
Child abuse (article 156 of the Criminal Code). Child abuse problem

Unfortunately, child abuse in the modern world is a completely “normal” phenomenon. Often this behavior is simply hidden. This kind of behavior is punished. Article 156 of the Criminal Code provides for a huge fine for ill-treatment and criminal liability, up to deprivation of parental rights. Let us today touch upon this topic from the side of the legislative and psychological.


So what does the law say about our topic today? Article 156 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation states that the care of minor children and wards lies entirely on the shoulders of parents / guardians. With all this, it is necessary to ensure the correct development of children and allow them to be in a calm, balanced atmosphere. Improper care is punishable by law. As a rule, they can write a huge fine with correctional labor, but in some cases even the deprivation of parental rights may follow.

child abuse

If the child does not have parents, then all responsibilities pass to grandparents, older brothers and sisters, or guardians. In addition, parents and guardians should not only take care of their minor children, but also protect their rights and interests. Unfortunately, the situation in the modern world is somewhat different. Let's see what is really going on in the world.

Eternal problem

Child abuse is one of the main problems of modern society and parents of different ages. In fact, it should not be. Adults decide on their own to have a baby - this is an important step. It should be understood that all responsibility for the upbringing and actions of the baby will rest on the shoulders of the parents. And in cases of non-fulfillment of their duties, a deprivation of parental rights may follow.

It seems that everything is fine - they decided that you can handle everything. But then a child is born. And then comes the realization that not everything is as smooth as it seems. The baby has its own needs, but from birth he cannot express them in words. Instead, he cries. From here comes annoyance, which then develops into the abuse of parents with children. Such behavior breaks the life of the child and grows out of him a flawed personality. Nevertheless, it is worthwhile to understand what “cruelty with children” is. It comes in several forms.


Child abuse can be moral. As a rule, it does not entail any external and visible beatings. Parents do not shout at a minor, do not beat him. However, care is not carried out properly. It manifests itself in the absence of age-appropriate housing, clothing, food, attention, care, medical services and so on. For example, in a family quite often “accidents” come to light. In addition, neglected caries, lack of vaccinations, scabies, “brakes” in the development of speech, weight and height can be attributed to this. Mental retardation and sloppy clothes are also a signal that children can be abused in the family.

deprivation of parental rights

Identifying moral cruelty is a rather difficult matter. Here you need to carefully look at the children and their behavior. Hyperactivity, infantilism, sucking fingers, swaying in a chair, indiscriminate friendliness or vice versa, unwillingness to communicate, isolation, constant search for attention or attempts to "show oneself", cruelty to animals, assuming the role of an adult, can be noted. True, moral violence is detected extremely rarely.Yes, and it is also less common than any other type of improper care for minors.

Physical violence

Child abuse, as a rule, is revealed openly with the manifestation of physical violence. This kind is quite difficult to hide, since a physical examination reveals injuries, bruises, abrasions and other external injuries. This is the most common phenomenon that can ruin a child’s life and literally “drive him into a coffin”.

Physical violence can be called any infliction of physical beating to a child. These include fights, blows, slaps, slaps, slaps. These are the most “soft” manifestations of a bad attitude towards the wards. As a rule, the problem of child abuse does not end there.

Sometimes it can be noted in children and severe injuries, up to concussions and serious fractures. Very often, parents try to "write off" this for an accident. Nevertheless, if such "cases" are not the first time in the family, it is worth paying attention to the behavior of the child and the family as a whole.

Very often sexual violence is a manifestation of physical violence. It can manifest itself both to adolescents of any gender, and to very young children. As a rule, the identification of child abuse in this case will be very difficult. Toddlers will be afraid, or even not understand at all, what is happening, and adolescents, as a rule, are ashamed of this. Both parents are usually aware of physical and sexual abuse of the child. One commits, and the other is simply silent. So you have to work hard to get to the bottom of the truth.

parental abuse of children

Emotion and upbringing

Among all forms of violence, emotional violence takes the second place in cruelty. Emotional abuse of children is an eternal problem that cannot be solved and is difficult to prevent.

The fact is that everyone has been credited with one or another stereotype from birth. All children are told that parents must always obey and do what they say. Yes, indeed, you need to listen to them only if there is no violation of the rights and interests of the child himself. Otherwise, the person will not be able to develop correctly and grow healthy.

Because of these very stereotypes, parents begin to feel power over their child. This is where emotional violence appears. It manifests itself in “forcing” the child to do what he categorically does not want, humiliation, threats against the minor, putting forward excessive demands on the child, restriction in communication, demands to live “according to the rules of the parents”, and so on. Very often, emotional violence manifests itself during the period when the child enters a transitional age. Here he is already beginning to clearly understand where his interests are hurt, starting to defend their rights (moreover, quite lawfully and justifiably), and his parents “crush” him for themselves.

protecting children from abuse

If the child does not fight back in time, then the violence will continue forever. And in cases when a teenager manages to fend for himself, the majority of society begins to "spread rot" the child. It turns out a vicious circle from which you can get out only when a person gains willpower to oppose modern society.

