
How to open a center for children's creativity: the necessary documents and equipment to start

how to open a center for children's creativity

Opening a center of children's creativity, you need to understand that the basis of the project should be love and a desire to work with children, and not the desire to earn. Often such an idea arises among those who already had experience with children and are well versed in this - educators, educators, leading circles, and teachers.

The success of the project is estimated as high, since there are very few institutions specializing in providing this type of service, and in some cities there are none at all.

The first steps

Thinking about how to open a center for children's creativity, you need to determine the program or direction in which you will deal with children. Currently, there are a large number of developing methods, for example, Nikitins or Montessori. You can develop your own training program, which will combine the elements of various educational areas. Professional educators can bring their own know-how and “zest”.

Legal registration

Like any other business, a center for children requires a legal form. Simply put, you must register with your local tax authority as an individual entrepreneur (IP) or as a limited liability company (LLC).

Experts recommend choosing the first option (IP), since in this case the process of bookkeeping and financial reporting will be greatly simplified. In addition, this form of doing business will save on taxes due to the reduced tax rate.

In addition to registration, a license from the Ministry of Education for the right to develop and raise children will be required. To get it, you need to have a pedagogical education, a formal place of work and training programs. It should be remembered that if complaints are received at your center during the first year of operation, you may lose your license.


Before you open a center for children's creativity, think about where it is better to place it. Very often, developing schools are opened in sleeping areas. Here the rent is low, and there are more children. You can rent a room in a shopping center, in a kindergarten, in a school.

At the initial stage, many entrepreneurs rent spacious apartments where they place mini-centers for children's leisure. When choosing a place, pay attention that there is enough space for bicycles and strollers near the building or on the floor.

Groups in developing schools are not very large (usually about 5-7 people), but the rooms in the room should be spacious - about 30 square meters. m. If you are also going to open a store "Products for Creativity", then it is better to give preference to shopping centers. There is a higher cross of people.

It has now become popular to organize development schools in large supermarkets. Parents give their children for an hour or two under the supervision of a consultant, and they themselves go shopping without worrying about the child being left alone. The teacher is engaged in modeling, drawing, or other developmental activities with the baby. Here, parents can buy goods for creativity.

Rental price

The rental price of the premises with a total area of ​​about 120-150 square meters. m in a residential area will be about 600-700 at. e., in a shopping center with high traffic an order of magnitude higher - 1000-1500 at. e. Add here utility bills that “pull” 120-150 y. e.


Opening a children's creativity center is not a big deal.In addition to a suitable location, you need to consider the interior of the room. For the center you will need furniture, carpets, office equipment, developing toys, books, items for creativity (paints, pencils, plasticine, etc.).

Pay particular attention to the quality of the flooring and furniture. Since children are very fond of spending time on the floor, it needs to be additionally insulated. Good quality coverage can do this.

Children's furniture should be not only beautiful, but also reliable, safe. Do not save on this position and buy cheap products. You need to choose a quality product made from natural materials, designed specifically for schools and kindergartens. Moreover, for each age of children there should be a size of furniture.

Even if the rental space is heated, you should consider purchasing safe heating appliances. This is especially true in the off-season, when the room becomes cold, and the central heating has not yet been turned on.

 how to open a mini leisure center

Before you open a center for children's creativity, decide what children will do in it. If dancing lessons are expected, then large mirrors should be installed. In addition, you will need a piano, computer, player, tape recorder and TV. Do not forget about the toilet and locker room.

Toys are what attract children of all ages. Take care of their diversity. Various pyramids, cubes, mosaics, designers should be not only colorful and interesting, but also safe. Choose high-quality and reliable accessories, because toys will be intended for a large number of children. On the issue of textbooks, notebooks and cards, it makes sense to consult with teachers.

All rooms of the children's center should be well lit and have ventilation. Make sure that there are no dangerous or traumatic objects in the rooms.

how to open a children's creativity studio


In the question of how to open a children's creativity studio, competent staff selection is important. The main requirements when choosing employees should be not only the availability of teacher education and work experience, but also the love of children. Pay attention to the attitude of the teacher to learning new areas and programs.

This is necessary so that he can easily adapt to new working conditions, which may differ from the previous ones. The sooner an employee copes with this task, the better. If you liked the teacher, and you took him to work, you need to visit him 1-2 times in order to make sure of his competence and ability to handle children.

On the issue of wages, you can stick to one of two options: either hourly pay, or a percentage of profit. The average salary of a teacher in such centers is about 10-12 cu in an hour.

You will also need an administrator who will deal with the issues of registering children in a group, answer the questions of parents. You can entrust him with the responsibility for the purchase of toys, other materials for creativity. You can hire an accountant who will do reports for the company and submit them to the appropriate authorities. In addition to all the listed employees, you need to invite a cleaner to work.

Center of children's creativity

Price policy

In the question of how to open a center for children's creativity, pricing is important. On average, the cost of a subscription for one month is about 70-80 cu If parents plan to take their child to additional classes, for example, dancing, foreign languages ​​or music, then such services are paid separately. On average, one lesson costs 4 y. e.


A competent advertising campaign is an important condition for attracting customers in any business field. A development school for children is no exception. Here is a sample list of events that will help to get as many people as possible aware of your center:

  • posting announcements by city and district;
  • distribution of business cards and leaflets;
  • advertising in transport;
  • creeping lines on the store;
  • ads in local media (radio, television);
  • placement of announcements on Internet portals;
  • advertising banners and posters.

Today, a great benefit is its own site. On it you can post various news and information about the center: about services and prices, about holding holidays and promotions, about discounts and innovations.

The most effective advertising is the recommendation of parents whose children have visited your center. Such reviews not only create a positive reputation, but also attract a large number of new customers.

opening of a children's creativity center


Financial investments in the first stages largely depend on the level of the center. When planning a large school with expensive repairs, numerous staff and a decent list of services, the costs will be high. If you are thinking about how to open a mini-leisure center with an area of ​​not more than 150 square meters. m, then count on the amount of about 6-8 thousand at. e. The project can be invested gradually.

The profit from the opening of a development center for children is about 4900. e. (the average price of a subscription is 70 cu, the presence of 10 groups of 7 people). Of them will be spent:

  • 800 at e. - rent;
  • 100 at e. - utilities;
  • 1500 at e. - salary to employees;
  • 600 at e. - other expenses.

Profit will be about 1900 at. e. But keep in mind that the children's center does not work year-round, since during the summer months and vacations children rarely attend such institutions. It is necessary to save money for the rental of premises for this period. On average, the payback of such an institution is from 2 to 3 years.

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