
Where can I get a certificate of family composition? Form and sample certificate of family composition

When paperwork, many institutions require additional paper. Quite often, a certificate of family composition is needed. Do not confuse it with a certificate of residence, as these documents differ in both content and purpose.

Where to get a certificate of family composition

In order to receive this document, you need to contact the appropriate institution. This can be a passport office, housing office, HOA, federal migration service or a multifunctional center.

The issuance of a certificate is completely free. If a citizen is nevertheless required to pay, this is illegal.

To obtain a document there is no need to write any statements. When contacting an institution, a person is obliged to have a home book with him.

Family Composition Certificate Form

Any document has its own form, which is established by law. In this case, this is form No. 9.

family certificate

The certificate shall indicate the name of the authority that issued it, the surname, first name and patronymic of the applicant, as well as full name all family members included in this particular unit of society, with dates of birth and an indication of who they are applying to.

Unlike a certificate of residence, only persons belonging to this family are included in this document, while a certificate of residence indicates all people who live at this address, and also contains a description of the housing.

Any adult citizen can get the required document, having provided a passport.

Shelf life

The certificate of family composition is usually 10 days from the date of issue. If a citizen has not had time to use it, he can take a new form. Where to get a certificate of family composition again? There, where for the first time.

And quickly and without problems. That is why people often take a certificate of family composition in the last turn when preparing documents for any institution.

Where is required

A certificate may be requested from a citizen if the action of any state organization is connected with the family of the applicant.

For example, such an institution is the department of social protection of the population when applying for benefits, assigning status or accruing child allowance.

Without registration

In the event that a citizen lives in one city, but is registered in a completely different city, a certificate is taken in the village where the person is registered.

get a certificate of family composition

In those situations where the couple and the child live in the same place, but the husband or wife is registered in different places, the children are entered into the house book at the registration of one of the parents. Then the certificate is taken by the spouses at the place of their permanent registration.

If only the applicant is registered

When a citizen wants to receive a certificate of family composition and is registered at the address where he lives, it is worth considering some points.

If there are children, the applicant can register them in the housing where he is registered, and then the second spouse at the place of registration also takes an additional certificate of family composition.

This is due to the fact that the certificate contains information on the composition of a particular family. It does not matter where anyone is registered. That is why this document cannot be called a certificate of residence.

Children in the family certificate

As mentioned above, the child is prescribed together with one of the parents. The document indicates data on children.

Thus, the certificate on family composition contains the same information as in the passport - data on marriage and the presence of children under 18 years of age.

Adult children

Citizens of Russia who have reached the age of majority do not fit into the passport of their parents, but are indicated in the certificate of family composition. This happens even if the child changed last name and already has his own family.

But when a daughter or son lives with their spouses and children separately from their parents, they do not fit into the certificate, since they no longer belong to the applicant’s specific family.

Features of getting help

To contact the local authorities, where any citizen with a passport can obtain a certificate of family composition, a home book is required.

Usually for these purposes, the institution has a separate office or window for the provision of such services. It is necessary to clarify the working hours of a specialist in order to get help immediately when contacting.

A passport is required. Some employees of the organization require a passport of all family members, but this approach can be called illegal, since the transfer of an identity document into the wrong hands is prohibited.

A certificate of family composition can also be obtained at the housing authority or HOA. These organizations also have a separate office, which contains a card file of citizens living in a particular area of ​​the village.

This approach to obtaining a certificate of family composition is the most convenient, as specialists work daily. In addition, due to the small volume of housing cards, finding information about a family will be much easier. The multifunctional center, providing a service for obtaining family certificates, does it as completely free of charge as the main organizations.

How to draw up now

Certificates of family composition are not always filled out as needed. Many experts add to the document all the people who are registered at a specific address, while indicating who the applicant is.

In some cases, an employee of an authorized organization fills out a certificate indicating the members of a single family, as people who are not related to the applicant may be registered at the address. In both cases, the certificate will be valid, however, when issuing it, it is necessary to rely on the institution that requests the certificate.

family certificate

If the document is necessary for registration of a subsidy or some other privilege, it will be more appropriate to include in the certificate all citizens who are registered at the address. Only members of one family can be brought in if a certificate is required by the guardianship authorities in order, for example, to take an adopted child for the summer.

In order to avoid confusion in filling out the certificate, it is necessary to clarify in the institution where the document is needed, how to fill out correctly and where to get the certificate of family composition.

How a document is drawn up

Usually, the documents are filled in by the specialists of the institution. However, a citizen also needs to know how to correctly draw up a certificate of family composition. A sample document must be available at the organization to which the certificate is required.

Based on this, the applicant can check the document filled out by a specialist. First of all, the certificate should be neatly drawn up, all the inscriptions are made in an understandable and readable style.

Form No. 9 must contain the following information already printed:

  • Indication of the form number;
  • who approved and in what year;
  • which organization issues this certificate.

The document is signed by the head of the institution. If a citizen appealed to local authorities, the head himself or the acting person visually confirms it.

In addition, the signature of the contractor, that is, the person who filled out this document must be.

family certificate

The applicant does not sign anything in the certificate itself. The specialist may submit for signing the accounting journal in which all issued certificates are entered.After the issuance of certificates on the composition of the family, the citizens who received them must carefully check the information that is listed there, to clarify the presence of all the necessary details on the form. Help will not be valid without these elements.

Other forms

Documents that can be obtained from the above organizations are not limited to family certificates. One of these papers is a certificate of residence. That is why clarification of the type of certificate in the organization where it is required is simply necessary.

The certificate of residence is the technical characteristics of the apartment or house. This document is filled out in form No. 7. It is necessary to recall that a certificate of family composition, the sample of which is indicated above, is form No. 9.

Since for the layman documentary information about the family and home, for some reason, have the same value, you still need to understand which document to request in each case.

If a certificate is required in several organizations, it is necessary to take the number of documents how many institutions require it. A copy of the certificate of family composition is not submitted - only the original is needed.

Refusal of Extradition

In practice, citizens often face the fact that authorized organizations refuse to issue certificates of family composition. Experts explain this approach with various reasons, but, as a rule, they are all illegal.

issuance of certificates of family composition

Among the grounds for refusal, one can often hear the following:

  • members of the same family are registered in different places;
  • at the requested address there is a debt on rent.

According to the Constitution and other legislative acts of the Russian Federation, a citizen has the right to receive information, including certificates, free of charge, without any restrictions.

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Reason for complaint
Hello, I have such a question. May my mother don’t give me the house book without her. I can’t get a correction on the composition of my family. What can I do without her? I can’t apply for a child allowance


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