
Domestic violence against women and children: reasons, help, where to go

Increasingly, domestic violence occurs in families in Russia. Only not everyone understands how to behave in this situation. In most cases, the victims remain so and do not struggle with abuse. The reasons for this may be different - fear for one’s life or for children, complete dependence on the sadist, shame, banal ignorance of the algorithm of actions when faced with a problem. All this is not so important. After all, the fact remains that domestic violence in such cases remains unpunished. More often than not, people may not be aware of what is really happening in a particular family. How to recognize a home tyrant? What if you become a victim of such an act? Which law enforcement agencies should I contact? All this and not only will be described later.domestic violence

What is home tyranny

What is domestic violence? This phrase is not all able to fully explain. More often than not, violence is understood to mean either committing sexual acts against the will of the victim, or causing harm to health (for example, beating). To some extent this is true. More precisely, all this is only a small part of domestic violence.

This term is understood to mean any abuse within the family circle. Inoculation of guilty feelings, infringement of rights, constant prohibitions on freedom of action - all this is violence. It can be moral, material, or physical. Most often, there are cases of a combination of varieties of tyranny. The problem of domestic violence is becoming more urgent every year. Therefore, it is worth knowing what punishment is imposed on the perpetrator, where to turn for help and how to recognize the threat in advance.


Immediately turn to the law. At the moment, domestic violence can be punished immediately under several articles of the Criminal Code. It all depends on the consequences. For example, an act can be interpreted as torture or beatings, and these are different “weight” categories. However, most often the degree of punishment remains the same. Which one?

Practice shows that now it is customary to put in jail for domestic violence in the family. How much? It all depends on the nature of the harm done to the victim. On average, the offender can be imprisoned for 3 years.

By the way, this is one of the reasons for silence about what is happening. Punishment may be more severe in the presence of aggravating circumstances. But domestic violence, which was punishable by imprisonment, could lead to enormous problems for the victim in the future. It's no secret that people do not change and are not re-educated. And the victims have no real security guarantees. In the family everyone knows each other. And subsequent revenge is not ruled out. Yes, the law protects citizens, but it does not give 100% security guarantees in the future. Thus, it is very difficult to eradicate domestic violence. And even for 3 years of rest from a tyrant, not everyone can count on it and not always.domestic violence against women

The fact is that sometimes everything works out, sorry for the pun, a little blood. The rowdy can be detained for a maximum of 15 days. And then in the case of the presence of minor injuries to the victim. It does not matter who the domestic violence was committed against - women or children. If it had a one-time character and was not accompanied by serious consequences, then the culprit faces a maximum of a short arrest.


It is only recently that they want to decriminalize violence in the house. Such proposals have been repeatedly voiced in the Russian government.This means that the criminal liability for domestic violence against children and women (and men too, if any) will be abolished.

What is proposed to replace the punishment? Administrative responsibility. Simply put, by paying a corresponding fine. It will have to be calculated based on the nature of the damage done to the victim.

However, society considers such a measure to be wrong. Even with criminal liability, people rarely complain of domestic violence in any form. And if you note the "criminality", then the problem will worsen. And violators or violent individuals will begin to feel their complete impunity. In any case, the final decision has not yet been made. And so far, for this kind of action, of course, if there is evidence, it is either imprisonment for up to 3 years or arrest for 15 days.

Not a crime

You might be surprised, but many believe that domestic violence is not a crime, but the most common everyday conflict. Or family. Perhaps this is why it is not the first time that decriminalization of this offense has been proposed.domestic abuse of children

In reality, this is not so. According to the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs, about 80-85% of beatings and other manifestations of violence happen in the family. That is, domestic violence is a common phenomenon, and even very dangerous. Especially when it is committed against children. By the way, in Russia and many other countries, this form of violence is not considered harmful. Rather - the methodology of education. But what if you or your children become victims? How to behave? Where to go?

Running to the police

So, you saw or felt domestic violence on yourself. Where to go? As soon as possible, you should contact the police and write a statement about what is happening. Describe the full picture of what is happening. After this, something else needs to be done - go to a medical institution and remove the beatings.

In general, if there is physical violence, and more than once, then the beatings must be removed every time. In litigation, such a reception will only confirm your case.

In practice, contacting the police is not very common. Especially when there is domestic psychological abuse. This form is perhaps the most dangerous. And the situations here require not a direct appeal to law enforcement agencies, but a clear algorithm of actions taken prior to writing the application. But more on that later. Has domestic violence been committed against you? Help can be expected not only from the police. And from whom else?


For example, from the court. Sometimes, with irrefutable evidence, a medical report, and the courage of a victim, they go directly to court. This is a completely adequate solution. It will speed up the process of punishing a tyrant rapist.domestic violence help

The only problem is that rarely does anyone take up the consideration of such statements. Most often, violence in the family circle is regarded as a domestic quarrel. And either it is not considered by the court at all, or the punishment is imposed that is not true.

The exception is the presence of serious consequences after the incident. Not psychological in nature, as a rule. If the victim suffered serious harm as a result of domestic violence, the court will certainly pay attention to your case. True, the trials also often do not reach.

Help centers

Victims of domestic violence very often endure and tacitly demolish everything that happens, because they do not know where to turn. Especially when it comes to children, as well as women. It is these two categories of the population that in most cases find themselves in a position dependent on the tyrant.

Where to go if you are a victim of domestic violence? Each city has special crisis centers and social support centers. This is where you can go in this situation. Here, women and children are offered shelter, as well as assistance in resolving the problem - usually in litigation.In some cases, they even look for work. For example, a nanny in the children's room. Do not be afraid. In such organizations, women and children will be fully protected. The main thing is to find out exactly where to contact, at what addresses appropriate assistance can be provided.

