
The girl came up with a mini-refrigerator for cosmetics and became a millionaire

They say that everything ingenious is simple. Actually, the heroine of our today's history was guided by this statement when she was looking for an idea for her startup. Having invested 600 thousand rubles, in just a year she managed to earn 635 million rubles. How she succeeded, you will learn from the article.

Genious idea

So get acquainted. The heroine of our story today is Iris Smith, she is twenty-four years old, and she lives in Australia. The girl is very concerned about herself and her appearance. She does not spare money for expensive cosmetics, she makes some masks and creams herself.

And then Iris once faced such a problem: all skin care products quickly deteriorate in the refrigerator. The fact is that very often cosmetics are stored on the inside of the door, and the temperature there is higher than it should be. Sometimes it happens the other way around: a person manually sets such a low mark that cosmetics freezes and loses its properties due to the fact that some useful components are simply destroyed under the influence of low temperature.

Iris saw that almost all of her friends had the refrigerator door turned into a real cosmetics warehouse. Such placement along with products, odors negatively affects the quality of skin care products. Then the girl decided to create a special mini-refrigerator for storing cosmetics.

Unique item

The uniqueness of the product lies in the fact that it can be cooled to four degrees of heat and heated up to sixty degrees (for example, when you need to heat a napkin with a face mask). Thanks to this temperature regime, cosmetics do not oxidize or deteriorate. An increase in shelf life has a positive effect on the family budget. Now a person does not need to spend a lot of money to regularly buy new funds.

By the way, now it has become fashionable to independently create creams and masks without unnecessary chemistry. Keeping them in an ordinary refrigerator is rather problematic: they quickly deteriorate due to natural ingredients. But the mini-refrigerator from Iris does an excellent job of this task. Now a person can make preparations in advance in the required quantities and not be afraid that the cosmetic product will lose its properties.

Another significant plus of the Iris mini fridge is its stylish design. Such an item will decorate any interior. The refrigerator can be placed in the bedroom, in the bathroom, in the kitchen or on the balcony. Its small dimensions allow you to choose any convenient place without fear that the device will take up a lot of space.

Participation in a reality show

The cost of one refrigerator was a little more than two thousand rubles. The girl decided that she would sell the goods for eight thousand rubles - this is the best price to recapture the invested six hundred thousand rubles and make good money. However, she needed advertising and even more money to promote.

Then Iris decided to participate in a reality show for entrepreneurs Shark Tank. While shooting, the girl saw that ordinary people really became interested in her products. The monthly income amounted to over 6 million rubles. At the same time, investor Andrew Banks, who took part in a reality show, offered the girl financing in the amount of 18 million rubles, but on the condition that Iris receive only twenty-five percent of the profit.

The numbers don't lie

The girl recalls that all relatives and friends urged her to accept the offer from authoritative people. They said that such a chance may no longer be presented. However, Iris felt that she should not sign the contract and agree to these investments.Alone, she can spin up pretty well.

In June, the girl released mini-refrigerators for retail sale and in just a month sold 25 thousand copies. She became richer by 203 million rubles - this is in such a short time.

Iris is not going to stop there. The girl plans to release her own line of cosmetics without harmful components. Her skin care products will be exclusively from natural products.

Tips for Entrepreneurs by Iris

Since Iris achieved everything alone, she can now give advice to start-up entrepreneurs on doing business. Here are some important lessons the girl learned for herself and recommend that others listen to them:

  • Do not hire any member of the family. When promoting a business, hire professionals.
  • Do not try to do all the work yourself, otherwise you will quickly lose your strength. It is foolish to pretend to be "jack of all trades". Learn to delegate your authority and responsibilities.
  • Do not flirt in the "boss" and do not revel in their power. For subordinates, you should become a role model, not a tyrant.
  • Do not think that young age can be an obstacle to success. People around you perceive you as you position yourself.
  • Before signing any contract, carefully read each item.

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