
What is the verification period for water meters? Water Meter Check Frequency

The use of housing and communal services in the Russian Federation is a specific category of legal relations, within the framework of which both the providers of the relevant services and their consumers have rights and obligations. So, water payments are now most often calculated based on individual meter readings. The main obligation that is placed on water consumers is to ensure timely verification of these devices. How soon should it be carried out? What is the most correct mechanism for its implementation?

What is verification?

Verification is a procedure in which the accuracy of a meter is measured. If it meets the technological criteria, then the device is recognized as verified and is allowed for operation. The readings of meters that are not verified are invalid.

Verification period for water meters

The procedure in question should be carried out at regular intervals. Relevant deadlines may be spelled out in laws at various levels.

Legal deadlines for verification: federal and municipal aspects

The timing calibration of water meters defined, on the one hand, at the level of federal legislation of the Russian Federation. Moreover, the criteria for devices that record the flow rate for hot and cold water are different. This is due to the technological specifics of the operation of devices. As for such a procedure as calibration of hot water meters, the timing of its implementation is once every 4 years. Regarding devices that measure the flow of cold water - once every 6 years.

On the other hand, municipal authorities are entitled in some cases to establish other criteria. The fact is that the main legal act regulating the time period for verification of water meters should be established - Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 354, which contains dispositive provisions. The law says that the consumer of utilities is obliged to carry out verification - but within the time limits established by the manufacturer. As a rule, for devices that measure the flow of cold water, it is 4 years, and the verification period of the cold water meter is 6 years. But it is possible that the manufacturer of the meter will indicate other criteria. For example, some Western brands that produce counters set the verification period to 15 years or more.

Dates of verification - in the documents

The timing of verification of water meters set by the manufacturer should be found in the documents attached to the device. Most often this is a technical passport. As we determined above, in accordance with the above Government Decision No. 354, as well as in accordance with GOST R 50193, the timing of verification of water meters should be carried out at a certain interval - we also considered its typical values. Now we also know that these criteria can be adjusted at the level of municipal legal acts. But in practice, manufacturers of meters usually indicate exactly those terms in the technical data sheets of devices that we noted above.

Checking hot water meters timing

Note that the specificity of current technical regulations is that the period between calibrations is not counted from the moment the meter was installed, but from the date of its production, since the corresponding procedure is carried out at the factory. Therefore, if you buy a device that is lying on a stand in a store, you may have to deal with its verification significantly earlier than by the deadlines established by GOST, regulatory legal acts or spelled out in documents.

Is verification required?

Yes, required. If the deadline for checking the water meter has expired, then the readings of the device are invalid.As a result, the calculation of utility bills is carried out not by water consumption, but by average indicators for six months, then according to the standard, the size of which depends on the number of registered residents. In a number of regions of the Russian Federation - and this again shows the localization of legislation - other criteria have been established according to which HOAs and management companies can, for example, calculate payments at the average consumption rate not for 6 months, but for 3. They may also vary, but usually not too significant, consumption standards in various regions and municipalities.

HOA will warn?

Many homeowners associations and management companies have internal registries that reflect the validity periods of verification of meters for apartments. Some companies send out information notifications to service consumers that it is necessary to carry out verification of metering devices at such and such a time. But there are organizations that automatically begin to calculate payments for the supply of water, if the owner of the apartment does not have time to update the data on the verification of meters.

How to verify?

How is the calibration of water meters carried out? The validity period of the results of the previous inspection should be valid - this is desirable in order to avoid possible discrepancies in consumption data with the utility provider.

The consumer must, first of all, carry out the correct dismantling of functioning devices. This can be done by contacting specialists in the HOA or the management company. Sometimes it is required to coordinate this procedure with the actual utility provider 2 working days before it. Before the meter is taken, it should be recorded and transferred to the water supplier.

