
Does the living space of the apartment include? The concept and features of the calculation

What does the living space of the apartment include? To be honest, this question is of interest to many. Indeed, depending on this indicator, the value of the property will change. The higher it is, the more the apartment is worth. Therefore, you have to thoroughly understand this topic. What you should pay attention to? How to calculate the area of ​​an apartment and its residential part? All this is not so difficult to understand. It is enough to know the current legislation.The living area of ​​the apartment includes

Three components

Before you find out what the living area of ​​an apartment includes, you need to understand what types of space are in the dwelling. After all, this is extremely important. Especially if you are a buyer of a particular apartment. At the moment, we can distinguish:

  • total area;
  • residential;
  • useful.

Remembering these items is not so difficult. According to modern law, specific premises are referred to this or that area. But which ones? And what does each item mean?


What does the living space of the apartment include? The law, or rather, the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, details the answer to this question. First you need to understand what each type of space in the home means.

There is such a thing as a total area. This is nothing but the sum of the space of all residential and non-residential premises. This does not include balconies and loggias. We can say that this is the whole apartment.Does the living area of ​​the apartment include a kitchen

Useful - an indicator reflecting the sum of the areas of residential and non-residential premises, but including utility rooms. This definition is valid in Russia. In other countries, only used space is called useful.

To understand what the living area of ​​an apartment includes, you need to understand the definition of this term. We can say that this is the sum of the space in the premises suitable for housing.

Living space

Many are interested in which particular components are included in the concept of living space in an apartment. A moot point. Especially if you consider not a studio apartment, but an ordinary home. It can be a huge number of different rooms.

For example, does the living space of an apartment include a kitchen? Not. Indeed, according to one definition of the term, it’s clear that a residential area is called an area suitable for living. And the kitchen is not included here. Even if it is completely refurbished so that you can sleep here.

Thus, living space is the total of all living rooms. These include: bedrooms, nurseries, living rooms, guest rooms and so on. But the bathroom hallway and kitchen cannot be attributed to the status of residential. The balcony also does not apply here. Calculating this component is easy and simple. First, calculate the space in each room, then add everything up. Easy and simple!living area of ​​the apartment includes a kitchen


Does the living area of ​​the apartment include a kitchen? No, we already found out. But then what can this premises be attributed to? It is worth remembering such a point as the total area of ​​the apartment. She also plays a role. The definition of this term has already been given. But what does this concept mean?

We found out that the total living area of ​​the apartment includes. SNIP (1-71 "Residential buildings" dated January 31, 2003) indicates that, as already mentioned, all residential and non-residential premises are referred to the common space (non-residential). There can be many points, it all depends on your apartment.

Based on this law, the following components of the common space can be distinguished:

  • bedrooms;
  • living rooms;
  • kitchens;
  • hallways;
  • bathroom;
  • toilet (with separate bathroom);
  • wardrobe.

In general, this includes all rooms, with the exception of balconies, loggias, terraces. These are the rules that apply in Russia.Usually the total area is the sum of all the rooms in the apartment. The calculation is simple - all the space in all the "rooms" is added up.living area of ​​the apartment includes snip


How to calculate the area of ​​an apartment? This is actually not so difficult. It is enough to know a few rules. They are registered in SNIPs. Which ones? Speaking about the calculations carried out in apartments, it is worth considering SNIP 2.08.02-89. He indicates that the living area will be calculated with some factors for certain rooms. Which ones?

For loggias, this indicator is set to 0.5, balconies and terraces - 0.3, and verandas and storage rooms are calculated with a coefficient of 1.

In general, it is not so difficult to calculate the area of ​​a particular housing. Remember all the areas of primitive geometric shapes. And they need to build on. For example, for a square room you have to use the formula for calculating the square area. Nothing difficult. Accordingly, rectangular rooms are calculated in a similar way. Simple mathematical knowledge is enough to understand the task at hand.

Some people think about how to properly measure the walls. This is the right question. After all, if it is wrong to measure the walls, you will get the wrong area. Usually it increases. In real estate transactions, such errors are beneficial to the seller. But to buyers - no.

Please note - all measurements for calculating the area of ​​the apartment should be made on the inside of the baseboard. It is this rule that will help prevent mistakes in the calculations. Nothing difficult or special!

Additional Inclusions

What else should you pay attention to? The fact that the living area of ​​the apartment includes! Joint ventures indicate that the total apartment space should include not only the "dimension" of the premises. Sometimes niches and partitions with walls are also included here. Under what conditions? If this:

  • niche above 2 meters;
  • arch more than 200 centimeters;
  • intra-apartment staircase (the space under it is taken into account);
  • heating stoves;
  • other protruding structures.

living area of ​​the apartment includes

In principle, that’s all. Now we understand the main points that are important for real estate buyers and sellers. In order not to suffer for a long time with calculating the area, you can call special gauges - they will quickly help you correctly calculate the total space in the housing and residential. Usually there are no difficulties with this.

Another option is to take a BTI statement for a particular apartment. It will contain a detailed plan with all areas and data regarding the "dimension" of real estate. Do not forget to request a similar document from the seller in transactions with housing.

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Reason for complaint
Living space is the sum of the area of ​​rooms in the apartment, the total area of ​​the apartment consists of living space and areas of the kitchen, toilet, bathroom and hallway. Why is the balcony not included in the total area of ​​the apartment? But because it is not heated and it is excluded from the payment for the "heating" service. No need to cast a shadow on the fence, in wise formulations. Everything is simple and all data in the so-called BeteI.
Alexander Alekseev
Great written, but not correct, not in accordance with current standards.


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