Not in the open

Most often, domestic psychological abuse occurs. Frankly, this form of recognition is extremely difficult. And to cope with it is very difficult. Despite all the current laws in Russia. Why? In court, as a rule, and in police too, they usually deal with physical violence. And the psychological is something that can be hidden, it is not visible. In addition, it is very difficult to prove this type of bullying.domestic violence where

What to do in this case? By the way, domestic violence against children is most often of a psychological nature, and all because of the high probability of remaining unpunished. Nevertheless, some algorithm of actions nevertheless takes place to be with such an appeal.

First, we need witnesses. They often do not exist. But this is not such a problem, after all, it is enough to notice some changes in the behavior of a person in order to guess about pressure and psychological violence. It is not necessary to be a direct witness to what is happening. You can do without support, but its presence will only accelerate the process of proceedings.

Secondly, you must prove the fact of psychological violence. How exactly? By any available means - provide video and audio recordings, for example. Or through a rehabilitation course with a psychologist. Health workers can write a health certificate. And in it indicate the fact of the presence of psychological violence in the family. This is the most important document without which in Russia it is unlikely that anyone will deal with domestic tyranny of this nature.

Third, be decisive and not be afraid. As soon as you have evidence of violence in your hands, you can contact the police or the court, as well as go to the centers of social support and protection. Fear is the main problem of modern society. Because of him, most of these crimes are ignored, and the perpetrators are without punishment.

The reasons

It is already clear how common domestic violence is. The reasons for its appearance are diverse. But in most cases, all this is due to "problems in the head." In other words, the causes of domestic violence lie in the psychological state of the tyrant.domestic violence where to go

What could be the source of such inclinations? A lot of things. The most common cause is the psychological problem of childhood. Namely, the use of violence against the current tyrant.

Secondly, people who are not self-confident, with low self-esteem, are prone to such acts. At the expense of others, they simply assert themselves. And they do this, as practice shows, precisely with the help of the family - an outsider is inclined to assert his rights. But a close relative, wife, husband or child, on the contrary, are silent about what is happening.

Thirdly, the thirst for power. Any type of domestic violence is a kind of demonstration of power, exaltation over other people. In principle, here too, everything can be attributed to low self-esteem. But sometimes even people without this problem, just loving power, practice domestic violence. It is a very relevant option in relations with children. Through home tyranny, parents show how powerful and powerful they are.

Fourth, the cause may be character. A tendency to aggression per se is a source of a tendency to violence. Predicting how a person behaves is very difficult. It may just scream, or it may dissolve your hands.

Social stress is also the cause of domestic tyranny. We are talking about intra-family conflicts. It can be anything - from disagreement on repair issues to views on lifestyle and parenting. Any disagreement can cause domestic violence.

As you can see, basically this behavior is purely psychological in nature.It’s almost impossible to say exactly why this happens. The list of reasons can be continued for a very long time: complexes, thirst for revenge, mental disorders and much more. But the fact remains - if domestic violence has begun, you need to fight it. By the way, in psychology and society there are several criteria that will help you recognize a home tyrant. Take a good look at people. Even with the appearance of the most adequate, kind and balanced person can be a kind of sadist.

How to recognize

Domestic domestic violence can be prevented. To do this, you need to recognize a potential tyrant in time. And either to help those who are in danger, or simply not to connect life with such a person. If we are talking about a close relative (for example, a parent), it is better to break off relations with him. And warn about the danger of the rest of the family.

Domestic tyrants are prone to aggression, and very often it is unreasonable. And the point here is not at all the nature of man. If someone from your environment has been showing excessive aggression lately - this is the first "bell".domestic violence in the family

In addition, pay attention to human behavior in general. Is he unhappy with something? He walks gloomy, criticizes everyone all the time and does not follow his tongue? Such an individual, most likely, practices “upbringing” by domestic tyranny in the house. And the main participant is he.

By the way, if you are somehow forced to break off relations with your friends or relatives - this is also another “bell”. For the corresponding gap, you will be encouraged to one degree or another. But all this is just preparing the ground for domestic violence. Please note: not all such cases are accompanied by the act under consideration - maybe a person is simply a pessimist in life. But in practice, this behavior should be suspicious.

Full control of the situation and excessive custody also indicate that a person is prone to domination and violence. Most likely, it is carried out (or will soon be realized) in his family. The situation is already self-explanatory: the thirst for power and complete control with infringement of rights is another item on the list of characteristics of a home tyrant.

Most often, it is very difficult to recognize such a person. Most often in public, in society they are respected people, quite adequate, with full, wealthy families. Or just exemplary parents. And this is another reason for the impunity of the lawbreaker. Yes, there is an opinion that most often domestic violence is observed in asocial families. This is not so, or rather, not quite so. Be that as it may, unfortunately, domestic violence against women and children is a fairly common occurrence. And you can and should fight it. As you already know.

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Reason for complaint
The article is simply slightly informative, nothing concrete and really, when it is simply necessary, is NOT in it. A lawless country gives rise to atrocities and licentiousness ... They can help, and even be questioned if there are serious enough beatings ?! And me, what to expect now, what would harm me? Do you know that constant domestic psychological violence leads to cancer in the victims? Oh, this doesn’t count, apparently, in our "glorious" state. And our notorious Russian government is also thinking of decriminalizing violence in the house ... We’ll go far, cultivating licentiousness !! No matter how stones fly into the return with such a legal system !!!


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