
Profitable business: production of ties. Custom business tie manufacturing plan

Making ties is a good business idea. Nevertheless, for many people it causes bewilderment. Yes, these products are now the invariable attributes of the costume of all business people, but how can you make a lot of money from them? In fact, as much as possible. We will talk about how to organize the production of ties in an article.

tie production

Market Review

In the domestic market, these products are presented in the widest possible range: they vary in style, design, price. The cheapest options are made of artificial fabric, their retail price does not exceed four hundred rubles. It is easy to guess that such models do not differ in good quality and a variety of colors. These ties are in high demand in the regions.

Products made of satin, wool and silk are the most expensive, but manufacturers also try to save money when sewing them. So, often the lining is made of a cheaper type of material, for example, cotton. Nevertheless, these models are characterized by excellent quality, modern equipment is used in their production, which allows you to apply very complex and incredibly beautiful patterns to the fabric.

Assortment formation

In stores, as a rule, you can see ties of two models: butterflies and ordinary ones. For starters, it is recommended that you focus on the production of any one species. Only a small company that appears on the market will not be able to compete with large manufacturers in terms of sales, assortment, or investment in brand promotion.

Therefore, at the first stage, you should find your narrow niche in the market. First of all, think over the assortment and select the target audience. For example, you can engage in the manufacture of designer products in classic tones or direct all your efforts to the production of ties of bright exclusive colors.

Cutting technique

Sewing technology was first developed in the United States at the beginning of the last century. It is based on the same principle as the origami technique - folding paper figures. At that time, ties were sewn from a single cut seven times folded fabric. The material was exclusively natural silk, characterized by wear resistance and strength.

The product perfectly kept a symmetrical shape due to its multilayer structure. The production of ties was completely manual. And given the fact that silk is an incredibly expensive material, it is easy to guess that the products were fabulous money, so they were considered a symbol of luxury. Surprisingly, the social status of a person was determined by the absence or presence of a tie.

During the First World War, natural silk became a deficit, and the masters thought about how to reduce the cost of goods. As a result, a new technology for sewing ties appeared, which implies the use of a lining. This allowed to establish mass production products, which served as their wide distribution among all sectors of the population. Nowadays, individual private enterprises still manufacture ties to order using pre-war technology.

making ties

Production process

First, color solutions and the design of the future product are considered, prototyping is carried out, finishing options and sizes, decor features are determined. Then the alleged fabric is approved and a sample is created on the basis of which the entire batch will subsequently be made.At the same stage, the preliminary cost of production is established, which consists of the cost of materials (accessories, fabric) and work. After that, the most important stage begins - sewing ties and their finishing.


What fabrics to use for the manufacture of products? In fact, there are not many options for classic models. Most of them are made of artificial or natural silk, satin or wool, and the lining is made of cotton. In this case, experimenting is possible except with the color scheme, but here experts recommend sticking to traditional combinations.

If you are planning to carry out the production of bow ties, then in the choice of fabrics you are given room for imagination. You can sew products from plain materials or from fabrics containing various small prints (geometric shapes, patterns, flowers, and so on).

Typically, manufacturers make such models to order (people often order unusual options in batches for any thematic events, weddings, banquets, concert performances, etc.). You can also produce special models of ties dedicated to certain holidays, or run seasonal collections. The cost of such a designer product starts on average from 1000 rubles and can reach up to 3000 thousand, or even higher.

Necessary equipment

What makes such a business good is that it does not require the purchase of expensive equipment. To produce economical (from the point of view of fabric consumption) simple bow ties, it will be enough to have a sewing machine, a cutting table and scissors in the arsenal.

At first, novice entrepreneurs, as a rule, work independently, and already as the business develops, they hire professional seamstresses. Until you began to receive large orders stably (at least for three to four months), it makes no sense to organize a workshop for sewing ties. It is more advisable to work at home at this time.

tie making technology

Keep in mind that, in addition to purchasing accessories and materials, you will also need to spend money on packaging. Typically, products are packaged in decorated cardboard boxes.

Sales of goods

At the initial stage, you will have to look for buyers on the Internet. You can create your own online store or promote products through social networks. But perhaps the best option is to organize sales through stores specializing in men's clothing, accessories, gifts and so on.

Keep in mind that sales volumes of products such as ties are highly seasonally dependent. For example, classic models in summer are bought much worse than in any other, since potential buyers usually go on vacation during this period. But designer bow ties, on the contrary, sell better in the summer.

Marketing campaign

The business plan should definitely consider the cost of advertising the product. Promotion methods will depend on which target audience you are targeting. As a rule, multi-colored creative bow ties are acquired by young people under the age of twenty-five.

The easiest way to find such an audience is again via the Internet. Young people now spend most of their free time on social networks. To attract the largest number of consumers, use not only resources such as Vkontakte, Facebook, Odnoklassniki, but also Twitter and Instagram services.

sewing ties

If you produce classic models, which are mainly bought by business people with an income level above the average, the best option would be to use traditional media advertising and distribute business cards, booklets through retail stores of men's clothing and accessories.

Take the time to compile a good catalog of products on offer. If you are at a loss to make it yourself, turn to professionals for help.Booklets with colorful photographs showing models of ties will allow you to draw attention to your activities and increase the number of orders.

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