
Deadline for tax deduction. Documents and tax refund application

Many people know such a thing as tax deduction. But how to get it? What is the procedure for processing this state support? And what is the deadline for tax deduction? In fact, to understand all this is not so difficult. Why? The main thing is to intelligently approach the solution of the task. After all, the main problem for citizens in a collision with tax deductions is the collection of the necessary documents. Everything about this process is presented to our attention further.tax deduction period


Knowing the tax refund deadline is only half the battle. To begin with, it's worth figuring out what is at stake. After all, not everyone understands what a tax deduction is. Who is it supposed to be? How is it made out? Does everyone have the opportunity to receive this state support?

A tax deduction is a return to citizens of 13% of the amount paid for certain services. That is a kind of compensation from the state. Only here in relation to obtaining thereof there are some limitations. What is this about?


A similar opportunity is available only to taxpayers. And more precisely, then all able-bodied citizens who have income taxable income. Non-working or working without registration (not officially) do not have any rights to receive a tax deduction. Such rules are currently established in the Russian Federation.

The tax refund is also not endless. As already mentioned, you can return only 13% of the spending. But at the same time, there is also a limit of funds. For example, property deduction cannot exceed a total of 260,000 rubles. This is exactly the amount you will be returned. And nothing more. This factor must be considered.

What are

What can be a tax refund, or rather, a tax deduction? The thing is that there are various options for the development of events. The population has a rather extensive list of cases in which people are entitled to a return of 13% of their own expenses. So what does the state of the Russian Federation offer its citizens?refund of tax deduction when buying an apartment

Increasingly, a tax deduction is refunded when buying an apartment. This option is called property. And you can get it if you purchased one or another property (in our case, an apartment). And it doesn’t matter how exactly you did it - with cash or through a mortgage. In both the first and second cases, a tax deduction takes place. The main thing is that you have income taxable income. There is nothing difficult to understand in this.

There is also a tax refund for tuition - both for your own and for the child. It is only important that the citizen study full-time at the university. In this case, a tax deduction can be received only until students reach the age of 23. For your child, you have the right to receive a tax refund on tuition only when you pay for this process. And in the event that the child has no work, that is, he is a simple student.

A deduction for treatment is also possible. A common option that is used by the population. The main thing here is that you pay for the services yourself. Or that a close relative does this (spouse, parent, child, grandparents, brother or sister, grandchildren).

For working citizens, there is another very interesting deduction. It is called "for children." It is drawn up directly at the place of your employment, it helps to reduce the tax base, from which you will be charged 13% of income tax. The size of it depends on how many minor children you have.On the first two - 1,400 rubles, on the next - 3,000. And the exact same amount of deduction will be in the case when you have a disabled child.What documents are required for tax deduction

The timing

But now you can find out the deadline for tax deduction. Here the question can be divided into several parts. The first is how much time you will have in order to contact the tax authorities for receipt. The second is how long the approval and payment process takes.

In the first case, you can answer quite easily and simply. The time limits established by law for tax deductions are 3 years. In other words, after paying for certain services, you will have only 36 months to arrange a refund. Otherwise, you simply lose this ability.

But the question of considering your request is already a much more serious topic. There is no exact answer to the question of how long the tax deduction is due. It all depends on the speed of your tax service.

As a rule, this process takes about 4 months. Of these, about 1.5-2 will be considered your application. And the rest of the time is allotted for the direct transfer of money to your bank account. Thus, it should be borne in mind that on average, the period for returning a tax deduction is 4-6 months.

Where to go

Some do not know exactly where to turn to receive our current monetary compensation for certain services. The answer is extremely simple - in order to refund the tax deduction when buying an apartment, for training or for any other reason, you need to contact your tax office. We are talking about the authority at the place of registration.tax refund

However, sometimes it is more expedient to bring documents to the tax office of your place of residence. There is not much difference. Although in practice it is recommended to apply for the deduction to the authorities at the place of your registration. What documents are needed for a tax deduction? It all depends on the particular case in question. But there is a mandatory list of documents that will be required of you constantly.


The first required document is your identity card. It is customary to mean a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation. It will be required for any tax deduction, both the original and copies. Simply remove them, notarization is not required.

In general, you have every right to provide any other identification document. But, as practice shows, without a civil passport, you may well not be deductible when buying real estate or any other expenses. It’s better to be safe again and not take risks.


What documents are needed for a tax deduction? Without fail, you will need to somehow prove your taxable income. Without evidence, you may legally be denied a deduction.tuition tax refund

What can be attributed here? Attach your work book to your passport. Also, an employment contract with the employer will not hurt (optional). Take at work (in accounting) a certificate of form 2-NDFL. It is filled out by the employer, it is given to you in a single copy. And it is the original document that is submitted to the tax authorities to draw up a tax deduction. Copies thereof are not accepted under any pretext.


It does not matter what deduction is involved - whether the tax will be refunded for tuition or for treatment. The main thing is to prepare special tax reporting and present it. It is called simply - a declaration. A tax deduction cannot be refunded without this document.

How to create and fill out a tax return? To do this, it is enough to use a computer to draw up a document called 3-NDFL. It is he who is called the tax return. Unlike 2-personal income tax, you must fill out this paper yourself and submit to the appropriate authorities the original document. It is issued in a single copy.


Do not forget that the deduction is carried out only on the personal application of the citizen. So, you have to compose and fill it in advance. In principle, there is nothing difficult in this. If you have questions, you can look at the tax authorities with an approximate sample application.statutory deadlines

What is there to write? The tax authority to which you apply, as well as personal data indicating the reasons for submitting documents for deduction. Do not forget about another important point: here you will have to write the details of the bank account to which these or other funds are transferred. More precisely indicate where to transfer 13% of your spending.

If this information is not available, there is a high probability of receiving a refusal. True, in some cases it is allowed to convey the details of bank accounts. But this is an extremely rare occurrence. Often you have to correct the situation and write a second statement.

Payments and Checks

The tax deduction deadline is already known to us. And most of the documents necessary for the operation, too. In any case, you will need to attach evidence of your spending to the above papers. Here any checks, receipts and payments are suitable. True, in the original. You can leave copies to yourself.

Make sure that the data in the declaration, application and payment document match. Otherwise, you will not be able to draw up a deduction. You will be denied the service. Usually there are no problems with this point. After all, confirming your own spending is not so difficult. When it comes to large transactions (it is for them, as a rule, that income tax is reimbursed), all evidence of payment is stored for a long time.


Well, on this you can end the list of everything necessary for the implementation of the tax deduction. Now it’s worth finding out what other additional documents will be required of you under certain circumstances.purchase deduction

As a rule, this includes:

  • SNILS;
  • TIN;
  • service contract (for refund of treatment);
  • prescriptions for expensive drugs (also in the case of treatment);
  • license of the institution (medical or educational);
  • specialty accreditation (for deduction for tuition);
  • pensioner's ID;
  • military ID;
  • sales contract (or mortgage);
  • certificates of interest on the mortgage (for property deductions);
  • student certificate;
  • birth certificates of children;
  • certificate of marriage / divorce;
  • documents confirming your rights to a particular property.

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