Accreditation factor

Verification is usually carried out by laboratories accredited by the management company or received a different type of permit for carrying out activities (for example, approved by the manufacturers of meters). Devices must be assigned there. The services of these structures are usually paid - about 200-300 rubles. for one device. The verification period for water meters in the laboratory usually does not exceed one business day, but there are organizations that perform the corresponding service within a few hours. It is recommended that you contact laboratories that have permission issued by the Federal Accreditation.

Water meter calibration timed out

After the devices have been verified in the laboratory, it is necessary to re-install them on the plumbing system. To do this, contact the HOA or the management company and call a specialist who will install the meters, seal them and draw up an act stating that the device is approved for use.

It is also possible to call representatives of the laboratory involved in the verification of meters at home. But this service is more expensive than prices for consumers who themselves bring the device in fact. Modern laboratories are usually equipped with mobile devices that allow calibration without removing the meter - by measuring the flow of water through a tap.

Interaction with the supplier after verification

As soon as all the necessary verification procedures have been completed, a document must be sent to the HOA or the management company, according to which the organization will have to calculate water charges based on individual consumption indications. Usually this is an application indicating the name of the owner of the apartment, his passport data, contact phone number, date of commissioning of the meter, information about the device (serial number, as well as type). The data on the organization that installed the device, the current readings of measurements, the date of the next verification are also indicated. In some cases, it is also required to provide a copy of the meter's passport to the HOA or the management company. The supplier must update the verification information of the meter installed in the applicant’s apartment within 15 days. If this is not done, then the meter will, one way or another, be considered put into legal operation.

Is it possible to verify two counters at once?

Possible, and it is often practiced. It is necessary to note the following regarding such a procedure as calibration of hot water meters: its terms can come faster than with respect to cold water meters. But in this case, the owner of the apartment can initiate verification of both devices at the same time. Moreover, the terms of the next procedure of the corresponding type in most cases will be calculated in accordance with the norms of federal or municipal legislation - for example, after 4 years for hot water meters, after 6 years - for devices that record the flow of cold water.

Checking or buying a new counter?

If the timing of the verification of water meters is nearing, then the owner of the apartment can choose an alternative to the procedure under consideration - the purchase of new devices. From the point of view of the law, it does not matter whether the meter is installed new or attorney. The main thing is for it to function, and this was reflected in the documents of accredited organizations. The price of the device is an average of 400-500 rubles. Prices for the services of specialists in its installation and commissioning - another about 1000 rubles. This is more expensive than verification, but usually much faster.

Verification period of water meters law

If the owner of the apartment decided to install a new meter, then the documents relating to its commissioning, he must bring to the HOA or the management company. Only after the relevant information on metering devices is registered with the organization, payments for utilities will begin to be calculated on the basis of individual consumption indications.

Is it possible to independently install the counter?

Yes. However, a person must be called from the HOA or the management company to inspect and seal the device. According to the laws in force, a fee for the corresponding service should not be charged. These are the provisions of Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 824, which regulates the rules for the provision of housing and communal services.

The acquisition of a new counter: the nuances

Consider the scenario in which the deadline for checking water meters has already come, but the owner of the apartment decided not to waste time interacting with laboratories, but to purchase a new device. What should I look for when buying meters?

First of all, it is recommended to purchase devices in specialized retail outlets. Be sure to check if there is a technical passport in the configuration. Without this document, the meter will not be sealed by a representative of the HOA or the management company. It can also be noted - it is undesirable to lose the registration certificate. As soon as the deadline for verification of water meters approaches, the law requires the testing laboratories to enter the data on the operation of the device into the technical passport. If it is not in the hands of the owner of the apartment, you will have to buy another device in any case. New deadlines for checking water meters are counted from the date prescribed by the laboratory specialists in the data sheet.

If possible, you should buy a counter that was recently released - above we determined for what reason. Therefore, we pay attention to the date of its production. It is indicated usually in the data sheet.

Options - under control

Another important nuance - the complete set of meters should be complete. The device must be released connecting elements - fittings, nuts, gaskets, etc. The specifics of the configuration of meters is also usually reflected in the data sheet.

