
Profitable business: the production of ballpoint pens. Technology and equipment for the production of ballpoint pens

ballpoint pen manufacturingBallpoint pen has proven its survivability. She survived the era of computers, laptops, and now she successfully competes with tablets.

Pupils and students choose cheap “feathers”, they present “Parker” as a status presentation to business people.

Pens can not only write, but also draw. Artists create amazing masterpieces with the help of this simple tool. Try it and you will benefit. Start the production of ballpoint pens.

Profitable business

You can argue that this enterprise will require rather large costs, so is there any point in starting to implement such a risky and costly business?

Yes, the purchase of equipment will cost you a decent amount. But the implementation of the finished product will quickly return your investment. In this case, you will be sure that the demand for your product will never fall. It does not depend on the season (although there are peaks here), on a certain category of consumers. Buyers can be of all ages.

In addition, there is also a win-win option that allows you to get a guaranteed distribution channel. This is an agreement on the supply of their products for the needs of a particular organization. In banks, institutions, post offices, there is always a demand for an office.

Ballpoint pens advertising and manufacturing

And here is the advertising business? Everything is very simple: it is now very fashionable to place a company logo on stationery. It is customary to give such pens to potential or regular customers. They are actively distributed at presentations and various PR events.

Ballpoint pens work very efficiently. Such a present unobtrusively reminds of the company whose logo wears. Signposts painted in company colors represent the image and reputation of the company.

For stationery manufacturers, this kind of interest from advertisers is only at hand. This is a guaranteed arrangement for the wholesale supply of products.

Company registration

To begin manufacturing ballpoint pens, you must create a business plan for the future enterprise, as well as go through the procedure for its registration.

Whether you are registered as an individual entrepreneur or immediately collect all the necessary documents for the formation of a limited liability company, it is up to you.

After the registration procedure, select the taxation system that suits you and register with the tax authority.

Find a room

ballpoint pen manufacturingTo accommodate the production of ballpoint pens and dispense with complaints from residents of neighboring houses, find a room that is located outside the city limits.

Or rent a building in an industrial area.

A sufficiently spacious place (about 200 square meters) must be selected for the workshop.

Obtain permission in advance from the sanitary inspection and fire supervision, and also conclude an agreement with the energy supplying company.

Technological stages

The production of pens consists of the following steps:

  • body manufacturing;
  • rod manufacturing;
  • assembly of the finished product.

Of course, each step involves certain processes. For example, the core is cast separately, the writing unit (ball and tip) is assembled separately. The parts are connected, ink is refilled inside.

For casting the body, it is necessary to select molds. If you plan to produce automatic designs, this factor complicates the process.

Assembly of finished products is also mechanized. This saves money. It is better to invest once in the purchase of an automated line than to pay for the services of homeworkers each time. A specialized automatic machine produces 30 ready-to-use office supplies in a minute.

At first, many entrepreneurs prefer not to undertake the production of ballpoint pens from scratch. It’s much more practical to start by purchasing individual parts. You can not install equipment for the manufacture of rods. You will purchase them in bulk from suppliers, and you will only deal with the ebb tide and final assembly.

Thus, you will save on the purchase of raw materials (ink, balls, tips), and on the purchase of equipment. This approach reduces the cost of products even taking into account the purchase of bulk batches of rods of different sizes.


Equipment for the production of ballpoint pens should provide all technological steps. Mechanize any manual processes to the maximum, and then you will not have to hire a huge number of employees.

The standard list includes:

  • molds, which are necessary for casting plastic cases;
  • machine for the manufacture of writing units and cores;
  • centrifuge;
  • automated assembly line;
  • polypropylene.

It must be remembered that molds will have to be changed when changing designs.pen manufacturing

What do you need for the manufacture of pens with a company logo in addition to the already listed devices?

Undoubtedly, a drawing device is needed. Also take care of this in advance so as not to pay for third-party printers.

When purchasing equipment for your enterprise, focus directly on companies that produce specialized equipment.

So, you will avoid overpayments when working with intermediaries. In addition, manufacturers provide after-sales service and warranty service, and in some cases they can help with the installation of the delivered units and staff training. Yes, and you can order replacement parts or spare parts directly.

To make life easier for beginning entrepreneurs, equipment manufacturers offer complete production lines. They are characterized by low energy consumption, which means you will save on costs. The lines are easy to operate and have high performance.


Starting to develop a business plan, evaluate the range of writing accessories on the market. Here are the famous brands of ballpoint pens (Parker, Delta Graffiti, B&E, Chaumet, Cross Atx, Giuliano Mazzuoli), and quite budget "feathers". All goods can be conditionally divided into ultra-expensive status models, mid-range products, and mass products.

Fountain pens release unprofitable. They are made from natural materials using precious metals. The same "Parker" is often supplied with a gold tip. It is clear that at first it will be unprofitable for you to produce such slow-moving goods.

The middle category is pens with an unusual stylish design, but at the same time they are affordable for most buyers. They are nice to give and receive as a gift. Companies are happy to order the model they like for corporate needs or a promotion.

And the most popular category is the office for everyday needs. The cost of this product is low, so it is not difficult to sell the product. Inexpensive pens quickly diverge among students and schoolchildren.

It is clear that this category of products will become the leading one in your business. When issuing it is necessary to consider that the most popular is the blue color of the ink. Then comes black. Colored pens usually pack a few. Three, four or six shades can be included.

It is customary to supply children's handles with bright cases.Actively sold out products with popular cartoon characters.

Company staff

ballpoint pen manufacturing equipment

For the smooth operation of the line, you will need employees who will service it. Do not limit yourself to hiring only operator operators. Find two experienced process engineers.

Then find an accountant, sales manager. If a storekeeper is needed, include him in the staff.

In general, the number of personnel depends on the size of the enterprise. If you are focused on the release of products with an unusual catchy design, then you will need a designer.

He will be responsible for the development of each new line. Now there is an opportunity to conclude an agreement with a freelancer, involving him in cooperation periodically.


Before starting production, it is better to plan sales markets in advance and obtain preliminary agreements. You can open a selling site yourself, where it is convenient to offer your products wholesale and retail.

And do not stop at a certain point in development. Try moving on. The competition in this sector is very great. Here are both local players and the ubiquitous Chinese companies. Therefore, you will have to regularly develop new models, expand the range and find new points of sale.

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