
Replacing a water meter and checking it: what you need to know about it

Everyone knows what a water meter is. This is a device designed to measure consumed water. Water meters (as they are also called) are of various types. Which meter is used depends on the diameter of the pipe and the volume of consumption. They are in almost any dwelling or industrial premises in which water is supplied.

What are the counters?

Depending on the scope of application, various water meters are installed. Their most common form is mechanical counters. Such devices do not require a power supply, they are easier to use. In turn, mechanical water meters are divided into turbine and vane. A winged are single-jet and multi-jet. Turbine water meters are most often used for input lines and production needs. They are designed for a large flow of water and are practically not used for operation in the private sector. In addition to mechanical, there are vortex, electromagnetic and ultrasonic water meters, but their use is more specialized.The life of the water meter.

There is also a classification of devices for use: for hot or cold water. They are made of various materials. Water meters designed for cold water can withstand temperatures up to 40, and for hot - up to 150 degrees Celsius.

What is meter verification

Sooner or later, all water consumers are faced with the need to verify the meter.Checking water meters. It is periodically carried out for all such measuring instruments. By this concept is meant the implementation of measures to verify the correctness of their testimony, which can deviate in one direction or the other. Violation of the correct functioning of water meters can occur due to the fact that its parts are worn out or if foreign particles get into the counter with water. If the operation of the device is unsatisfactory, then measures are taken to troubleshoot. In this case, it is possible to replace some parts of the mechanism. Then the meter is fine-tuned.

Dates of verification and operation of water meters

Calibration of water meters designed for hot water is carried out after 4 years of use, and for meters of cold water - after 6 years. It should be noted that the life of the water meter is 12 years, and at the end of it it is required to replace it.Seal on the water meter. In order to change (in most cases, and for verification), you need to perform locksmith work. Conducting them yourself, you must first soberly assess your strength. If there is not enough experience, then the best option would be to contact a plumber specialist. The dismantling or replacement of the water meter by him will guarantee the correct operation of the water supply system in the future.

Verification options

The life of the water meter between the stages of verification is set at the legislative level. And therefore, its implementation is mandatory. There are three ways to resolve this issue. Which one to choose depends on how much time and money the meter owner is ready to spend on his decision.Replacing a water meter.

  1. The cheapest way is to dismantle the water meter and send it to the organization involved in their verification. Not very convenient is the fact that such a process usually takes several days, and you will have to install a pipe section to the place where the device was located, so as not to interrupt the water supply.While the meter is not available, you will have to pay at the general rate, which is usually higher than the payment according to the readings of the device.
  2. You can call the specialists making the verification directly to the house. They arrive at the agreed time with a stand, with which they measure the accuracy of the readings of the water meter. Such verification of water meters is much faster than the previous one, but its cost is also higher.
  3. And finally, you can simply change the old device to a new one. Typically, replacing a water meter costs a little more than how to verify it, and this method is quite popular among users. First of all, you should ask how much the water meter costs and find out the prices for the verification. After that, you can decide in favor of a particular option.

How to remove a water meter yourself

Replacing a water meter is a do-it-yourself task. But for its implementation, you will need special tools and skills for conducting such work. Extreme care should be taken when replacing a water meter that is installed on old metal pipes. In this case, there is a high probability of damage to any node that is subject to corrosion.How much is a water meter.

First of all, it is necessary to shut off the water supply in the section of the highway in front of the meter. More often for these purposes, an opening tap into the house or apartment is used. Then it is advisable to relieve pressure by opening the mixer. It should be borne in mind that the device is sealed and you must first agree on its dismantling in a special instance. In order to remove the water meter, you need to unscrew the two flare nuts ("American", as they are also called), with which it is attached to the pipes. After that, you need to shift them to the sides, in the direction from the counter. If all operations are carried out correctly, then the water meter can be pulled out freely.

Counter setting

If the meter is removed for verification, then instead of it, a pipe section is installed temporarily, similar to its mounting size, equipped with appropriate threaded connections. When installing a new device, the same actions are performed as when dismantling, only in the reverse order. The counter is installed in its position (it is important to place it in the correct position), then the union nuts are tightened. Particular attention should be paid to the correct placement of the gasket gaskets before finally fixing it. After this, you need to resume the water supply and make sure that there is no leakage. The next stage - a seal is installed on the water meter. For this, a specialist is invited to check the operation of the system and perform this operation.

Timely verification of water meters is the key to their reliable operation throughout the entire period. Replacing a water meter that has expired is also a mandatory procedure. Carrying out all these operations in due time, you can be sure that the bills for paying for the consumed water will arrive as correct as possible.

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