
What is included in the living space of the apartment? The concept of total and living space

Today we will try to understand what is included in the living area of ​​the apartment. This issue begins to interest citizens when they are going to carry out a real estate transaction. Namely, with an apartment. It is always important to know and understand how much space will be allocated "for living." As practice shows, the higher this figure, the higher the cost of housing. Quite a normal phenomenon, which should not be surprised. True, any apartment has not only residential, but also other types of space. They also play a role. All details regarding the size of housing must be understood. Only then will you be able to evaluate in essence how much the apartment suits your requirements.what is included in the living area of ​​the apartment

Three components

What is included in the living space of the apartment? Before you begin to understand this issue, you need to get acquainted with all the "dimensions" of the home. It has already been said that there are several. At the moment, 3 components of the apartment can be distinguished:

  • living space;
  • area of ​​the apartment;
  • total area.

Without this knowledge it is impossible to say exactly which apartment you are agreeing to. Therefore, real estate sellers are always asked for this information. If you know what is included in each type of housing area, you can not be afraid of fraud in real estate transactions.


So, first you need to get acquainted with such a concept as the total area of ​​housing. Usually it includes all residential and non-residential premises that are only relevant to the proposed housing.total area

Please note that balconies and balconies are not necessarily included here. In general, very often sellers try to deceive their customers by specifying these components as residential premises. It is not right. According to the Housing Code, balconies and loggias generally do not apply to the area of ​​the apartment. Therefore, they should “stand apart” and be indicated in the ads just for review.


What is included in the living space of the apartment? First you’ll have to find out what the term generally means. It is not difficult to guess that living space is the space in which people will live. In other words, premises suitable for housing.

It seems to be nothing difficult to understand. Only the population often cannot accurately say what is included in this area. Indeed, in apartments there are a different number of rooms, and utility rooms, and even a bathroom takes place. Is all this included in our current main component? Not at all. But in order to fully understand what is included in each of the three existing areas, it is necessary to consider another concept.

Everything and completely

Which one? There is such a term as "apartment area". Usually it means the whole apartment. All residential and non-residential premises, as well as other components.bathroom

It is in the area of ​​the apartment includes a balcony. And the loggia, too. Usually such a space is also called useful. A variety of mezzanines are also included in the concept of usable area. In Russia, such an interpretation is used. But in other countries, the usable area refers only to the operating premises in the housing. What a mess!

Specific components

What is included in the living space of the apartment? It has already been said that these are premises suitable for living. They are included here. In simple terms, this term refers to rooms.

It turns out that the more there are, the higher this indicator will be. Please note that the bathroom is not included in the living area. Why? It is not suitable for living. Therefore, it cannot be considered residential.This is a place that you can’t do without, but no one will live in it.

Does the kitchen enter the living area of ​​the apartment? Not. It is not right. And this feature will also have to be taken into account. After all, sellers can try to increase the indicator of living space at the expense of the kitchen, as well as balconies and a bathroom.according to living space

So what is included in the "residential part" of the apartment? The rooms. The most ordinary rooms in which you will live. The more of them, the higher this indicator. Nothing else applies here. Not a single component of the apartment is included in the living space.

Counting Rules

It’s good that they relate to our main indicator that affects the value of real estate. Now it would be nice to understand how the living space is considered. This moment is extremely important. After all, the cost of housing will directly depend on it.

Everything is easy and simple. We have already found out that the component of this space is the living room. Then everything is simple. To understand what area is allocated for living, you must first calculate the footage of each room, and then add the obtained values ​​together. And you will get the desired indicator. What is the area of ​​a room? Here, the most common mathematical formulas come to the rescue to calculate the area of ​​a square and a rectangle. All measurements must be carried out on the inside of the baseboard.

Total area components

What else is worth paying attention to? For example, that includes the total area of ​​the home. This important indicator also plays a role for many. From it you can determine what space is allocated as a whole for your needs, and not just for living. This includes:

  • bathroom;
  • toilet (with separate bathroom);
  • kitchen;
  • hallway;
  • wardrobe;
  • bedrooms;
  • living rooms;
  • other rooms and premises in the dwelling.

Pay attention to what has already been said - don’t assign balconies and loggias to the total area. The Housing Code of the Russian Federation indicates that these premises do not apply to the apartment at all. Keep this in mind. Often, buyers generally do not know about this rule, which entails negative consequences.Does the kitchen enter the living area of ​​the apartment

Another point - a variety of niches and stairs are included in the "common space" of the apartment, but with certain conditions. Which ones? In addition to the premises, it is also worth attributing to this indicator:

  • niches from 2 meters in height;
  • intra-apartment stairs (the space below them);
  • arches over 200 centimeters in height;
  • heating stoves;
  • protruding elements.

Instead of a conclusion

That's how easy it is, if you look. Now it’s clear what is included in the living area of ​​the apartment and not only. From now on, fooling you will be very problematic.

To find out the above indicators in specific measurements for a particular apartment, you need to take an extract from the BTI. An apartment plan with a detailed footage will be drawn there. Accordingly, the total area, both residential and non-residential, is indicated here. This document affects the cost of housing.living room

In general, there are a lot of controversial issues in our question today. And, as a rule, it is an extract from BTI that can solve all the problems. This document serves as the basis for calculating the cost of the apartment. If you are planning a real estate transaction, always ask for a statement from the seller. Only in this way you can protect yourself from unnecessary mistakes.

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