Water meter verification deadline

Counters can be universal (designed to operate at temperatures from 5 to 90 degrees) or involving operation only in hot or cold water. When purchasing devices, you need to make sure that they are suitable for one or another purpose of use.

Sanctions for a failed verification meter: theory and practice

Above, we noted how utility bills are calculated if the verification period for the water meter has expired. But in practice, the work of HOAs and management companies can be expressed in actions that run counter to the requirements of the law. We study the specifics of such precedents.

There are cases when apartment owners received a certain penalty receipt, the basis for which was the absence of attorney metering devices. HOA and management companies, justifying their actions, referred to sources of law at various levels.

However, the legislation of the Russian Federation does not establish such a thing as a fine in relation to housing and communal services. Homeowners associations and management companies often use this term to refer to the fact that cubic meters are charged in an alternative way, since there was no way to accurately calculate them due to the lack of an authorized meter.

New deadlines for checking water meters

Lawyers recommend contacting the HOA and management companies for clarification about what legislative acts guided the organizations' specialists when calculating water consumption. The criteria contained in laws at the level of regions and municipalities are rarely quite different. A fairly standard formula is used, in which the standard for cold water is defined as 7 cubic meters per registered person, for hot - 5 cubic meters. If the HOA or the management company accrued 10 or more units of water, then this is an occasion to contact the specialists of the relevant organizations for clarification.

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Reason for complaint
It will be considered as more profitable to the “Vodyaniy” manufacturer! Yes, if in the box, the year has passed before installation. The store doesn’t discount the counter one year ago, if the report has been from the date of issue.
There was a question of checking the meter for hot water. Counters were installed more than 4 years ago. For verification, it is necessary to provide passports for counters, but, unfortunately, the passports were lost. How to be in this situation? The Criminal Code refuses to accept the verification certificate without a passport.
Sergei Olga
buy a new one, from the nearest release date, from the Criminal Code, call the sealer (free)
replace. with it, recording the testimony (old and new). If the seal does not want to wait, the installation will run back again, click on the seal! Everything.
Alexey Olga
The passport should be in the Criminal Code, they are unlikely to find it in their home. You gave it to them when installing the counter. But these passports were not required, they came to check the meter, they believed everything was fine, they wrote out a verification document - this is the document now. And in the factory passport the meter number is indicated and its calibration at the factory - this all becomes no longer relevant after subsequent verification. And the year of manufacture and the number can be seen on the counter. Seals stand and let in their UK look
Helena Olga
How is this passport not relevant? There is also a meter life. It is indicated in the passport.
Lyudmila, these are scammers! They call all the time from different numbers, insist, threaten, and be rude. Since you are confident in the timing of your meters, since you have your own plumber in the housing cooperative, just ignore these phone calls. Unfortunately, there are no ways to deal with such scammers. Even appeals to the prosecutor’s office give nothing, as practice shows. If possible, install the caller ID. In no case do not let strangers into the apartment, do not open the doors.
The counters were installed in March 2014, the subsequent verification periods - 2018 and 2020 - are specified in the act. Today they notified by telephone that the validity period for the hot water meter had expired on March 31, that a specialist should come up who, without taking the meter off, would check it, it would cost 900 rubles.
The house is a housing cooperative, payment is made upon the receipt of receipts by an accountant, to whom we submit information. The state has its own plumber, which installs meters and conducts at all instances - free of charge for residents of the house. Acts are submitted to the ZhSK accounting. At first I was harassed by calls that it was time for me to replace the counters, but they had already been changed for a long time, and now some organization is pestering with verification. What to do???? They threaten to make accruals at average prices, if I do not let the specialist go home. Thank.
I put water meters in March 2014, i.e. check in 2018 and 20120, and yesterday the paper came: "We bring to your attention that the water meters installed in your apartment have a calibration interval and need metrological verification. Based on this, we draw your attention to the approved schedule for a collective check of metering devices water in your home ..... "and hereinafter. But checks are made after 4 and 6 years. They are either dumb or do not keep records when someone has installed water meters. The crooks are sitting and driving the crooks ....


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