
How many people can be prescribed in an apartment by law?

How many people can be registered in the apartment? This topic is of interest to many citizens of the Russian Federation. After all, the law "On Rubber Apartments" was recently adopted. It provides for certain penalties for violation of registration standards. But what is this all about? What is meant by this very norm? Are there really any restrictions in this area? Or is this another invention? What registration rules exist in the country?how many people can be registered in an apartment

Registration Forms

The first thing you need to understand for yourself - a residence permit has several forms. Some believe that depending on them, the number of eligible persons for registration on a particular housing area changes.

There is a temporary registration. She usually does not confer any special rights on a citizen. Only gives the right to use housing for its intended purpose. It is issued only for a certain period of time. And there is a permanent registration. It is also called "at the place of residence" (the first - at the place of stay). It has no time limits, it is recorded in the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, gives residents some special rights (for example, the opportunity to participate in privatization).

Does it depend how much people can be registered in the apartment? Frankly, no. Therefore, all established rules will apply to any form of registration of citizens.

From the footage

Nevertheless, some housing indicators play a huge role for the immediate limitations in our current issue. What factors can be considered?

Of course, the first thing you’ll take into account is the footage of your apartment. It is he who plays the main role in determining the "limits". But the restriction applies only in specific circumstances. About them a little later. How many people can be registered in the apartment (temporarily or permanently)? The footage of the room will indicate this. It takes into account its total area.

According to the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, there is a certain norm for the meter per person. Therefore, it plays a huge role directly and the size of your living space. The number of rooms does not matter. Please note: the average rate per person in Russia is 10 square meters. Based on this indicator, the maximum allowable rate of registered citizens is calculated.how many people can be registered in a one-room apartment


No matter how strange it may sound, but for an exact answer to our today's question, you will have to take into account your place of residence. Or rather, the region. He, too, under certain circumstances will play a huge role. How many people can be registered in the apartment? This will be indicated by the norm of footage per person in a particular region. And do not confuse it with the previous option. After all, it reflects the average number of persons allowed to register in the room.

Regional indicators in each subject of the Russian Federation differ from each other. They will help calculate the exact number of people that can be registered in the apartment. For example, at the moment in St. Petersburg 9 square meters are laid per 1 person. For the correct answer to our today's question, it is necessary to divide the total area of ​​the room by this value. And you get a figure that gives an exact answer to the question. Remember: the registration form does not play a role in this.


Ownership is an extremely important indicator in our business today. If you are thinking about how many people can be registered in a one-room apartment (and not only), think carefully about who owns the home. And the number of these is also worth considering.how many people can be registered in the apartment temporarily

The thing is that if you have municipal housing, then the restrictions will be enormous.The limit on the number of citizens available for registration will be relatively small. Especially if the footage of the room is small. But in the case when you yourself are the owner (the only one or not - this is not so important), all restrictions will be reduced. There is actually a lack of these.

I own one

How many people can be registered in 1 apartment? It should be noted from the foregoing that a huge number of factors affect the answer. Of course, every point is important. But type of ownership here is taken into account first.

If the room has only one owner, then it is he who determines how many people should be registered on the living space. So far, no laws have been envisaged in Russia that would precisely establish limits in this regard.

A huge advantage of this scenario is that the other indicators indicated earlier are not taken into account during registration. This means that the owner of the apartment independently, without limits, decides what answer to give to our today's question. Neither the footage of the housing, nor the norm per person, nor the region of residence act as limiting factors. Although even if the apartment is privatized, you can stumble on some pitfalls.how many people can be registered in a two-room apartment

Several owners

For example, if you have an apartment in shared ownership. Then the decision on how many people can be registered in a privatized apartment is made jointly. Namely, in agreement with the other owners of the premises. Except for the registration of a minor child. No approval from the rest of the owners is needed for this.

That is, virtually all restrictions will be imposed directly by the owners of the premises. You have the right to register as many people as you decide on a general council. As soon as you get a refusal from the rest of the owners (even one person is enough), your apartment ceases to be "rubber". And no one else can even temporarily register in it.


What if housing is not privatized? That is, you are not the owner. Here the situation is somewhat ambiguous. After all, there are several options for the development of events.

The first is a restriction taking into account your region and housing dimensions. How many people can be registered in a two-room apartment? This will directly depend on the specified parameters. On the example of St. Petersburg, you can accurately see the calculation scheme.how many people can be registered in a privatized apartment

Suppose that our housing has a total area of ​​63 square meters, the norm per person in St. Petersburg is 9. Then we get: 63/9 = 7. This means that you are allowed to register a total of 7 citizens. It doesn’t matter if they are temporarily registered or not.

The second option is implemented with the existence of a contract of employment. In this case, citizens must first obtain permission from the municipality. Usually, the state relies on the above example. But not always. There are also cases in which only the permission of the “municipalities” is taken into account, as well as the total area of ​​the premises. How many people can be registered in a communal apartment or just non-privatized? If you are guided by the second scheme, without problems it is possible to consider the issue in a visual form.

Suppose we have an apartment that belongs to the state. Its area is 60 square meters. In order to calculate the number of citizens allowed for registration in it, one will have to take into account the average rate of the norm of footage per person in Russia. At the moment it is 10. We get: 60/10 = 6. It turns out that exactly 6 citizens can be registered as much as possible on the territory of the home. Again, the registration form, temporary or permanent, does not play any role. It’s not so difficult to understand all this if you think carefully.

how many people can be prescribed in the apartment law

And as the law

How many people can be registered in the apartment? The law "On rubber apartments" seems to many to be a limiter in this matter.To some extent this is so. Now responsibility is provided for the registration of citizens in the territory, if they do not actually live there. As practice shows, if the footage of the room is large, and there are not many people registered, no one will pay attention to it. Especially when the registration took place a very long time.

Thus, the law indicates that it is possible to register as many citizens as will live on the territory. But at the same time, all the above restrictions are taken into account. In particular, when it comes to a municipal apartment.


How many people can be prescribed in an apartment in practice? It all depends on who owns the premises. In the case when the housing is not privatized, the law "On rubber apartments" plays a huge role. So, taking into account the norms of meter per person, you have the right to register (with the permission of the municipality, of course) as many people as will live on the territory.how many people can be registered in a communal apartment

But when you are the owner, you can register as many people as you wish. Just know the measure. If too many people "live" on registration, especially temporary, they have the right to visit you with a check. If violations are detected (people are registered in the apartment, but actually do not live there), a fine is imposed. Keep this in mind!

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