
Rent arrears: how to find out where to check

According to Russian law, each family is obliged to pay utility bills, and it must do so in a timely manner. Otherwise, a rent arrears immediately arises. It is very important to know the specific amount of payments for utilities.

The latter is reflected in the relevant receipts that citizens receive on a monthly basis. However, it often happens that these documents arrive late, or unauthorized persons take them out of the mailboxes. Naturally, in such cases, the consumer does not pay the rent due on time, for which a penalty is charged. As a result, the cost of services for electricity, gas and water can grow to gigantic proportions. It is for this reason that each person is obliged to have information about how much money you need to pay for utilities, so that subsequently the debt on rent does not become a heavy burden for the family budget.

What utilities are paid

If you are the owner of urban apartments in an apartment building, then you must pay utility bills monthly and compensate for the costs of maintaining and repairing the housing.

Rent arrears

Payment for gas, electricity, heat and water is made in accordance with the terms of contracts that are concluded with service providers. In addition, apartment owners give money for current and major repairs of the house.

So, let's move on to the practical side of the question of how to find out rent arrears? There are several ways to do this.

Personal visit to the company

Citizens living in small cities, as a rule, are forced to independently come to the settlement center of the company and defend large lines there in order to check the rent arrears. Of course, they receive detailed information on this matter, and they are also given in their hands all the necessary receipts to pay.


Not sure what your rent arrears are? There is the easiest way to find out. You need to dial the phone number of Vodokanal, Gorgaz and Energosbyt. By announcing your name and address of residence, you will receive accurate information regarding your debts to utilities. The contact information of the above organizations is always indicated on the receipts, so it is not difficult to find out. In addition, employees of service companies often paste ads on the doorways of entrances with their phones.

Visit to a banking institution

You can recommend another way by which you decide how to find out the debt on rent. “Armed” with the old receipt, go to the nearest bank branch. Employees who accept payments will without fail tell you what specific amount of money you need to pay for utilities.

What should be used last

Checking rent arrears can be done in a not entirely “pleasant” way, namely, directly contacting the bailiff service.

Check rent arrears

However, in some cases it is still necessary to use it. As a rule, “malicious payers” who do not consider it necessary to repay them for six months come to the above state structure to find out about their own debts. Moreover, after the first three months from the date of non-payment, utility providers address the first warning to the landlord,and after six months, a lawsuit is filed against him (if he has not fulfilled his obligations).

Internet portals of resource supplying organizations

All organizations involved in the supply of housing and communal services to the population have their own website on the Internet. In this regard, today everyone can see the debt on the rent online. To do this, you must go to your personal account using the username, which, as a rule, matches the number of the personal account.

Rent arrears at

You should also know your password - you can find it directly from your utility provider. The menu of your personal account is very convenient to use. Here you will not only know your rent debts, but also be able to enter meter readings. Currently, a huge number of citizens of our country prefer to find out rent arrears via the Internet - it is simple and very convenient.

Internet Service Sites

To solve this problem, you can use the Internet service portals, which also contain information on debts for the use of electricity, water and gas. Of course, in order to be able to use such services, you should go through the registration procedure. At the same time, there are companies operating on the market that notify consumers of debts for housing and communal services through SMS notification, which, you will agree, is also very convenient.

Internet resource of a banking institution

The amount of debt for the use of water, gas and electricity can be found using the Internet portal of a banking institution. Currently, most sites of rating banking institutions are equipped with options that are specifically designed for individuals.

Want to pay your debt on a rent? There is nothing easier. Enter the payer code and the desired period of time - and the problem is solved.

Alternative way

In the age of technological progress, the Internet is considered perhaps the fastest way to find the information you need. Today, with its help, there is even the opportunity to find out the debt on the rent at the address. You just need to enter it into a search engine, and through online statistics a person receives the necessary information about how much money he owes to resource-supplying organizations. What are the advantages of this method?

  • Firstly, the consumer can be guaranteed to be sure that an error in the identification of the payer and the amount of debt is excluded. Often there are cases when, due to the carelessness of the operator, you are charged a different amount for the rent, and you simply overpay. Correction of this situation requires some effort and time.
  • Secondly, the method described above is convenient in that each person knows the exact address of his registration, but far from everyone can remember the number of a personal account.


Using this device, you can also solve the problem of public utility debt. Find the nearest ATM by taking your old receipt with you in advance. Select the option “payment of utilities” from the menu and enter the month you need.

The amount of your debt will immediately be displayed on the monitor, which you can repay using the "Pay" button.

Rent arrears over the Internet


As you can see, modern technology today greatly simplifies life. To pay for gas, light and water, it is not necessary to languish in long lines. Both utility providers, banking institutions, and private companies have created a whole arsenal of ways that make the process of making payments on a rent in a matter of minutes.

Remember that utility bills must be paid on time, otherwise the case may go to trial, the result of which can have dramatically negative consequences.

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