Risk group

In order to protect children from abuse, it is first necessary to identify such behavior. As already mentioned, this is quite difficult to do. There is a certain “risk group” that needs to be looked closely at.

Children may be abused, where at least one of the parents consumes alcohol and generally has bad habits. It is not necessary that he "get drunk on the insole." Maybe even after drinking, a person remains quite adequate. Nevertheless, it is necessary to look closely at such families.

Also, child abuse often appears where at least one of the parents (or close relatives) is subject to constant depression and mood swings. Do not confuse this with female hormonal disruptions. Here we are talking about more serious "leaps".

A very private sign by which cruel treatment can be identified is the patriarchal way of life of the family and the controlling style of upbringing. Just this way - this is cruelty with children, since it is not permissible to suppress the will of your child. Everyone legally has the right to his interests and their defense. But we will talk about this a little later.

In addition, you should pay attention to those families where children were born with disabilities, with hereditary or genetic diseases, as well as if it is known that the babies were unwanted. This, too, quite often becomes a consequence of cruelty to a minor.

Effects in children

But what could be the consequences of child abuse? Unfortunately, the outcome of such actions usually ends in failure. Let's see what can happen to a child if any violence is applied to him.

 child abuse problem

Firstly, he will experience deviations in development and growth. Such children, as a rule, are significantly different from their peers. In addition, the kids look frightened and try not to get close to their parents once again.

In addition, children who have been abused try to avoid society. They have a great many fears, sometimes unfounded. Before starting to be friends with someone, the guys “ask permission” from their parents.

Constant tantrums, poor behavior, low self-esteem, poor academic performance - all this is also a consequence of improper behavior in the family. Attention should be paid to such children.

Older children may also show a “reluctance” to obey. Moreover, regardless of who dictates the rules - a teacher or a parent. From a children's point of view, this is quite normal - if it gets anyway, then why is it necessary to dance to someone's tune? So at least it will not be so insulting.

Hyperactivity and the constant demand for attention to it is also a consequence of abuse. You should take the child to a specialist so that he helps in time to cope with problems, otherwise terrible results will follow.

When a little matured ...

But for children in a more conscious age, especially in the teenage period, abuse makes a already visible and quite serious imprint that will haunt them all their lives. Let’s see what can happen.

To begin with, many of the guys who allowed their parents to be cruel to them would never stop dancing to their tune. Neither in 15 years, nor in 20, nor in 40. Thus, the personality of a child and an adult will be broken.

Further, the child will not feel happy. But the happiness of the baby is what any good parent should provide. No one wants to live someone else's life.

In addition, cases of childhood and adolescent suicide are not uncommon in the world. This is also one of the outcomes of child cruelty. Children's psyche is an unbalanced thing, it is easy to break it.

causes of child abuse

If parents are tyrants

Quite often, the consequences of child abuse go from generation to generation. The fact is that if a child’s parents are tyrants since childhood, then in the end they themselves will become so. Or, on the contrary, it will grow frightened.

So what to do if your parents make you live the way they want? To begin with, you will have to have patience and strength - you will have to listen a lot to your address from relatives and others. After that, break away from the parental home and dependence on the older generation. This applies to any age. After - defend your interests, try to less contact with the "sources" of cruelty and violence.In the end, understand that you legally have the right to your own life.

Where are you from

But how can parents show a hint of cruelty and unfair treatment of their children? Quite often, these are psychological problems. Among them, a number of main reasons can be identified.

For starters, as mentioned above, the cause of such behavior may be a family in which violence has already been used. A child who is being abused is more likely to become the same tyranny than "slam into a corner."

In addition, the unfulfilled dreams of parents are also one of the causes of cruelty. If, for example, a person has not achieved something in life, then he is either trying to realize his plans through children, living his life anew, or “breaks down” on his descendants.

Bad character - another point that can be attributed to the causes of cruelty. As a rule, spoiled children or, conversely, those against whom injustice manifested themselves have this property.

The causes of child abuse are often attributed to bad habits. Exposure to alcohol, narcotic and psychotropic substances greatly changes a person’s behavior, making him uncontrollable.

A thirst for power and a sense of control - this is another reason why parents can make their children dance to their tune, while applying all the "methods of education" that they think are suitable for education. Thus, the causes of child abuse are the permissiveness and impunity of parents, as well as common stereotypes.

consequences of child abuse


As you can see, cruelty against minor children is a huge problem in modern society. If you suspect that a child may be subjected to violence, take a closer look at this family and report your suspicions to the guardianship authorities. They will definitely have to take measures to eliminate the child’s cruelty.

The baby will need moral and psychological support. Guys who have been abused should be taken to psychotherapy sessions. There, experts will surely help to cope with the problems until they have grown into something more serious and tightly settled in the head of the child.

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