
Checking water meters at home without removing. Terms of verification of water meters

The topic of housing and communal services does not cease to be popular. There have been services for recalculating the cost of utilities, in the newspapers you can always find complaints of residents about the poor operation of networks, snow removal, broken elevators, burned out bulbs and more. When winter comes, housing and communal services are especially often remembered - either the batteries warm slightly, then the old pipe will burst from pressure and flood someone. And, of course, everyone is trying to save on utilities. Energy-saving light bulbs live in almost all apartments, now it’s the turn of water meters, followed by heat meters. Installing meters is only half the battle, it turns out that checking water meters is required and costs money. Let's consider this question in more detail.

Verification: what is it?

Each measuring device during operation is subjected to various mechanical and temperature influences. As a result, a measurement error may occur, even a metal ruler in which there is nothing to break, expands and contracts with temperature and is constantly bent during operation. Rulers also check once a year, and even more so water meters.

calibration of water meters

Checking water meters

In large cities, more than 80% of apartments already have meters installed, and their verification has become a profitable business. Indeed, the verification of one device costs from 500 to 1500 rubles. The minimum in the apartment is one cold water meter and one hot. It is not known whether the availability of the device helps to save the most valuable resource, but paying less allows for sure. If you have not arranged water supply for a car wash or laundry or an illegal hotel from your apartment, then you do not need to pay a tariff fee. When a person lives alone, then payment on the meter is three, four times lower than on the tariff.

calibration of water meters without removal

When buying a service, choose a reliable company, because the meter may not be verified, and then you will have to buy a new one. Large companies in case of such excesses charge only in case of verification.

Normative base of the verification process

When choosing a company that has the service “calibration of water meters” in the price list, be careful. Such activity is subject to certification, is regulated by Federal Law of 06.26.2008 No. 102-ФЗ “On ensuring the uniformity of measurements”, Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 354 of 05.06.2011, which approved the rules for the provision of utility services.

For the verification process itself, special instruments are needed that are like a used car. As a result, you will receive verification certificates in your hands, with copies of which you must go to the housing department. The verification procedure must comply with GOST 8.156 and MI 1592-99 “Water meters. Verification Technique. ” According to the norms and in fact, the verification of the hot water counter and the cold counter does not differ.

Advertising is placed on utility bills, if you don’t know how to choose a company, then choose the one in the advertisement. At the very least, the public utilities are already familiar with her.

Types of Verification

Calibration of water meters without removal is popular, it is very convenient, there is no hassle with shooting the device, the engineer came and did everything in half an hour. But there are curious cases when an engineer instead of a device brings a can with him or asks for it from the owners. Then it checks that the counter shows the same amount that went into the bank. Verification passed, get a certificate! Part with such companies.

checking water meters at home

There are two types of verification. One at the stand, the second at home. To believe the counter on the stand, it must be removed, then it is checked for several days on standards, chasing water through it, and put back.

Calibration of water meters at home is carried out using special instruments, as a rule, it is "Strait-M10" or "Cascade-2P". Their principle of operation is based on comparing the indicator of the volume of passed water through a standard and a verified meter. It seems like the same bank, but here the comparison is carried out by a computer, and the standard is much more accurate than banks. The person here acts as an operator, his task is to correctly connect the device and take readings, the conclusion is made by the computer.

Devices fit in a suitcase, are a set of hoses and electronic meters.

water meter verification deadlines


The fact is that now the new counter costs the same as its verification. Therefore, companies that are engaged only in the verification of water meters are slowly closing. People understand that it’s easier and more economical to buy a new one than to pay for verification, which 20% of the devices do not pass. Large organizations charge only for a positive result.

Of course, you can call a specialist with a bank or agree, but first think that the universal solution of issues in this way leads to chaos. When one person did this, two, ten - it’s not scary. Now imagine that the whole house did that. Calibration of water meters at home is done with eyes closed. And the devices actually show less than they miss. ZHEU sees its testimonies, is perplexed, and then litigation, examinations, deprivation of company certificates begin, and the whole house changes the counters.

The timing of verification of water meters is set in regulatory documents and is 6 years for cold water, and 4 years for a hot water meter. At the same time, verification dates are calculated not from the moment of installation and start of operation, but from the moment of exit from the conveyor. Therefore, when buying a device, be sure to look at the date of manufacture and the date of the last calibration, as well as the expiration date. Some companies work very efficiently, and their products calmly serve after all expiration dates.

Imbalance of the process economics

It seems that the verification of water meters without removal is equal in value to the new device, and the old one may not pass the verification. In this case, the resident will receive an invoice according to the standard, and in accordance with the new calculation standards for an apartment without meters, additional interest is charged, and may be attributed to the excess expense. Pipes from the installation of meters do not become stronger, and water losses continue to be the same, and the housing department starts to write off expenses as soon as they can.

Some believe that repairs should be cheaper to save resources, and the capacity of meter manufacturing plants should be transferred to other purposes.calibration of water meters canceled

Cancellation rumors

Russia is great, and who was the first to rumor that the verification of water meters was canceled is now incomprehensible. Most likely they were born when previously fixed calibration dates were canceled in the city of Moscow and some other regions. However, they did not cancel the verification process itself, but obliged everyone to conduct it, regardless of the novelty of the device.calibration of a hot water meter

There is a Government Decree above that governs the verification process. Therefore, do not hope for cancellation and do not try to deceive the housing and communal services. Do not miss the deadlines for checking water meters.

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