
Application for the return of personal income tax: how to draw up and what documents are needed?

Huge role for tax deduction plays an application for the return of personal income tax. Without it, to be honest, you will not be able to in any way arrange the return of the money spent. So you have to pay due attention to this issue. Many citizens are interested in how this statement is made up. And here the problems begin. After all, no tax service can accurately answer you this question. How to write an application for return personal income tax? What documents are useful to us for a tax deduction? And how long do you have to wait for an answer from the relevant authorities?application for the return of personal income tax when buying an apartment

Spelling rules

As a matter of fact, there are no clear rules regarding the preparation of an application for tax deduction. The main thing is to determine the reason for your appeal. Depending on this, the written text in your request will change.

For example, an application for the return of personal income tax when buying an apartment, a sample of which is presented below, must necessarily contain information about all participants in the transaction. This includes both you and the seller. Also, without fail, you will need to write information about the purchased product / apartment. Without this, the request will not be considered valid.

So it’s not too difficult to write an application for the return of personal income tax when buying an apartment. In the same way as any similar request for deduction, it is written in free form. Without fail, all persons involved in transactions (their passport data) are indicated here, as well as information about the object or service for which you need to return the funds. In addition, the statement also indicates your bank details, as well as your expenses.

The timing

The application for the return of personal income tax has some limitations. That is, they apply to the possibility of obtaining a tax deduction. According to modern legislation, citizens have the right to return funds spent for one reason or another if they have an official taxable income for the last 3 years. And nothing more.application for the return of personal income tax when buying an apartment sample

So the corresponding application must be prepared and submitted to the tax service no later than 3 years after the conclusion of the transaction. In general, the sooner you start getting a deduction, the better. Hurry up.

Why? Consideration of the request and refund also takes time. Typically, the first action takes about 1.5-2 months. The same amount goes to the transfer of money on the details provided to the tax authorities. It turns out that the deduction on average takes 4 months. Not so little if you think about it.

Why return

An application for the return of personal income tax can be written in many cases. The main thing is that you have taxable income. This is a basic rule that must be followed.

What can I get a tax deduction for? For almost any of your expenses. For example, in transactions with real estate or transport. it property deduction. You can also reimburse a certain percentage of the money for treatment, training, medical drugs.

Actually, there is also a special tax deduction for children. It takes place in relation to your employer. Perhaps this is a fairly common option in Russia, helping to slightly increase your earnings. A complete list of possible reasons for the return of the spent funds can be found in the tax authorities.

What do you need

So, you already have an application for the return of personal income tax. What now needs to be attached to it in order for your case to be considered by the relevant authorities? It all depends on the situation.But, nevertheless, you can summarize all the points that you might need. It:

  • passport;
  • SNILS and TIN;
  • certificate of ownership (in real estate transactions);
  • marriage / divorce / birth certificate of children;
  • agreements confirming transactions (sales, services);
  • Payments, checks, receipts;
  • 3-personal income tax return;
  • income statement (form 2-PIT);
  • statements of real estate and the cost thereof;
  • licenses and accreditations (for medical institutions and for deduction for tuition);
  • student certificates (for deduction for studies);
  • pensioner's ID (for senior citizens).

personal income tax return application

All this is presented for tax deduction for any reason. Without fail, an application for the return of personal income tax is also attached here. After it remains only to wait.

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