope that this review helped to figure out how to open a baguette workshop.

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